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OOC OIF Atuan III discussion

God, I feel like crud. I haven't posted for the last few days, since my laptop's been downed. I finally have it up, but I gotta reorientate. I'll likely post today or tomorrow for certain.
thanks for the posts, guys. Gwathdraug has been out for a while, so I need to put Thalath off camera for a while. Straken is still around, but he's gone this weekend for the 4th of July holiday, which is understandable. I'm going to try and get a post out for you guys sometime this weekend, but I hold no promises. I'll be moving to Utah in roughly a week, so I'm very busy prepping for the move and finishing up projects that I was supposed to have finished ages ago, haha.

Anyway, hopefully I can get us moving again, soon.
yeah so my computer is packed away and I will be without internet for like a week.
I am moved, and have gotten a new computer, but now time is m biggest enemy. my schedule is sort of awkward and since I end up stuck in this little motel most of the time I spend as much free time as possible riding my bike or somesuch, as it's a little crazy in here. I keep trying to post but either get called off to do something or otherwise distracted.
I've been slacking due to factors. If I get a shot in, I get a shot in. Don't wait on me, though.
Just so's you all know, I am still around. I intend to post again, but I need to figure out who's still active, and what I was going to do next. as you guys probably know, life's been crazy for me lately but I believe I have finally got the ball rolling again (as opposed to bouncing all over the damn place) and so once I get on top of it we should be able to start moving again.