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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Just a heads up, I'm staying in a cabin in the woods until wednesday. I'm pretty sure dial up internet is better than what I have to work with here. If the plot moves forward I'll once again have to play catch up it seems.
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk

Post is up guys, and the status report is updated as well. Thanks for the link to that article; I didn't know it existed either! I'll look at it more closely to see if it's got everything we'll need, or if there's some things it could use. Also, don't worry about it too much Compouds; just post when you get back!

Moving on though, I gotta ask you guys; what do each of you expect out of this plot? That is, what kind of plot were you expecting or wanting when you joined?
Are we still discussing the whole role thing or did I miss that bus? If not Tatianna is definitely a sniper. Also are we still doing the load out conversation I don't even know where to start with that.
Well, not everyone answered, but I don't think you missed that bus since I'm still listening.

Instead, I'm also asking something else now too.
Well, I was looking for a place to slide a Marine in, and the NSS Sledge Mama plot definitely has plenty of those. :P Don't you worry, I got what I was looking for.
I believe I was offered a medal, a body bag, or both. Seriously though I was looking for a plot that involved a lot of shooting things to get a marine into after the 4th fleet went away. I feel like I got that and a bit more so I'm satisfied.
I came here looking for a plot that felt more gritty and serious with a fun cast. And I feel like I got that too.
I was here to explore SARP mostly, I want to go around and take part in a couple of the major factions and get a feel for how the whole thing goes all together.

I love this plot's group of suicidal gun-ho badasses in power armor as well :)
I wanted a place to continue my marine character when the 4th went away and I found it. I am having more fun playing as a NEP then I did as a neko which is why I didn't go back to the 5th fleet.
Honestly I was out voted by 1punchman and Stenos when we were deciding on what game to join. But once I hit my stride with this plot I found it absolutely awesome, it totally changed my perception of Neplesia. Now I'm glad to be playing a character so out of my comfort zone in a faction that also sits well out of my original comfort zone. So thanks to everyone for making me eat my words.
Sometimes, I really hate the notification system.

Anyways, I gotta say that though I'm always caught off guard when you guys say these things, I'm glad you're all having fun.

To be fair and answer my own question though, is a little complicated. When I first started this, I was aiming to have the plot have an ebb and flow between social and combat. With the social, I wanted to show to you guys first hand all the various aspects of the setting and let you interact with it all. Sort of like Luke Skywalker walking into the Mos Eisley Catina, I wanted you guys to take a step in, see all that stuff in front of you doing its own thing with its own life, and then chose how you're going to handle it. As we go along, we're going to see a lot more of the setting and some of the people that live in it; Emi and Mayumi are the first two I really fleshed out for an example, and I hope you guys enjoyed seeing and dealing with that side of the Neko.

Meanwhile, with the combat, I wanted something that looked gritty and over the top, yet felt reasonable. Basically, a more tactical shooter over a twitch shooter I suppose? My goal was to allow our characters to either shoot their way through like Delta Force or do some crazy-awesome things like a CoG soldier with a revving Lancer, but only if they thought things through enough to get it to work. Unfortunately, I'm worried that this duality might have been confusing; it looked like some people expected a straightforward beat-em-up, while others saw a by-the-books operation. because of that, some...odd things have happened that I worry had people leave or lose interest. Like when you get a plasma sword in Halo or a cleaver in Gears of War, it's gotta be used in a certain way. Which then gives really awesome results.

Or, you can just shoot them.

I was worried that this vision clashed too much with what you guys saw or were expecting, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Though, correct me if I'm wrong!


Please post!
I think that duality is just fine the way it is. There have been a few moments when not everything lined up but that's only natural, no one is perfect as a GM or a player. I had the privilege of being on the first mission so I kind of sensed the duality from the start, and I'd honestly rather keep it than trying to appeal to people that just want pure action, because it's part of what makes this plot special. Every plot isn't for every person, just do it the way you want to and the people interested will show up and stick around.
I was actually hopig for that dual combat/social thing myself as well(which is pretty much what i was looking for), and as for the 'be smart' thing with the combat, I totally agree with that. if you act stupid, you die stupid! But that doesn't stop yo from being awesome :P.

Speaking of people that got scared away, the plasma sword user (stenos was his layer right?) what are we going to do about him? Kill him off? I'm not sure how GM's handle AFK players.
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I didn't want to point fingers, but yes, he's been on my mind.

My guess is that the initial sword use and the result that came out of it was what caused him to stop posting. What happened afterwards didn't help either. As I pointed out, I view weapons like that as something very powerful, but come with a very large skill requirement to use right. Each different type of melee weapon has its own properties, and to be honest, if it were a plasma blade instead of a power blade or maybe even made out of Nerimium instead, it wouldn't have gotten stuck. As it was, the weapon was hollow, and made out of Durandium (Super Aluminum) rather than Yama-Dura as the Daisy was; the weapon just had too little mass behind it even though it was powered.

Meanwhile, I didn't want the horde to catch up - I was counting how many turns you guys were taking to run - and had Kelly move. In hindsight, I should have just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best, because that character is not friendly. That brings up another point though; I won't pull punches with the characters you run across either. If something is in-character for them to do it, they'll do it. That is, you're all safer to think of them as their own people, rather than a proxy through which your GM is using to play with you. Later on, you guys Will run into some very dangerous characters, and some of them are honestly best simply hidden from, like the SA-X from Metroid Fusion.
You should see his (newb's) joint post yammy plot i found while lurking about. Their antagonist is a badass fighter, brilliant tactician(or at least, pays attention to small details that most would not notice), and completey insane NMX neko. You honestly, really, have to read it to understand how hugely creepily insane some of his characters can get, while still being realyl dangerous.

Yes Compouds. It's a whole new world out there. Also, what Wyld said would explain why the view counts keep going up every time I just stop by to update some more. Still, since it's been brought up, you guys can take a look at Mall Mayhem if you're curious. If anything, it would be just a sign of things to come.

Moving on though, I would really like to post tomorrow on Monday and try to get back to our old pace. I'm considering just going ahead and doing so and autoing anyone that didn't reply. It's never been to my taste, but it's looking more and more tempting to me the longer we draw this out. I'd like to start implementing and showing you all first hand the things I've come up with for the plot to be honest. This is, after all, just the beginning.
Oh man Mall Mayhem was -great-. That was my first real taste of desperate combat in SARP and I loved it. Tulip was great too.