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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

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Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"Y'neva said what yer job was, Mister Kurtz-Weber" Shinji pointed out, starting to mix up a much less ambitious drink for himself. The Yamataian looked somewhat bored with this new guy, and maybe a little annoyed that the group had made enough of a scene to practically clear the diner.


Meena shrank into her seat, involved in a meal she was eating. she seemed to be so hungry that her mind had reverted back to the days where her younger siblings would always steal her food, and she protectively hid her meal away from the rest of the group.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Async blushed with a grin and put a hand on the back of her neck in theatrical embarassment for a moment before regaining her composure and observed the rest of the meeting, watching her superiors interact and looking up data on Daichi, inadvertantly spitting up the data that leapt from her implants with glazed eyes.

"Daichi, situated the galactic southwest, ten lightyears from the SX-03 system at the one-hundred lightyear mark... colonized late last year, the initial colony, Ryou, is scheduled to enter phase phase two of its building efforts, bringing the initial population of five hundred person up to a target of ten thousand and establishing large argicultural, fishing, and ranching operations... currently the Scientific Studies Service heads colonial development, the Yamataian Department of Colonization is not scheduled to begin operations until phase three..."

The Freespacer glanced around as her vision cleared, blushing sincerely this time, but still performing the theatric by rote, "...oh... my apologies, I'm still in the process of digesting all the information recruiting gave me~"
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Yoshiko did what was best described as a 'blink-blink' before opening her mouth, "Welcome aboard and nice to meet you then!" next, grabbing his hands and shaking furiously. Like an easily distracted child, she already forgot her earlier suspicions from about 30 seconds ago. Yoshiko reached up to his shoulder and pulled him over to a seat, and as she filled her mouth with food, asked question after question. "So, what are you going to fly?" She stuffed some potato into her mouth. "Do you know if anything about the new frames? What's so different about them?" A slice of steak went in next. "Mrrgm. Mmgnmmm." And then she gulped. "Hey, are you excited?" she asked, again, poking him in the ribs with an elbow.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Lucien, who'd seen people come and go in some of his previous mercenary work, and in acting too, wasn't really phased. He was the 'new guy' of the group anyway - until Mr. Kurtz-Webber showed up.
However, this begged a question: The team had only Six frames, he'd noticed that as he headed towards engineering.

If there were only six frames, how was the Atuan going to throw another one in there without getting rid of something essential, like the Kitchen, or Booze storage?
He mainlined this question to Shinji, quietly, "Mate, were we gettin' some new frames to fit ye, me, Yoshi, Taela, Meena, Kelly - 'n shoiny-boots over 'ere? If so - how the fook do we fit 'em without takin' em apart 'n storin' them each toime we finish somethin' up?"

In a few simpler words: "How are we going to fit another frame in?"
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Just as Kelly began to speak up in response to Kensuke, alarms began to go off all throughout the Station. A small screen popped into the lower left corner of Kelly's, Arah's, and Javier's vision, and a view screen on Kensuke's desk flickered on. A string of violent attacks had broken out recently on the station, only to be swiftly stopped by security forces, who discovered that the perpetrators were all dock workers, and that they were all infected by NMX Parasites. The alarm was partially because of that, partially because supposedly infected areas were being locked down. There was a third reason, however....


She had done it! Though they had killed her allies, and destroyed her machine, she had survived, surviving by hiding in the nooks and crannies of the black and green robot that had nearly killed her. She had stayed hidden for the entire trip, and had snuck off that cramped miserable ship the first chance she had, letting her friends get new bodies. Learning about this place had been easy once she got access to a computer terminal, where she was able to learn about the test they were going to run today. Oh yes. While her friends had made a distraction within the living sections of this station, she and some more friends had stolen twelve of the machines that had to be originating from here, including the test subject: A thin, lithe machine, with a large backpack. She had learned that it was not just limited to this humanoid form, and with the weapons they had foolishly equipped it with, she would take her revenge against that purple leader. It didn't matter that they knew she was here, it would make things that much sweeter.


"Dammit! Does trouble follow us around everywhere? First on Hinoki Pagoda, then on Kennewes, and now here?" Kelly cursed, pacing infront of the holographic map of the station that was displaying important information such as where the stolen frames were, where the pilots were, and where the room was. Turning to Async, he grumbled under his breath, as he punched his fist into the palm of his hand.

"Alright, you know what? So what they have twelve frames. We have six, plus the station's defense forces. Async, I want you to get down to Gamma's Diner, and tell the rest of the pilots to meet up with me and Arah here!" Kelly pointed to a spot on the map, roughly between Gamma's diner and where the Atuan was docked. "Tell them to be ready to pilot, and i'll take care of the rest."


Emanuel was about to respond when the alarm sounded. Looking at Yoshiko, then at the rest of the pilots, he shrugged. "It seems that something is going on in the station. Perhaps you should try contacting your commander to figure out what to do?"
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"Byoukai," Async nodded, throwing a quick and crisp salute before dashing off like she knew the place. Several flights of emergency stairs, a small station tram, and a few minutes later, the Freespacer swung into Gamma's Diner, calling up the crew roster from her implants to locate her comrades as she caught her breath at the entrance.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Yoshiko hardly considered Emanuel's advice, and instead started to rationalize, in her own way, why the alarms were going off. 'Did someone loose their pet? No. Not big enough for alarms. We would stay here.' She kept on thinking. 'Maybe a spy's trying to steal something again. Then we need to sortie.' Her expression darkened. 'If it's a breech big enough for this, then people probably got sucked out. We need to make them pay.' Yoshiko suddenly stood up, fist to chest and finger in the air, shouting in her silly serious voice. "I want my mecha!"
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"Ah fook," Lucien hadn't had the opportunity to even receive training, since he was ordered, from Kelly, to 'relax'. In hindsight this was a terrible idea, "And I was told tae just sit on me arse 'n do nothin'. No such luck - should've trained."

The only experience he did have was just how to move one around, and possibly shoot some of the lighter weapons. He felt as though he needed training and he acknowledged this - vivid images of his death came through his head, or at the least take a massive hit and do some property damage somewhere in the hundreds of millions.

"Remind me to shove that clipboard Arah carries where the sun don't shine when she gives me an excuse fer not training me proper," He was obviously bitter about not getting any training, seemingly, "Maybe that'd jog the lassie's memory."

Or at least that's what he thought - Arah hadn't given him training only because he was able to fly the frame when the most dire of circumstances was upon him. This was one of those moments. He just didn't know it yet.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"I want my mecha!"

Async glanced at the bubbly Yamataian, smiling as a name was applied to the face.

"Ta-chi-ba-na," she muttered, tasting the name as she walked over to the table quickly, names and ranks snapping over the faces of the others at the table, "You are the other frame pilots, we must go, Ensign Williams said to be ready to pilot".
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"To the ship or to somewhere else?" Taela snapped, grabbing a fry from a nearby plate and munched it down. "If it's that dire, then we should better hurry. This sounds like a dire situation if it calls for alarms this big."

She was still rather hungry, as Nekos get, but this situation called for swift action. And Giant Robots.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"Oh joy." Shinji said, the 'joy' evident on his face in the form of immense displeasure. He got up with the rest of the group, and then decided to take control, being the highest ranked person there, aside from possibly this new guy.

"Allright, we're going down there I'm ordering us a couple Ocelots and giving them directions." as he was talking, his communicator was out and he was tapping away, ordering the cars, which, by means of their autopilot, made their way to the front of the diner rather quickly. Shinji and Meena piled in one, and waited for everyone else to hop in the cars before Shinji would order them to take them to the Atuan.


Arah looked Annoyed. Almost. Maybe. Or was that just her eyes drooping? The yawn confirmed it was the latter. "Shouldn't you go with them, Kelly? Ged will release everything to you, so don't worry." the Geshrin found herself a chair in Kensuke's office and sat down, somehow not seeming to be bothered by the alarms.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

The freespacer poked her head into Shinji's car "not the Atuan, Corporal, Ensign Williams will meet us... here," she reached over Meena and poked the destination into the datapad, a hand between the two passengers for support in the balancing act as her hair brushed the Yamataian's ear; the destination was halfway between the diner and the Atuan, and Async's body was halfway inside the car, specifically hovering just below Meena's shoulders.

"Any questions in case I missed something else, sir?" the redhead asked, still perched across Meena.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"Righto sirrah!" Lucien followed Shinji into his Ocelot vehicle taking the last passenger seat available seat, next to Async. He wasn't paying too much attention to the freespacer, although her appearance was an interesting sight.

Lucien felt it necessary to remind the folks about the circumstances that were (as he understood it), "If we encounter trouble at th' point, make ye got yer weapon handy," He reached under his uniform and behind his back, then pulled an Origin 10mm pistol out, with three spare magazines handy that he'd picked up earlier on the Atuan and spent some time modifying the ammo he'd found. (See Repo Squad, Page 10)

"Take cover, watch yer flanks," He spun his unloaded pistol on his fingers for a moment, "And shoot tae kill," He slammed a magazine of full-metal-jacket rounds into it, without cocking it. The other two magazines had fragmenting ammo and hollow point.

He had a warm feeling upon finding himself prepared for possible adversity, even if security found it questionable for him to carry around his brand of modified ammo.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

When the cars showed up, Yoshiko literally tossed herself into the second one in line as the front passenger.

"I call shotgun!" she cried with glee. Yoshiko definitely wanted the view, but most certainly not the responsibility of driving. "Hey Sync, you can be the driver!" she called out. For some reason, Yoshiko wasn't bothered a bit by (A)Synch Seven Three, and admitted her into the cadre of pilots immediately, unlike Emanuel, who she grilled a little in her childish way. Maybe it was a girl thing?

Probably something else.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

The very human-looking Freespacer smirked at Lucien's bravado and swung out of the Ocelot, waving to Yoshiko as she happily joined her new squadronmate in the second vehicle. "I think Corporal Inakura is driving us by remote," she grinned over at the Yamataian-bodied nekovalkyrja from the driver's seat, "besides, I haven't had enough experience driving vehicles like these according to your traffic laws, so it's probably good your machines can pilot themselves".

She leaned over the steering yoke and watched the rest of the pilots clamber into the vehicles, glancing sideways and grinning at the girl again "this'll be my first actual combat in a combat frame, y'know; I'm so nervous and excited!"
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Kelly Smiled at Arah, his right hand tightened into a fist as he paused to turn his head to her, something similar to a smile on his face.

"Someone needs to act as bait so that we can lead the stolen frames away from any civillians. Namely, into space so that we can use a few of the Jinkans as fire support."

Javier piped up at that point, looking up from the holographic datapad he had pulled from his pocket. "Don't destroy the prototype frame, Kelly. Or I'm going to dock it from your paycheck, and the paycheck of everyone under your command." The Kennewesian glared at Kelly for a second, before going back to whatever he was doing on his datapad, nonchalantly walking past Kelly and out the office.

Kelly shrugged, smiling at Arah. "Well, It can't be that much of a problem. I'll need you to be mission control from the Atuan, if that isn't to stressing for you." Before Arah could respond, Kelly was out the door, heading towards a lift that would take him down to the Atuan.


The spot Kelly had designated was a cargo-loading station for one of the many tram lines that connected the manufacturing sections of the station with the docks. Kelly had, on his way down to the Atuan, told Ged to put all of the Atuan's frames, except for his, onto the tram line, and send them to the station. Currently, the frames were on the way, and would arrive in a few minutes.

Emanuel found himself in the ocelot with Taela, Yoshiko, and (A)Synch, the look of despair on his face hidden ever so slightly.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

It might as well have been a girl's night out, with one odd guy tossed into the mix. "Don't worry, don't worry!" Yoshiko assured the Freespacer. "Just don't go hopping out of you're giant rob - I mean, frame in the middle of battle, and you'll be fine!" Yoshiko's sudden giggles seemed happy enough, but were covering up a touch of bitterness that she felt.

She still hadn't gotten over it. Yoshiko turned to the others in the back. "Right guys?" she asked.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Asyncronous nodded solemnly "I reviewed some of the unlocked reports, you lost a comrade on the last mission, a friend, Private Maki Oyu..." the freespacer considered her comrade for a moment before smiling again, "don't worry, as long as we look out for each other, we'll all come back from every mission, right, Tachibana-sempai?"
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Shinji nodded to the odd 'spacer, setting the nav on his Ocelot to take them to the coordinates she had shown him, the other car following along after it had all the necessary people clamber in. the two vehicles raced towards their destination, travelling at higher speeds than what the nav would normally do, because Shinji had punched in an emergency override code.


Arah peeped one eye at Kelly, glorifying him with an actual response. "Most of the bridge crew is there, and Ged is fully capable of running the ship if given orders remotely."

as soon as Kelly was gone, the Captain got up from her chair, and bowed to Kensuke, politely, before leaving from a different door than Kelly had. She ran, much faster than anyone would ever think a lazy starship captain wearing a tight pencil skirt could, and made it to her ship within a couple of minutes, managing to arrive at it before Kelly had time to really get anywhere.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

She spoke with a happy voice. "Of course, of course Sync." As the ex-neko replied, she turned her head to look directly at the Spacer with a sadistic smile. "That's assuming you don't go and hop out of your frame like Oyu did. If it's something stupid like that, then the blame's on you, like it was for him." she quickly added on in that same cheery voice. Yoshiko now blamed the dead man for his own death. Whether it was an improvement or not could be debated.

As she looked at Sync, her face melted into a happy smile proper. "But don't worry! I'm sure you won't do something silly! You can count on me to watch your back Asynch!"
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