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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Ok, just a heads up guys; I walked home from work and got baked by the sun, so I'm going to hold off on posting tonight while I try and rehydrate.
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk @Captain Vaikon

Post is up guys.

We're currently at Point 1, and Point 17 is our objective. Point 15 is what we're worried about and want to stay away from, and Triangles A and B are the Upgraded Militants. Diamond C is the Heavy Militant variant with the cannons. Remember guys, Ylfa wants to kill them as quickly as possible before that Thing comes back.

Time is a concern and the clock is ticking!
Sorry about the delay on my post. I've just got a quick question then my post will be ready. The seating areas are 'carved from marble'. Does that mean marble furniture, or is it like a recessed area in the ground made of marble, or something else?
They're like a raised dais meant to hold the fountain and plants/flowers, but with the edge also made so that people can sit on them, facing outwards from the center. It's basically a really nice place that's been wrecked.
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk @Captain Vaikon

Just as a heads up everyone, there's a few things going on that you should all be aware of. Right now, our current Faction Manager - Kampfer - is trying to determine who will be his successor should he need to step down. This is a pretty important matter, as the next in line will more or less dictate the general direction of the faction as a whole should they have to step up to FMship. Some of you are new, so I'll say this; you can't choose wrong.

Have at it guys.
Well Archander is super new, I don't know Lamb that much, and I can't think of anyone else so that only leaves one option. ABSTAIN! Or Cadet, y'know, whichever one I'm feelin' when I decide to choose.
I got a small post up. My plan wasn't the best but hopefully with some of the others shooting at that upgraded militant it will be too busy to flank Mark.
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk @Captain Vaikon

Post is up guys! I'll be updating the status report tomorrow instead since our characters haven't gotten hit yet due to having the jump on them. Right now, I'm assuming Terrance and Richard are taking cover at point 8 on the map, while most of the other marines are spread out behind cover of cars 2-8. Max in specific is behind car 2, but as far left as possible so he has a similar firing angle to Terrance and Richard. If someone didn't post this round though, go ahead and place your character where you see fit, and we'll continue from there.
That heavy militant sounds like its the size of an aggressor... Anyway everyone lets concentrate fire on it and take it down first, the smaller ones should be easier once that one is dealt with. Don't hold back, Mini-missiles and guass cannons all the way.
You know, i get the feeling that that thing is the 'tank' of their little squad and those two little guys are the damage dealers. Despite thinking this, i shall engage the giant in vigious combat anyways!
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Sorry that you had to do it, but thanks for not leaving Terrance to the wolves. I had issues that needed my extended attention. I'll post ASAP.
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