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OOC [OOC] 44th Discussion

With no Gally to control Yuzuki, she becomes an NPC for now. This brings us down to four players.

How would you all like to continue? We could recruit a new player, a veteran or continue as we are. Each option has its upsides and downsides.

No matter what, I'm going to take us away from Titanpad for a while and return us to SP-speed posting inside threads. The idea, hopefully, is that we find a better pace (especially me!).
I'm cool with whatever. Kind of leaning towards another player in the plot. I always like having new/old blood!
Wouldn't you know it? Vacation tomorrow, though I'll be hopefully able to post while away. Lord knows I have to work during vacation ...

Back for reals on Monday.
Apologies all; thanks for getting posts up. I'll be replying tonight and getting us closer still to getting off this rock.
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