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OOC OIF Atuan III discussion

It only took me forever, but I have posted. Sorry about messing up Blitzkrieg, Shotty, but that's what you get for trying to punch a Mecha in the face when they are alpha-striking you from point blank.
I am still contemplating what I can actually post without sounding butthurt over the fact that i had no idea what alpha strike was.

*is totally still butthurt about that*
Sorry, @ShotJon . The good news is that Blitzkrieg, aside from the armor being melted and the sensors resetting themselves, is okay. Also, your enemy is worse effed up than you are, so there's some comfort in that. Plus Vici is perfectly fine.
Yeah I got that much, jsut need to reboot the mecha. Also it aws good time I waited a bit before the post, cause now I know what to say :3
Holy Pickles, a Kai has posted! finally, amirite, guys? Sorry it's been so long, life has been hectic but I think, for at least the next month, it's going to be much more stable.
I'm sorry it took so long for me to post as well - it's frustrating since it's something so simple and enjoyable to do, yet I kept putting it off.

On another note, I feel like doing a facepalm for another reason entirely. I suspect that I had messed up the weapon scales when working on the M3's weapons - I haven't had time to do the comparison, but my guess is that I accidentally Gundam-sized them so their bore is far too large. The M3 is 7 meters tall, and the shotgun is 300mm, while the rifle is 75mm for an example. The best thing to do is to retcon I think, since keeping it at its too-large size would negatively impact how things would go IC. If it were played realistically.

An example of what I mean can be seen with the 50mm on the Mindy/Daisy - the scale is wrong with 50mm rounds, so its magazine is the size of a gallon milk bottle since it holds 18 shots.
yay, posts! Sorry everything's taking e so long. my life as of late has been a huge string of being busy. Not that i'm complaining, it just unfortunately means that I have no time for SARP. However, I might (I have no idea but there's a chance) be having more free time in the near future in which to RP and stuff, so I'll hopefully be able to get something done.
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