Star Army

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On expansion/shrinking/friends of the empire...

Fine. *puts away stick*

So far, the only people complaining seem to be the Lor players, the people who can't resist saying "me too", and Luca.

The Lor situation, from my rudimentary understanding of it, was handled with less tact than required. But it was Yui's call to send in a warrior rather than a diplomat, and who am I to question Yui. :p

The rest of you guys, show me some concrete reasons why Yamatai is a bully. Did the mean catgirls eat your PC's dog? Tell me more.

And finally, Luca. Who has been feeding you anti-Yamatai propaganda? ^_^
Well...from what I can gather, Nepleslia doesn't hate Yamatai, it is just really sore at Yamatai.

I mean, during the war with Elysia, it was Nepleslia was the closest to the war. And then there was that enormous Battle of Nepleslia with the Mishhu, all in Nepleslian space. I just think that most Nepleslians are resentful and feel like they've been the ones to feel the worst of the wars, which eventually led up to their declaration if independance. Of course, that's very short-sighted and kind of petty, since Nepleslia isn't the only place to feel the ravages of war, but we are talking about Nepleslia.

Of course, I know I don't have all the fact, and this assumption could be completely wrong. I'd also like to know what reasons Nepleslia would dislike has already been a very enlightening thread.
There are dozens of possible reasons for Neplesia to be angry at Yamatai. For one thing, the whole bit about saying Neplesians either had to switch out of their bodies or quit the military probably meant a lot of Neppies left the army rather than become a Yamataian, and thus were out of work and quickly sunk to poverty, especially in a place as nasty as Neplesia.

Because I know the "Well, they could have just stayed, it's not Yamatai's fault" defense will be used, Neplesians are intensely proud. Asking them to give up their flesh, and if they were veterans, all their pretty battle scars, they wouldn't have handled it too well. Look what happened with Miles on the Sakura.

Another thing is the fact that Yamatai's culture is extremely alien to the average Nepleslian. Try growing up in chaos with industrial machines going constantly and incessant gunfire keeping you up at night, then going to a Yamataian city like Kyoto, with it's extremely low crime rate (I'm sorry, no crime is impossible without 20-to-1 police-civilian ratio, especially with such a large population of well-trained military personel as most Yamataian population centers are bound to contain.) would make a Nepleslian feel rather uncomfortable.

My final reason has to do with the wealth and prosperity of Yamatai compared to the mass poverty and ruin that is Nepleslian civilization. Considering the fact that Neplesia dutifully served Yamatai for decades before succeding, they got few benefits from them. While there may be over-reaching things that Wes and the more experienced players know about, I'm sure some average Nepleslian guy sitting in the projects, thinking about intergalatic politics with a bottle of cheap malt liquor in hand, comparing his life to the beautiful and rich cities of Yamatai like Kyoto, he probably thinks that he and his people got boned.

*Jumps off soapbox, picks it up, exits stage right.*
Yangfan said:
And finally, Luca. Who has been feeding you anti-Yamatai propaganda? ^_^
I just kinda did my homework. So I picked most it up from readin' the history. I was just plain as day curious as to what Yamatai's dirty laundry was.
I'm also against some NH models, more specifically the NH-X and a few individual NH-29 or 28 or similar.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with the NH-29. They're lovable!
Now the question is, which NH-29 are you talking about?

- Hanako = lovable
- Kotori = a little scary professionally, but lovable none the less
- Masako = don't want to face her in a battle, but so adorable :) (warning: biased statement)

And then there are several others out there that have yet to truely shine.
We must all love the NH-29!

For Motoyoshi Kiyoko's sake anyway. How can you deny the deadly cuteness?
Well it might not be an NH-29, it might just be an NH-Whatever.
The name's Shimada Chisato. She threw the crew of an apparently trivial ship into hell. She just passed 'em off as expendable! Well then how the hell did over 730 billion Nekos die in a simple skirmish?! That's expendable!

Told you that I shouldn't say it!
Hey, don't blame my character for your PC's commander having the charisma and tactical abilities of a rotten tomato. :?

Blame Jake. :D
They aren't expendable, they are renewable. And just because they are renewable, doesn't mean they can be abused or aren't inconvienced by it. Even if they can be brought back through ST technologies, everything between their last back up until that moment is lost. That means those experiences, those emotions; the very evolution of their personality during that time is lost.

Remember, one NH-29 is an individual; each is unique in its own way. :)
Rune said:
They aren't expendable, they are renewable.

The Battle of Hoshi no Iori seems to disagree with you, good sir!
Le Blue Dude said:
Shit, man, if I had a bunch of marines that could be brought back to life I would use them as a suicide squad.
Where's the stick of dynamite and backpack full of Gunpowder when you need it most?

And yes, Jake's character Kyosuke has the tact, grace and social skills of a bag of hammers now that I think about it...
TFW I see that the Freespacers hadn't met Yamatai. Then they did. And it led to a near entire genocide of their people and shattered the Free States utterly.

On a serious note, this is some of the concerns I have with making the Brolt even on friendly terms with Yamatai. It seems like (sorry Wes =3=) that Yamatai is still more likely to cut these fungi down/force them into ST bodies than be willing to tolerate/support their freedom. To put it bluntly, the "HUMIE MALES WOOOO" frat party of Nepleslia seems more appealing since maybe they'd tolerate the Brolt as some weird fungal mutant things.

TLDR: I guess I want to revive this and see how people still think on this subject. Yamatai still comes off and a dangerous ally to me. All these old threads (a few I've read) also depict Yamatai as oddly racist (against non-Yamataian-bodied humans at least) or outright xenophobic in a sense. And it seems to vaguely fit with how I've perceived them up to this point.