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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 7: Mine

Re: Episode 7: Mine

Viktoria quickly looked around the mess. The demons were plenty and Lucien was right. Swords do not run out of ammo. With that thought, she drew her chain-straight. Her left held the 50mm gauss SMG. Waiting for nothing she opened fire at the demons while closing onto them her sword ready. She went close to the Lucien, since both of them were equipped for close combat. So if a Demon would jump on Luciens frame, Viki could get it off and vice-versa.

"Vorwärts!" Viki shouted as she started moving, firing her large gun. She was ready to slash at any demon that would get close enough.
Re: Episode 7: Mine

"Fuck it, I'm launching the bastards." Mark said as chaos continued to unfold around him. He said this more for his benefit than anyone elses, just to let him know that he was doing something, anything, anything at all about all the noise and violence.

And that was what he said again, under his breath, "Fuck it, I'm launching the bastards." As the feathers shot out and sank to their target, the shaft from which death itself would rise if given the chance-- home to the black frames, home to the smelly underground factory, home to the most annoying sortie poor Taela had ever taken part in.

At least, she seemed to make it like that for all the listening Mark was doing.
Re: Episode 7: Mine

The platoon leader of the Demons felt it was time to push up and finish the pinned down power armors.

Hiding behind their cover, the runts from Origin were practically running out of ammo, but the same couldn't be said for his men. This was HIGA's home turf - they had plenty on hand. And down below? The competing company's frames were likely beaten up by the gauntlet they had to run across on this planet. It shouldn't have taken the walker pilots long to mop them up at all he thought. "Alright everyone, get ready to - "

Massive chainsaws and claws built to cut through frames slashed through the floor from below, tearing through the ranks of his men like scythes harvesting wheat. At the same time, massive autocannons opened fire at point blank range, turning his men into ground meat and cheese, their suits providing next to no protection at all! The entire world spun as he fell from the top floor, the frames, followed by the power armors flocking up and out of the building.


Settling on the roof of the building, the frames and power armors of both teams simply stood, speechless. So they got out. What next?

The bright roar of plasma drives on the horizon quickly told each and every single one of them - the Atuan was coming for them. "The hangar doors will open as we brush over the city. We will still be going at roughly 300 miles per hour, so you may wish to begin accelerating as we near, and 'catch up' as we pass," Ged's familiar voice suggested.

"Failing that, I suppose you could try another taxi service of course," the AI dryly added.
Re: Episode 7: Mine

Taela didn't even spare the time for a witty, snarky, insolent quip and rocketed straight up to hover at level for the ship. Her gun was finally out of ammo, so if the time came, she would lob it like a harpoon at the first Ziliant that decided it would be a good time to ruin her day yet again.

No more, she swore. No more.
Re: Episode 7: Mine

Viktoria looked at the sky. THey were finally getting out of here. Next time she won't nod at assault like this without proper aerial support. This mission was insane, but it was about to be over. Just a short fly and landing on the ship. And then she remembered. Her eyes darted over her cockpit's dashboard to one important gauge.

"VERDAMNT!" She shouted so loud everyone's ears would be ringing. "Meine freunde! I seem to have eine kleine.. a small problem. My fuel got cut on the way here, I lost ton of it. Used the rest to get here. I am not gonna make it on Atuan. So I either stay behind or I sit in someone's lap, because diese Frame does not leave. Poor Blitzkrieg."

She quickly went and prepared to pull out black-box, containing her mecha's AI and the information it learned. When that was done, she went and started preparing something else. Another gift for HIGA.

"So who wants the little old me to join him in the cockpit?" She knew it won't be Kelly, he was in someone else's mecha already. Maybe Yoshiko? That would be pleasant.
Re: Episode 7: Mine

"Ae get over 'ere Vikki!" Lucien said as he eyed his fuel gauge. He'd burnt a bit, but his calculations were telling him that he had just enough to make it to the Atuan - but there was another warning:

Warning - Head may not survive intense speeds and break up upon acceleration.

It was right. The hole in the Frame's head was slowly and steadily getting bigger as Lucien was moving, and the volumetric display was having trouble concealing it all. If the thing couldn't stand the intense speeds required to get out of dodge and to the Atuan, he seriously doubted that the ride up would be comfortable.

"Carn! Get over 'ere!" Lucien's frame was close to Viki's, and he was yelling at her through the hole in his helmet to get into his cockpit. After that, he'd rocket off and get his ass, Viki's ass and Blitzkreig's black box back to the Atuan.
Re: Episode 7: Mine

Viki did not wait for anything. She opened her cockpit and jumped over to Luciens. A swift jump across the gap between frames and Viki landed. She climbed into Luciens cockpit and parked her behind in his lamp.

"Enschuldigen," she said with a smile, cradling her black box. At least she got what really made Blitzkrieg, Blitzkrieg. "We need to go. This place will be very dangerous place to stay very soon. Schnella."
Re: Episode 7: Mine

A single pilot sat and watched from the burnt out forest as a lone star rose off and into the darkening sky above. He was envious of them, and wished he could join, but knew that day was likely far off, assuming he even had a chance. The pilot murmured to himself, almost as though he were a regretful mourner,

"That ass...them tits..." he sighed, flicking the ashen cig away.

That day was very far off indeed.


Moments Ago:

"You're kidding me!" Yoshiko yelled in panic, her own frame accelerating up to speed. The Ex-Neko could only watch in horror as the daring Abwehran woman exited out of her fuel leaking frame to make a leap of faith - the scene about Victoria looked almost like something out of a movie as she jumped, landing on Lucien's frame. Like a monkey on a person's shoulder, she deftly moved and plunged into the depths of the cockpit - a sigh of relief exploded over the comms as Kelly sunk back into his seat as Taela saw to getting them extracted.

Their destroyer was rapidly growing in size.

But this wasn't the end of their problems, not yet - the hole in Lucien's craft really was getting bigger. Volumetric projecting panels started to peel off and away from his cockpit as the frame accelerated, the metallic structure groaning around him. Thinking fast, the man reached up and plugged the hole with one of his frame's fingers. But that wasn't the end of it. The damaged head above his cockpit rattled around until something snapped - the head hung from its shoulders, lolling about.

Fortune was smiling on them this time however, as the cavernous depths of the Atuan opened up to take them all in. Even as Lucien's frame's head bobbled around like it was on a spring. As though to sound off their arrival, one of the main cannons boomed. "Just cleaning up a little mess that was left behind," Ged casually explained. "Taela's frame was still intact, so I had to take care of that with an empty shell," the AI added..

A fireball erupted below as Blitzkrieg, Victoria's frame, released its reactor. "And with that, their headquarters is no more it seems - and we're off!"

With that, the Atuan departed Morant.


Dawn Station

Murakami Kensuke reclined in his seat, feet propped up on a table. So what if the Atuan team was sent off with the experimental weapons? It didn't matter, he knew. Though they were tactically well armed, strategically, the ship was undermanned, with a crew complement well below even skeleton levels. And with most of said crew sortied out in power armors as he ordered them to? The ship would sink. And with that, their fate was sealed - HIGA would pick off and kill all the survivors on the planet, just as they had arranged.

And with that - the entire test team being dead with most prototypes AND early production models gone - Origin Armor Works was as good as finished. Its stocks would plummit as knockoffs flooded the market far faster than anticipated, spoiling the expected initial sales already hampered and held back by missing and lost equipment. It was all going according to plan.

"Mine, mine, mine, mine~" he hummed to himself, relaxed as he was.