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RP: 188604 Observation with concern

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"I only now about as much as a medic in the medical field, but my physical features are part of a mutation I got as a reminder that my parents are dead Vier, and to be honest they unsettle others at times except those from Yamatai space. That and I'm trying to change myself as well. Everybody tries to hide from a part of themselves, and I came here because of that part of myself." Jack said unphased by her clearly snarky attempt.

"Well you got me kid, and at least I talk back. Besides I want to make sure her Uso habits don't rub off on you as well." Neera said her ears up and her tail wagging slightly as she enjoyed the scratching.
Amit found himself chuckling at the image of Jack being a blonde or a brown head, it was funny. Neither one really felt like it would suit the odd man.

"Black wouldn't do either, you'll look like a creeper staring at others form a dark hole." Amit said with a chuckle.

If Neera was trying to save the child form become a smart ass, she was too late. Amit had his smart ass moments, sometimes few and far between. Others not so much. Yet he would stop petting her when the other Vier yelled out, saying how much she was like the other versions of her. The yelling was what spooked him, he cringed and held onto Companion. Not answering the question that had been directed at him.
"Then we may want to seek out a specialist. I work mostly with machines, and less with humanoid health." Vier responded, assessing the results of her previous attempts. The snark seemed to work... the yelling not so much. Nearly immediately the ambient noise in the area would drop down as she considered how to reconfigure the factory to make everything more quiet, a side effect of the rest of her nodes taking the 'don't yell' lesson to heart.

Making light of Jack's hair certainly seemed a success. Perhaps the secret here was to point out people's problems in a comical way. Uso seemed to do that. It also seemed like it was impolite...

More testing would be required.

"I promise we will find a way to fix your face."

Snark number two deployed.

Vier would then start assessing the results.
Jack said nothing to this, as he only raised an eyebrow, an awkward silence between the two of them for for a few moments.

"I fail how to see how that was relevant. I'm starting to think you hang out with Uso too much." Jack said eyebrow still raised. Jeezus Vier trying to be snarky was weird.

"Though if you want a tip, snarky is best done spontaneously, or at the right moment. It's all about timing for effect. Same goes with humor like puns, or situational oriented jokes." Jack said as he began to rub the back of his head feeling awkward having to explain these kind of things.

Neera began to pant slightly, as her ears remained up, and her tail still wagging.
Amit burst out laughing, fix his face? How could you fix that?! He had a scar and some weird scribbling on his face as well; it was a tattoo and the lad knew it but...it looked like scribbles to the child.

"You can't fix that face, too many scribbles on his face." Amit pointed out, a smile on his face.

His smart ass traits were showing now. Though the child was decent at multitasking, still scratching Neera's ears as he stood there. A big grin on his face.
Vier consider the results, snark seemed to have diminishing returns, much like biological weapons. Though perhaps she should be taking the upset Jack as encouragement? It never seemed to stop Uso.

Perhaps it was time to return to offering more physical services. Assessment of snark deployment would continue later.

"... Despite the scribbles, I am certain I can fix whatever he wants to fix. Here, with this technology, you can look like whatever you want." Vier offered, "Though, his face is fully functional. It is not really broken."

The results were encouraging. The correct responses were being brought out of Amit. This was the first time Vier had seen him laugh. "Maybe it would be better if we kept Amit closer to your home? I could keep a node there as well." Vier offered.
This surprised Jack a little, "what, you mean like one of you comes and stays at the house? I don't have a problem with it, and neither would Isabelle, as she likes the company and we have extra rooms. If that is what your talking about. I know I would feel better that way, but it would take getting used to. And be forewarned, Sarah is living with us now as well"

"And Amit, that "scribble" is a double helix, which is what your DNA is shaped as. Come to think of it, I don't remember when I got that particular tattoo. My other I got in memory of my old squad from the military." Jack said as he began to look thoughtful about the subject.

Neera stopped what she was doing, "Wait, what? Not saying I'm against it, but don't drop a bomb on a woman like that. A little advanced notification would be nice. Can we setup a bed in the garage with that motorcycle you built."

Jack gave her a pointed stare, "No no, I understand, play nice. Though I doubt she'll let me sleep at the foot of the bed." Neera said responding to the stare.
A small bushy brow was raised at Jack, a unimpressed expression on his face as he stared up at the tattoo around the man's eye. Helix...double Helix, he knew the term from his time in school previously but...eh.

"Did you have a butcher do it or something? It looks really scribbly." Amit retorted.

Eh didn't really matter to him, he still didn't think it looked all that great. Why would you get something like that on your face? Wouldn't you rather have something much more interesting or cool looking there? Mr. Pine was a really weird guy to what he could just see it seems like. Course, a uneasy look came to Amit's face as he gave a slightly wary look to Vier.

"Anything?" Amit asked, his tone getting a bit nervous. "Why? Why would anyone want to change anything to a big degree? The scribbles are fine an hair is fine in different ways but...not everything else..."

This was a odd subject for Amit, small alterations to one's body was fine with the kid. But changing the whole body in anyway, wasn't a thing he liked the though of. His parents wanted to get those android bodies or whatever they were, he didn't want it. He didn't like it. What was wrong with staying with the body you were given? Sure when you died or where extremely ill then it was fine to the boy, but when you were healthy an had many years left...it wasn't fine to him.

"WHy does everyone want to toss away what their body originally is just to get some....some...Some fancy looking SHIT?!!" Amit questioned in a angry confused burst, the collar around his neck making a slight beeping sound. "IF you're sick, that's fine BUT YOU AIN'T SICK!!!"

The child pointed a finger at Jack, glaring at em.

"YOU CAN OUTRUN, A TANK!!!" He added, yelling even louder as his little face started to turn red. "Nothing's wrong save for a scribble and some hair color, big deal. Easy fixes I guess. But NOTHING else needs fixing!!! Pine asshole is fine that way, face isn't broken SO LEAVE IT THE HELL ALONE!!!"

The child shuddered as he stood there, face red and tears leaving his eyes as the collar gave a few painful jolts to him. His poor heart was racing and tears were just rolling down his face as he whimpered. The flashing light on the collar was much brighter.
A disappointing turn. Two steps forward, two steps back.

The connection between Amit and feeling uncomfortable about bodies was simple enough to put together with what information Vier already had available.

However, Jack was the expert here.

"Should we remove the collar?" Vier asked him, her attention focused on Amit, "Perhaps you should reassure Amit that you are not leaving."
"I think the collar actually acts as an inhibitor, and that's a guess. Collars with red lights tend to not be good things, so I think I'll let you handle the inspection of it." Jack said as he knealed next to Amit.

"Amit, calm down buddy, I'm not going anywhere. Here take this, as long as you wear this, I'll always be around. Nobody is changing my face, I just want look like I should, and not be reminded of things that I couldn't do anything about. I lost my parents a long time ago, and how I lost them made my hair and eyes as they are. I never actually got to meet my parents. I know I may not be your real dad, but you are my son Amit, and I love you. We are always here for you, me and your mother." Jack said in a soothing voice placing his dog tags around Amits neck, before hugging him.

Neera moved back slightly when Amit became aggravated, "Woah, hey now, it's ok buddy. Calm down, and let's relax. Most of us like our bodies."
"NO!" Amit snapped, sniveling now as he just held onto Companion now. "I hate it!! Everyone wants to throw away what they have at the beginning, my...pa...pare....assholes! Wanted to switch out for something more modern, like being human was...b...bad..."

The boy was shaking now, trembling as he stood there and trying not to cry; though he had already failed greatly at that. His hair looked a bit more soft and fur like now as he stood there. More jolts went through him from the collar and the boy's body spasmed slightly in the embrace of Jack as he continued bailing though he didn't try to pull away or anything like that. He just stood there, crying into Jack's chest and shaking rather hard whenever a shock went through him.
Vier would move a few steps closer, observing but not touching.

"No one will be required to switch bodies," Vier offered up, trying to be helpful but ultimately unsure as to the source of Amit's discomfort.
"It's ok, everything will be ok my son............what did they do to him?" Jack said holding Amit tighter, and saying the last part as his hand brushed the collar and was shocked.

Jack had pulled that hand away as it twitched slightly from the voltage, "Vier." he whispered as he gestured to the collar.
Amit just stood there, crying and allowing his tears to fall. His grip on Companion went away and he dropped the plushie. Causing him to reach and grab Jack's shirt. He didn't do anything else, just kept crying as he shook form the painful jolts of electricity.

If the collar was removed, Amit's body would change. A pair of canine ears would stick out of his hair that already had the fur like texture, turning it the rest of the way into fur. His ability to hold onto Jack's shirt went away as he dropped to his paws. A bushy tail slipped under his legs as his ears lowered and he just went flop onto the floor. Whimpering and whining.
Vier would walk over to the pair, picking up Companion as one of the drones floated up from the areas below, the slight glow of its anti-gravity engines along the underside being the only thing to really indicate it was there until it came to a stop nearby, its four legs extending towards the ground so it could scoot over to where Amit and Jack were.

The mechanical arm ontop of the drone would reach forward and attach to the collar, inspecting it for a moment before deciding to cut through it, clearly separating the collar in two place so that it could fall off of Amit's neck.

"You dropped companion..." Vier offered hopefully, holding the stuffed animal out for Amit.
Jack picked up the now canine Amit, bringing him close again, "Amit my poor boy, what have they done to you? Who would be cruel and sick enough to do this to a child."

Jack began to cry as well, his tears running down his face to fall upon canine Amit's head as Jack held him.

"We'll fix this Amit, even if we have to find outside help. I swear it!" Jack continued as he put his head atop Amit's, whose was against Jack's chest as he was being held.
The child had no hands snow, no means to really hold onto Companion. Ears perked slightly as the same green eyes that the child held glanced to her. He reached out with his muzzle to take the stuffed plushie back. course he was soon back to being in the embrace of Jack and all he could do was hold onto the plushie in his maw. Unable to respond, his ears just lowered as he sat there. His head laying against Jack's.
Vier had to consider her actions carefully. Offering Amit a new body may not be the best of ideas at this point and Amit also had some dislike of modifications. For the time being, Vier would remain quiet and observe how this played out.

She'd also need to get in touch with that doctor from before, analyzing the data they had available.

Outside help would certainly be needed.
Jack sat there and continued to hold Amit, as the two continued to cry.
The former child would stop whimpering eventually, though they would still be in a down in the dumps kind of mood. Just laying there like a rug on the floor, ears down but having a forelimb over Companion. Course, the child eventually returned to that. The body of a child without the painful aid of the collar. He sat there on the floor; at least his body suit wasn't too badly damaged form his change. Sitting there on the floor, he rubbed his eyes as he sat there.
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