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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Well, that got out of hand fast. Let me try to address everything.

@Warriorx1 - he's in a lot of pain, but the suit soothingly going "Morphine Administered" like a certain Engineer's would, would pretty much keep in fighting shape. The suit itself is holding the limb together like a splint, and even if he is unable to move, the fact that he wants to will have the suit itself pick up the slack. It's just going to be very, very painful.

@ShotJon - Buck bare, it would likely be 10 tons, but since it's also got a lot of alloy plate (most likely Yamataium or Yamadura), I'm guessing 15 tons at least. A Hostile stopping that charge is out of the question. This enemy is meant to be outright stronger than any individual. It did take an Aggressor, a 13 foot tall behemoth, to go toe to to with it in a melee. And even that didn't end well.

@Rizzo , @ShotJon

C'mon guys - it's rather pointless to fight here. No name calling or finger pointing from either of you, please. As for the crab, isn't it believable that it used its own brute strength, and the anti-grav organ together to do this? It would, more or less, explain exactly why this giant monstrosity is so fast and nimble, despite being weighed down by armor, reactor, shield generator and weapons you'd find on an AFV. Like a Space-Bradly. Because that's exactly what everyone's been fighting at this point.

We've covered this before, but in SARP, we generally detail what we want our characters to do, not say that they succeeded. That way, players are waiting on edge to see what happens next as the GM posts, keeping that sense of surprise and suspense intact. Seeing that the move on the crab was decided as successful, and so perfectly, I had to think as the Crab itself and how it would counter. And, most importantly, without outright killing the character - at this point, I also felt that I had it kick people enough times without effectively killing someone. So that was out the window. Same with the tentacles. So?

I told it, "Do a barrel roll!"

And that's how it learned how to barrel roll.
isn't it believable that it used its own brute strength, and the anti-grav organ together to do this?
No, because:
@ShotJon - Buck bare, it would likely be 10 tons, but since it's also got a lot of alloy plate (most likely Yamataium or Yamadura), I'm guessing 15 tons at least.

@Rizzo , @ShotJon
It would, more or less, explain exactly why this giant monstrosity is so fast and nimble, despite being weighed down by armor, reactor, shield generator and weapons you'd find on an AFV.
I was never disputing this:
We've covered this before, but in SARP, we generally detail what we want our characters to do, not say that they succeeded. That way, players are waiting on edge to see what happens next as the GM posts, keeping that sense of surprise and suspense intact.

I have no problems with defying physics in a story but before they're defied I'd like it to be in the write up before something like that happens. The crab could have just jumped and shunted Delmar and done the same thing but it didn't. There's no information on the creature confirming or denying flight capabilities. In the past when faced with this type of conflict we would just fall back to the write up or predetermined abilities of the NPC and if it didn't say it, it didn't have it. But that was on a different site.

I've moved on and really don't care at this point. When I feel that an issue must be addressed I stop my IC posting and focus on OOC, so the fact that I even made a post says it all. I've got nothing against anyone, no fingers pointed, and no more desire to mess with this issue.
The GM spoke and the decision was made, afterward I didn't think it was necessary to have to say this but in the interest of peace I'm throwing up my truce.

Edit: I wanted to add that I mean this with no disrespect.
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@ShotJon , @Syaoran , @Centurion0507 , @Warriorx1 , @Compouds117 , @Rizzo

Well, yeah. I could have just had it jump and shunt the guy, but I didn't because I wanted to have it do something entertaining. My hope was that it would be interesting, fun, and all that stuff. Since we got that over with though, let's move on.

I will post today, but what would you guys like to do? Explore the ship and see how much an old enemy has changed, or move on to the next big thing?
I am okay with either. But i could do with some more actions, I have downtime in couple more plots I ma in right now, so I would say let's go with a bit longer with this mission before moving on.
Personally I say explore, gives everyone some time to regroup, and maybe coordinate the two teams together and figure out what 'roles' everyone should be playing. Plus learning more about what we might see in the future.
Exploring would be a good option. It gives us an opportunity to reorganize and come together while at the same time learn what made the mishu behave how they are. Although any option in which that crab dies a painful death is okay with me.
Well I guess Delmar's psych section will have to be edited to include his new found fear of crabs. Thats gonna be one hell of a PTSD induced nightmare.
Lisa has a fear of Mishu which emanates into her goin into rage, and aggressivity. Aka she kills what she fears with extreme prejudice and brutality. And lot of swearing.
It's as he said @Morbius - the link's over here; https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?threads/nss-sledge-mama-forged.15204/
The plot's focused on a rapid reaction force of power armored marines going around the sector and fighting off/dealing with one threat or another. Thanks to that, we pretty much get to see anything and everything, rather than just fighting the same old enemy. The setting is a lot to take in, so don't be afraid to ask around either.
Oh, @Morbius - you may want to hop onto the IRC. You can find us in the chat room, and though it's generally quiet, many of us are usually just lazing about in it and doing something else. At the upper left hand corner, there's a Chat option for you to use if you don't feel like installing anything.