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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 7: Mine


Well-Known Member
Nassau System
Approaching Planet "Morant"
Atuan II, Hangar

"Yoshiko, what's taking so long with those missiles?" Kelly called out from above, his hands working frantically to get the systems synched with the new hardware they were using. There wasn't a speck of rest since boarding, as preparations for the oncoming battle had to start immediately, even before entering jump. They didn't even have time to enjoy that new ship smell the Atuan II had!

"I'm unpacking them as fast as I can!" the grease smeared, wrench wielding girl waggled the metal instrument at him. "And that's not mentioning actually loading them with the Impulse you know!" she replied, happily stressed by the pressure of her work. Since getting back on the job and away from the drama of booze plus cars, Yoshiko had lit up like a torch and went right to work. It seemed nothing could go wrong as the moments counted down to deployme - no, no, that was politically incorrect - 'Live Field Test Time' he thought sarcastically, emphasizing the quotations to himself.

"Alright, since we're all busy as hell, I"ll brief you all as we all work." Kelly started over the PA system. "Intel cracked open the info we managed to snatch and grab on that god forsaken rock, and it pointed us straight to HIGA's Corporate Headquarters right here." The dark skinned Nepleslian stopped as an autoloader nearby started chugging away, rapidly putting big 75mm rounds into even bigger ammunition magazines. "Intel shows they haven't managed to get any black market buyers - yet - but they've likely already started churning them out to fight alongside their crap-tastic Zilant and different Demon types, so make sure to 'test' every weapon you got on these big twenty meter tall piles of junk."

He went on. "We're splitting up into three primary 'test teams'. First, the Frame Assault Test Team which will be at the forefront of the assault, and then there's the two power armor teams. The Power Armor Assault Test Team will be attached to the Frame team and provide support, keeping the pesky Demons off of us." Kelly explained, having learned from the recordings of the previous 'test run'. He wasn't going to send them in again without backup.

"And finally, we have the Power Armor Retrieval Test Team charged with infiltrating the facility while we raise hell. As the name implies, this team's gotta snatch that stolen data on the M1 series, or blow it up failing that. Master Sergeant Sarri, you're in charge of that test team." he spoke in a joking manner. "And remember, we're collecting frame, suit and weapon system telemetry everyone, so make sure to pull out all the stops!" As the ammo counters started to go green while Yoshiko started loading the first of the missiles, Kelly looked at the timer. Any moment now.

"Any questions guys?"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Mark stepped into the hangar from the corridors of the ship. He'd just then finished transferring his belongings to his room and meticulously cleaning it before gathering his notes just in time for the briefing. With the briefing finished, Mark was still uncertain as to his role in this particular engagement.

"I'm terribly sorry, Farms." He pestered at Kelly, "But I ain't quite clear on my position here. What's an information officer s'posed to be up to in this situation? I don't know how to pilot these frames, so unless there's another co-pilot's chair around here, I don't know where I'm supposed to jive at, dig?"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"And what exactly are each of us using this time around? I do hope that we all get something suiting our. . . individual talents, rather than a set of test dummies," A biting tone echoed over the comms from a rather bitey Taela. The neko was currently embroiled in exploring the new ship, as memorizing the new layout probably will be vital in coming days. Mainly in case something like an emergency assault.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Yeah, I dig." Kelly replied smoothly, eyes looking up at the current frames available. "Ok. For our frames and loadouts, its free for all this time around, so everyone, grab what you'll work with best. Except for you Yoshiko."

"Awww, but I haven't even gotten to take Unit 2 out for a spin in like, forever!" the Ex-Nekovalkyrja pouted as she leaned out from behind a privacy screen set up in the hangar. She'd finished loading up the missiles, and was now half suited up in her pilot suit. Needless to say, the optics aboard the frame Kelly was aboard automatically zoomed in on her lingerie. 'Must... not... commentonbounceyness!' Kelly thought, willing himself into silence with difficulty.

"Y-yes, well, you'll be keeping Mark safe with you inside a Kirin; we'll likely need his comms skill if we're to intercept and figure out where the info is stored." Kelly replied when he managed to recollect himself. Yoshiko withdrew back behind the screen partway, now leering at him.

"...Only if you take my Frame out instead of yours." she bargained.

"What? Why?!" Kelly spoke with surprise.


"Because of what?" The dark skinned Nepleslian asked in confusion.

"I said because, and that's final!" she yelled, finally withdrawing back behind the privacy screen to fully dress herself. Kelly sat there for a moment, silent within his personal frame. 'And she just loaded it too.' He shook his head; there wasn't any point in arguing since the two were technically the same model. If anything, hers was likely better, considering it had the Zesuaium claw blades she salvaged.

"Ok...any other questions guys?"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Camellia yawned when she was told she was leading the infiltration team. "That's funny?" She asked, inquiring about the tone. "I'll get in, get the goods and get out without a scratch." She said.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Vici watched the screen with Yoshiko changing her clothes with gusto. "Ah Yoshiko, I have sudden urge to become your roommate now," she joked and turned to Kelly. "Don't worry, pink will suit you. Plus it is good mecha. Anyway, I will take Blitzkrieg again," she pointed to now Black painted Asura in the hangar. She also made menral note to put some yellow on it too.

She also checked over the new toys delivered. Viki whistled seeing what new was around. "Shöne," she said going over the list. "Ja gutt, Ich möchte ein- I mean I want one chain-straight, two 50mm Gausses and that lovely 300mm gauss. Hmm load it up with APHE ammo. And stock her up with missiles of course. Also give me 80 self-guided HE missiles, 5 particle clouds and 15 EMP. THat should do it." She said. She then pulled her sleeves up. "Gutt I am going to help her load her up now Kelly," She said and winked at dark-skinned man. "You can watch if you want," She added unzipping her jump-suit a little to give her some cleavage. Also to tease the man.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Oi, Ya all need ta stop flappin yer jaws so much" Shinji called out over his and Meena's Kirin's loudspeakers. The frame, still wearing Origin parade colors, slowly went about a diagnostics, venting off one vernier after another, winding up the IAPD's and cycling the hydraulics and other actuating systems, as the AI system ran its own diagnostics on the electronics and sensors.

"Weah awmost through heah, so ya guy are all da ones das' behind, y'hear?" his thickly accented voice scolded them.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Lucien showed up late to the briefing, his shirt was untucked and his hair was a mess - and he didn't smell of alcohol. Instead he had the faint whisp of a greasy breakfast wavering over him - the best improvised Nepleslian hangover cure, since Yamataians didn't seem to have hangovers, and on the rare occasion that they did, there was a pill to counteract the effects.

He nodded to Taela's point in agreement, "Aye, las' time we suited up, our prototypes couldnae knock th' skin off a rice puddin'," He cricked his neck, "Thankfully we're gettin' something with balls this time, roight?"

Lucien then remembered that he made his loadout orders last night before passing out. He didn't remember what he ordered though, so he was pleasantly surprised to find the following items deviating from the standard loadout attached to a black and red painted Asura:

A Frame Longsword replaced one of the Chain Straights and a Hyper Rifle with four magazines to replace the Graser. This enabled him to have a sword in one hand and the Hyper Rifle in the other hand if he so wished. The Plasma Pistols were good backups, and he always considered himself naked without the Targa.

"So that's wot I ordered last night," He scratched his chinfluff before looking to Camelia, "Sounds like you'll be in close quarters mos' the time. Mind if I wotch yer back?"

He then looked at himself and wondered if something was missing. He quickly realised something, "Ah, shite, hold that thought, I fergot to suit up," He rushed to the lockers and behind the men's privacy screen, and emerged a minute later in his frame jumpsuit with his ODM 10mm by his side, "Aight, ready when ye are."
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Mark nodded his new arrangements and marked them on his Datapad. He made his way over to the privacy screen and lent into the most gentlemanly position close to Yoshiko he could have. He sighed in spite of himself, wondering what on earth made them put him with Nekos and former Nekos on each assignment. 'Maybe it's my ability to speak fluent Yamatai-go.' he pondered, scratching at his chin as he idly watched the wall of the hangar. His eyes traced up and down the shapes of the shadows at play as workers moved about preparing for combat.

"Yoshiko, sweetie." He started, checking his SEP II for doing something's sake, "How different is your body from its previous form? Does it feel different to not be a neko anymore? Is it scary?"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Its something called 'sarcasm' Camellia." Kelly chuckled. "If you don't get it that's fine. I'm not going to explain it and risk killing the joke." the dark skinned Nepleslian half explained before starting to get out of his frame. Kelly was glad he only started to get out, especially when Victoria started speaking up over the vid-feed and unzipped a bit. 'Man. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a manga with giant mecha and fanservice!' He thought as he walked over to Yoshiko's Frame. 'I love my job!'

Kelly stood and looked over the pink frame with red flame decals using his datapad. Everything was good to go, and just as he was about to get in, a lightbulb went off in his head. "Oh! Camellia! Though you got the mini-missile pods off of some Mindy 2's hooked up onto your Impulse to go along with our Gauss Rifle, be careful! This is the first time we've put them onto the suits!" he called over to her.

By the time Shinji complained though, Kelly already settled himself into Yoshiko's 'Pinkie'. He poked his head out of the hatch just to yell at the other man. "Hey, what are you Shinji, our mom?" Kelly shook his head before climbing back into the cockpit, looking over the equipment list as Lucien spoke. "The hell?" Again, he popped his head out. "Hey! Lucien! If you're complaining about the old gear being shit, grab some of the new stuff instead!" He turned towards the Ex-Neko of the crew.

"Can you help Lucien get set up Yoshiko? Victoria's coming down to help you I think." he called down to her.

"But I just got into my pilot suit!" Yoshiko complained. Grumbling, she undressed again as she spoke to Mark, who was on the other side of the screen. The Ex-Neko gave a surprising amount of thought into it before answering though. "Its...well, a little bit more boring." she simply stated, climbing into the Impulse. "I can't float around, and I can't just put up a volumetric image of clothing if I don't feel like putting on the real thing either." She stepped out from cover and gave him a sour face. "And my apparel array broke!" Yoshiko pouted before yelling, waving.

"Hey! Lucien! Tell me what gear you want quick! We got five!"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Taela grinned slightly once she finally reached the Armor bay, already suited up approaching her light lavender Garuda with a certain twinkle in her eyes. She had specifically asked for an Armor Killer Tank Gun and Anti-Air Missiles to be equipped on this powerful machine, feeling the need to play at being the ranged gun of the group. Getting right up into the fray just didn't suit the girl, so taking something with a bit of punch at a distance felt right at home.

"So, what's on the menu today, Williams?" Taela playfully called, leaning against the foot of her Garuda.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Oi, I weren't complainin' 'bout the old gear being shite, I wos complainin' 'bout the testing circumstances too!" He then reconsidered his Frame's loadout, "Maybe yer right though. I could pick up somethin' with a bit more balls on it. Ow's this sound?"

He went to a computer and started inputting his newly considered options. He cleared his previous loadout, save for the Frame Longsword replacing one of the Chain-Straights and got to work.
He started by replacing two of the Plasma Pistols with 50mm Automatic Gauss Cannons, with space for eight magazines after removing one of the Chain Straights. He decided to carry a 75mm Automatic Gauss Cannon and four magazines as his main weapon, since it looked as though he could keep it on his back when he wasn't using it, and could wield it and the Longsword without much trouble.

He still had two other Chain Straights in case of a dire emergency, but chances were that he'd be throwing them.
"Orrighty, boys, get that all sorted out 'cos I've changed me mind!" He told the computer before confirming his loadout and being greeted with a green tick of approval.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Shinji and Meena's Kirin had by now outfitted itself, having replaced the four plasma sabers with two 50mm Gauss cannons and four magazines each, Picking up a Plasma Cannon as their main, and replacing the mounted longsword with a 300mm Gauss Cannon as a backup. Aside from that their load was fairly standard, with the Tail Binder filled with Particle Cloud missiles for Distractions and the Calf launchers filled with AA missiles.

"Ensign Williams, Shinji and I are ready to go" Meena informed their commander, since the brash Yamataian Demolitionist was busy doing something else in the cockpit, probably having something to do with the Wing binders moving up and down.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Mark had decided that entering a philosophical discussion with Yoshiko was probably a poor notion based on her answer to his questions. He'd restart the conversation with Taela he'd held a week in advance earlier. In the meantime, Mark climbed into the Kirin and started making the appropriate adjustments to the CECS for SigInt use, all while tapping out a soft drum beat on the console with his free hand.

He was almost certain that it'd be useless, but he would keep trying to use his favored skills first, before using the more violent ones.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Viki got to Yoshiko's place in time to see cute ex-neko change her cloth again. "If you keep up with this meine liebe then I will take this as an invitation." Viki said smiling. She immedieatly went to help loading crews. Mainl helped loading her own mecha and then went to help Yoshiko.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"That's great, thanks!" he replied to Meena before looking at the others. "C'mon guys, what's with being late today? We're about to drop in just a few minutes, and I mean right through the friggin atmosphere here!" Kelly's voice sounded from the pink frame. The man ran a hand through his cornrows; these weren't professional soldiers, so what was he expecting exactly? On the other hand, they'd been jammed into the role of such one too many times. The frame's optics scanned across the crew; when they got back, he'd have to have a few words with the boss.

"Now that I think of it, loading everything might be better if I just do this." Ged commented. At that, Yoshiko gave an 'Eeep!' of surprise as Victoria came around to her; the artificial gravity was suddenly cut down to one eighth strength. An indignant yell came up from the Yamataian a moment later.

"Hey! You could have spared me the time getting in and out of all this!" she called up at the ceiling, now hopping out of the Impulse again and back into the pilot suit. As she pulled it up, Yoshiko gave a smile to the Abwehran. "I don't know what 'meine liebe' means, but it's gotta be good, so thanks for the help!" she replied cheerily. "Just let me...ok! Help me toss these rounds out of the crate and into the autoloader's hopper as fast as you can." Yoshiko explained, hefting a few 75mm projectiles in her arm with the low gravity. "it'll cram the rounds right into the magazine for us!"

"Taela, you fine as is, or should Yoshiko load you up as well with the new stuff? We got three minutes and counting so make up your mind fast!" As the moments ticked by, the restraining clamps for the frames unlocked, emphasizing their rush. The frames were nearly loaded, and the Power Armor teams were standing by as the ship neared the atmosphere of the planet.

"Lucien, here! Grab these magazines!" the Yamataian called up to the frame, hefting two of the four comically over-sized mags to him. Even in the lowered gravity, she struggled a little to raise one up over her head and shoulders.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Fro Viki this was bad. She disliked light gravity. Even with normal on-board gravity she was three times lighter then on Abwehr. Not it was even worse. Her stomach was uneasy and she frowned for second while she got used to the new gravity. She will also have to be even more careful to not break something or not to jump, or she would rocekt into the ceiling.

Viki helped loading the magas for weapons. With both her and Yoshiko working it it went fast. Soon she saw Yoskiho stuggling with overszied Magazines. "Hier, let me bitte," She said walked that and easily took magazines from Yoshi. They were heavy for her too, but it was nothing comapred to what it was for Yoshiko.

When Lucien took the magazines and smiled. She then slapped Yoshiko over her left butt-cheek gently. She grinned and said. "Gutte work, not it is time for me to get into my pilot suit." She said and walked to her mecha, where her suit waited. On the way there she was slowly opening her jump-suit hoping Kelly is looking. In the morning when she though about this she considered not taking any underwear today, but in the end she decided not too. It would be pretty uncomfortable.

Her jump-suit slid down showing her black bra and panties. She then picked up her pilot suit and slowly slid one leg into it, following with her second. She slightly turned her head to look at Kelly in his pink mecha and started putting her arm in the sleeves, making sure to puff her chest. SHe then slowly zipped the suit to the top.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Ae, Lassie," Lucien rolled his eyes as he took a glance at Viki undressing right there and then and getting into those possibly unnecessarily skintight suits, "I dinnae remember payin' fer a peepshow!" He then looked over to the Yamataian by his frame who had the magazines, "Orrighty mate, toss 'em down here I'll catch 'em and put them away!"

The Scotsman might've been athletic and strong to begin with, and the lack of gravity simply amplified his strength - at the cost of stability. He found himself over and underestimating the weights of the magazines and their payloads, almost falling forwards and backwards under the size of the objects rather than the weight.

Eventually he managed to grab each magazine that was passed to him and put it away, "Orright, anythin' else that needs doin', or can I hop in an' raise hell?"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

It was a tired metaphor.

But it could also be argued as a classic; Kelly sat in the small cockpit of the pink painted frame as he waited for final, last second preparations. But he wasn't alone of course. "C'mon, you know you wanna tap that!" the miniature devil version of himself tempted him from the left side of the cockpit. "Right after this mission is over, you just show her a few moves, know what I'm sayin? She's practically asking for ya!"

"Don't listen to him! Victoria is your coworker and subordinate!" the Angel on his right pleaded. "Though she's vying for your attention, any affection you give will just bring about the failure of your job and the destruction of this team!" his 'good side' further argued. The little red version of him wouldn't have any of that though.

"Like listening to him's ever gotten results!" the devil spat. "He's just an impotent prick who can't save anybody!" That. Hit a nerve. The angel leaped across the divide, and Kelly before coming down on the devil with a chainsword - bits of red and spray splattered across the left side of the cockpit as he was sawed in half.

"FOR GREAT JUSTICE!" the blood drenched angel version of Kelly cried out in victory. The actual Kelly merely flicked him with a finger between the legs. "W-wwwhhhyyyy?!" the angel miniature cried out as he fell from the console and into the refuse of candy wrappers and bits below that Yoshiko left behind.

"I think I'll just settle on 'eyes only' guys. Thanks." Kelly replied, making sure to save the footage and forward it to himself. The Ensign glanced at the timer and then back to Victoria before nearly tearing himself out of the seat to look at the timer again. "It's as good as it'll get Lucien!" He replied to the Scotsman. "Everyone, into your frames or ready positions now!"

"We got thirty seconds to drop!"


A squirrel-like creature with big eyes and fuzzy tail held several large nuts, waving them about best it could. If this little creature was Nepleslian, he, for it was a he, would have said something along the lines of "C'mon baby, you want these nuts?" Unfortunately for him, the female of his interest quickly turned tail and ran. Regardless of whatever the small rodent would have said in Nepleslian with coarse indignity, the female squirrel-thing simply had bigger things to think about. Namely, the fireballs that were coming down from the sky.


The Frames descended through the fiery atmosphere as the power armors came in behind them only a few meters back, using the massive machines as entry shield ballutes to protect themselves. As the orange glow of reentry subsided, autocannon fire and missiles streaked out of the forest below to greet them. The point defenses of the frames quickly shot down the worst of it and absorbed the rest that managed to get too close. Massive trees splintered and broke as the three teams crashed down into the thick canopy below, the fire ceasing as they lost sight of the Origin employees.

Frame team, Power Armor teams, status reports!" Kelly called over the comms. The optics of Yoshiko's pink frame showed him a minty forest thick with trees that were twice as tall as the Asura, Kirin and Garuda they were in. "They'e really cranked up the terraforming in recent times." Kelly muttered. His optics quickly cued in where the HIGA facility was located at. As Kelly marshaled himself and checked in with the power armor teams behind them twenty meters off, Yoshiko called in before looking over her shoulder at Mark.

"Yoshiko is giddy!" she spoke in the third person with delight. The Ex-Neko called out to the man behind her. "Hey! Mark! How are you back there?" Yoshiko asked him with a smile. Before he could answer though, the jungle went silent as the birds took off - a rhythmic thumping could be heard as something neared.

The trees parted to reveal a rough yet simply built mecha that could only be described as a walking tank, rather than a frame. The Zilant easily towered over the Origin built frames at 20 meters high, its head just poking the very tops of the trees and making the Impulse power armors look like ants. Around its ankles clamored a half dozen M1 Demons. As the massive gauss cannon it held was leveled at the team, Yoshiko had only one thing to say.

"Uh oh."
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Taela had decided on loading up with only one nuke and as many HEAT clips as her Garuda could hold for her AKRG (Not a very graceful acronym, is it?), so naturally she was a little annoyed that the first thing she saw when landing was not a mess of PA, but a mess of PA with a Ziliant acting like it was the creme-de-creme. And that just annoyed the hell out of the Neko, whose first reaction was not to swear, run, or even cry, but lay waste to every last opponent before her. Naturally, she wanted to take down the big one before focusing on the small fry.

Taking advantage of her mecha's natural mobility, she immediately pulled backwards and began unloading as many blasts from both HPLCs as she could while she prepared a HEAT clip for her rail gun.

"Taela reporting in! Engaging Ziliant at a distance, or trying to!" She called over comms, trying not to get too distracted.