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Approved Submission [ONI] Indigo-class Guided Missile Frigate


DEFCON Everybody Dies
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well, the format/template should be an easy fix. If @Arieg won't do it, I can likely move the stuff around real quick if he gives me a green light.

Regarding the fire rate limitations, I thought that those were still on here, but even when they were, I did not look at them favorably. The reason for that, even if a ship like this fired all its missiles in a Macross Missile Massacre, is that 1) it's easily countered and 2) the ship becomes a one-trick-pony. Yes, the missiles can do a lot of damage if they hit, but given that this is space combat, If is the key, defining word, and it's a big one. However, if you can convince me that they are a much larger threat than I currently believe them to be, I'll concede to your point of view and put it back into the review board.
Let me clear up what I'm saying. I'm not judging whether or not the ship is over powered right now. I'm saying vital information is missing. It'd be like making a rifle right now and just saying "It hold 100 bullets" and not at all talking about the fire rate. That is information that is needed to judge how effective it is, as well as for RP purposes. Once that information is up, then calls can be made about whether or not it's OP, but that's not up to me. Unless it's a ridiculous number I wont say anything and it'll be between Arieg Wes and the NTSE. There's plenty of 'slightly over powered' things in the setting. And I've even made two myself.
Alright, I see your point then. @Arieg , I need,
  • Either a format change, or the go ahead to make the change on your behalf
  • Fire rate and salvo sizes for the launchers
Go ahead and list what you believe is proper for the system, and we'll go from there if there needs to be any changes.
I've already addressed the template and my reasoning behind my decision in the previous post Frost.

As a NTSE moderator, why are you ignoring what is stated within the Submission Rules, @CadetNewb?

As for the nomenclature, I suspect you're no longer reading the article; it's right under the cost of the ship, which I also discussed with Arieg and approved.

Where does this submission (or any of its sub-articles) list the proper nomenclature as defined by the Standard Product Nomenclature System, CadetNewb? Why are you making false allegations about whether or not I've read this submission?

Furthermore, I'm afraid your math regarding this submission's price is incorrect - 120% of 1,500,000 is 1,800,000, not 1,150,000.

As for Origin Industries, my approval was quite implicit given the fact I haven't raised any issue as its manager.

It doesn't matter if you've given your implicit approval of the submission, CadetNewb, as the Submission Rules state that Faction Managers must explicitly post their approval in a submission's thread.

Meanwhile, the military buildup limitations were meant for nations, not corporations - the moment ONI and Oshima turns into a nation (if they ever do), they'll be subject to that rule.

You missed the point I was trying to make, Cadet - according to the Submission Rules, combat-oriented starships must be submitted with a civilian starship design or an equipment article for an "enemy" faction.


Now, I know you're not the most tech savvy...

Now, I know staff members should not be making personal attacks against other members...

...but Zesuaium and Nerimium don't compare; zesu is immune to anything below plasma, and is resistant to even that. Plus, it doesn't bend or warp at all. Yamatai has to practically give space-time a wedgie to make the stuff.

...but then why do they both have their price listed as "Expensive[?]"

[...] And again, they're an applique weapon; adding them is very easy, and doesn't require any major modification of the hull.

As I stated earlier, why should every other faction in the setting have to add hundreds of missiles to their starships in order to keep up with this submission's blatantly (in my personal opinion) overpowered and questionable amount of firepower?

Even then, ships are perfectly viable without them.

Baloney, as no similarly-sized starship without equally ridiculous amounts of missiles stands a chance against something capable of destroying seven hundred and fifty-two Plumerias simultaneously - and I'm scared to know what the Colonial Pac-sorry, the Oshima National Industries battleship will have in terms of armament.


This is getting...just wow if I actually told you guys what I think of this I would probably get moderated. You two are just so full of it right now. There are things that need to be done with this article, and you're both too busy trying to prove something to actually touch on the important points.

Not to be rude...but how am I "full of it," @Syaoran? I'm merely trying to point out the numerous procedures that CadetNewb - who himself stated that "the proper procedure must be followed" - did not complete or fulfill.

These are the actual concerns that should be being discussed with this article.

Agreed; in hindsight, I should have probably have emphasized in my earlier post which concerns had the highest priority. :oops:

  • Has it's appearance on mobile pages changed? Because what Raz showed is just horrible. It's one thing if it ends up like that and you don't know, but if something like that is presented to the submitter, it should NOT be ignored. (The biggest problem is the positioning and size of the table, so that's not a major issue that would take huge amounts of time to fix)

As I wrote this on my iPhone 4, I can confirm that the article's appearance has not been changed - and I agree: in its current form, its formatting is painfully bad when viewed on mobile devices.

  • Next the number of missiles he has is absolutely irrelevant honestly. If you count the amount of potential DR 'stored' within a ship in the form of bullets and batteries and torpedoes, it's stupid high. What matters is how many individual 'weapons' he has. 5k missiles is nothing if you can only fire 10 at a time. So what needs to be discussed is the fire rate and salvo size. This was mentioned the last time this ship was submitted but it looks like that data found it's way off the page again. (If that VSL pod stuff is it you need to write it out more clearly so people can see at a glance the firing capacity of the ship. Guns have RPM and magazine size, missile tubes should too)

THANK YOU, SYAORAN - THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO CONVEY THE ENTIRE TIME!!!1!!!!!1!!11$:8573?@8/9)jeoqpchalwhzp?~+[€|


Seriously, though, that is why I believe this submission is overpowered in its current form, as it - assuming I'm interpreting its article correctly - is capable of launching the following in a single volley:
Those are reasons this article should not be going through approval yet, and I really think those problems should be solved first.


Things like how much it cost compared to a Plumeria is irrelevant. For one the Plumeria was priced at a different time, it's also a piece of military tech. I also don't see aether on the Indigo..you know, something really expensive. It might be there and I just missed it, but it definitely isn't rocking the Aether shock array for a main cannon.

I agree; the only reason I compared this submission's price to the Plumeria's is because both are warships of roughly the same size - and because of the fact that the Pricing Guidelines apparently only count non-combat commercial vessels as civilian starships.

As a matter of fact, would you mind clarifying this, @Nashoba? Specifically: For the purposes of the Pricing Guidelines for High End Commodities, would this submission be counted as a civilian starship or as a military starship?
You missed the point I was trying to make, Cadet - according to the Submission Rules, combat-oriented starships must be submitted with a civilian starship design or an equipment article for an "enemy" faction.

This is a thing I know very well. I was told to create a civilian ship when submitting my Jackdaw, which led to the Terrene being submitted. It seems to hold logic that Arieg needs to develop civilian ships to accompany a very-clearly warship design. Not even mentioning that it is IN the rules, not just some spread-by-mouth thing.
I really wouldn't call your transport a civilian vessel tbh, anyways wrap plugin addressed and while I don't agree with this because I make these articles to be viewed on computer monitors and not potato phones (the issues Raz described could be solved by magically rotating the phone 90 degrees long ways). The rate of fire of the missile launchers has been adjusted. As far as purely civilian designs do we honestly want more space tractors and space freighters? Or are you just fishing around for another NTSE thread to tie up for a few months?
As unfortunate as it is, it's still a rule Arieg. Following this, I'm putting a moratorium on any new ship submissions you make until a few things of that nature are made. And no flame baiting either - I won't have this thread derailed. Since you brought it up and made the problem more clear @Syaoran , how do the missile changes look?
Sorry for the delay, was in DnD. But if I'm reading it right that's 6 missiles every 2 seconds? (A reminder, I am only judging clarity, not how powerful it is)
That looks correct. There's three launcher arrays in total, and each one can put out two missiles per two seconds. I'm guessing they launch in pairs by default, but setting it to one missile each second shouldn't be out of the question either.
pictures would be preferred for things related to mobile, so people can see what the problem is and make some guesses at how to fix it.
Why was this submission approved, @CadetNewb, when there are procedures that still have not been followed? For instance:
Correct me if I'm wrong, @Wes, but aren't NTSE moderators supposed to ensure that a submission - and its sub-articles - follows all of the Submission Rules?

The reason I ask is because @CadetNewb has approved this submission not once but twice in spite of the fact that it clearly violates the following rules:

Cadet's the FM of Origin, so I think his approval is kind of obvious. (shrug)
So, given Frost's above list of issues, you're basically saying that an NTSE mod rubber stamped something that they have IC interest in by way of them being FM involved with the tech.

Thanks for making what he did totally clear.
Submission is approved. That approval is not up to be rescinded by anyone but Wes. As that request has been publicly stated, this thread is locked.