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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Suddenly, it all clicked in Lucien's mind, as his last feint threw the Garuda off balance, and almost threw him off balance.
He had a moment of opportunity to simply let it all out, and his battle rage became tangible as he saw Kelly get cannoned down. The objective to keep the Garuda in a workable condition became meaningless.

Inside his cockpit, he put his hands off of the control orbs for a moment to crack his knuckles, and took control again. He gripped his chainsword tightly as he charged forward, trying to succeed where Kelly failed. His blade connected with a satisfying clash of Durandium upon Durandium.

The whirring blades of the Chain-Straight went deep into the machine, severing and breaking the muscles, tendons and letting the blood of the Garuda spill.
"Wha daur meddle wi' me, y'hear?!" He roared over loudspeaker at the Garuda under barely contained battle high in an old language. Translated, it meant: "Nobody attacks me with impunity!"

That's when he pulled his blade from the gash, and flew over to grab onto it to prevent it from falling to the ground. He floated down and laid it down on the road.

Only then, after this, he'd realised that he wasn't supposed to injure the Garuda, at least as badly as he'd done.
"Ah, fockin'..." He cursed to himself.

He inspected the damage closely. Most of the guts of the Garuda Frame were exposed, and the fluids of the internal hydraulics were leaking everywhere. The other limbs and weapons were intact, along with the head, but the chest and torso areas were done for.
It could be repaired, given time, all that had to be done to replace those two components, but still, orders were orders...

"Shitcripes, sorry mates," He admitted over radio, the sheepishness and shame evident in his voice, though the message was jestful, "Th' Garuda frame is kinda, ehm - buggered."

His spare arm went for the back of his head, shaking his head in shame, "Tell me Kelly's orright, please?"
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Aync's drones broke away quickly from their attack run as both Ensign Williams and the former civilian continued ripping the Garuda apart. Snarling to itself, the Kirin's silhouette redirected the drones to cover Meena, Yoshiko, Taela, and herself. Ultra-hot laser pulses ripped the air with a dull 'WHUMPH' as they fell among the enemy frames, kicking up water vapor trapped in the ground and buildings, sending low-energy shrapnel pattering off the Origin frames' hull. The Kirin itself took cover behind a large squat building, discarding her empty net launcher for a plasma carbine, and covered Yoshiko and Taela's backsides while her shields recharged from a lucky shot.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

The Small backseater's drones continued their wailing on the enemy Garuda until it was finally brought under control via a vicious combined barrage of Chain straights and lasers, falling onto its back with a sickening, crunching crash, down onto some of the newly completed but thankfully uninhabited and now destroyed buildings, it began to fizzle and spark, smoke pouring from the damaged areas as it lit on fire.


Meena took the hits that came to her, the Kirin's reinforced shields easily able to absorb the blasts from the two enemies, before returning fire, augmented by what supporting fire the others gave her, the two enemies showed that they had no clue what they were doing; their shields not even up. As the corners of buildings chewed away from all the fire, one of them collapsed on an enemy frame, pinning it in a vulnerable position

And then, the other one fell over, and all the other enemy frames in the area could be heard falling over as well, the Garuda's ECM no more, Dawn's own AI system was able to hack the enemy frames, get past the rogue Silhouette systems, and power down the enemy suits' own, lower tiered AI's. As soon as the trouble had started, it was all over, and among the ruins f Sector Nine lay 13 disabled, destroyed, or otherwise damaged Origin frames.

If nothing else, one could tell that there was a difference between a novice pilot, and one who was skilled or well-trained.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

Kelly Williams was both pleased, and disappointed at the same time. On one hand, the havoc and mayhem visited upon Dawn Station's 9th Sector gave him a strong whiff of nostalgia, reminding the Ensign of the very shows and cartoons he watched as a child that inspired him to take this job. And on the other hand, the very same havoc and mayhem was, well...havoc and mayhem. It was something those kids' shows didn't exactly covered; all those ramifications of the super robot battles. In this case, Kelly knew he may end up on the receiving end of a pay cut, demotion, or worse for not doing a better job of limiting the damage.

And Yoshiko! That one year old practically tried to shoot through the very buildings that they were supposed to protect; she then even had a little tantrum in the middle of the battle field and discarded her weapon. The weapon, which, promptly smashed into the side of a building like an 18-wheeler and crushed cars below it. Someone was going to get a reprimand.

As for the others, they did wonderfully well. They all kept their cool and utilized the several features and weapons they had on hand superbly. Kelly cued his comm unit. "All units, I want a quick sit-rep. Next, proceed to dock in the Atuan. Another frame crew will be swapping out with us to do the cleanup work. You've all earned some rest."


'I was completely useless! How can I keep my cool when a big-big gun doesn't even make a big bang like I expect, or when the enemy...' She stopped herself there. It was perhaps a little too much to ask the enemy to sit still and die. Everyone and their family was telling her to keep calm, stay cool during all their battles so far too. And that was exactly what Yoshiko didn't do. 'Maybe I should have liste-' The Ex-Neko let out an "Eeep!" of surprise when Kelly issued new orders; she was the first to give a situation report.

"Private Yoshiko, reporting. Minor damage to hull armor and leg actuators." She quickly scanned around with her frame's sensors. "And I found my rifle." she hopefully added on.

'Oh, what am I kidding? He's going to be furious with me!'
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"It appears that my Frame has taken minimal damage." The Neko commented glancing over many of the screens that showed these things. "But other than that, it seems to be in full working order. All weapons are intact as well."

Taela high-tailed it back to the Atuan posthaste, not willing to stick around to hear Kelly potentially hand out tongue lashings like companies hand out executive bonuses.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"Damage, negligible," Async responded, moving out of cover and calculating dock vectors for her Kirin's Feathers.

"Private Tachibana, do you require assistance?" the Freespacer queried formally in Yamataian over a private channel at the same time she made her report over the squad-wide channel, giving the ex-neko a small burst of twin-speach, as her frame reached down to offer Yoshiko a friendly hand up.
Re: Episode 3: The Terror Attacks at Dawn!

"er..." Lucien mumbled for a moment over the radio, trying to recollect his senses. He eventually replied after the sounds of fumbling for a flask of alcohol could be heard, "Lucien 'ere, I'm feelin' a whole lot better than th' Garuda," A light sigh of relief could be heard as the rummaging stopped, "No real damage tae report on me, maybe some dust, a few nicks 'n bumps and some ammo resupply, but otherwise I'm orright."

Lucien shut off his radio connection and took a swig of his drink, and stashed it away, burying his face in his palm for messing up the Garuda. He figured that he'd get a chewing-out for ruining it. He solemnly made his way back to the Atuan, getting his hands back on the controls and easing his way back in steadily.

Surprisingly, whatever was in that flask didn't impair him at all.