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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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I was just making a joke about pelting her with riot control rounds though. *sigh* fine, sorry FM I was out of line with that. I guess Soreta's going to have few friends regardless of our OOC opinion

Does anyone have a description of the Alliance AI, or Ally I guess. I've come up to this point without actually knowing what she looks like, and although I could've swore I saw a description somewhere before, I can't seem to find it now.
You guys should make a Wiki article on her, that way the group can collectively keep updated info handy.

It could be linked to from the NSS Alliance page.

The features of Ally we're descriped in the first JP I believe. Take a look way back in the olden days and you might find what you saw before.

Goergyboy said:
The features of Ally we're descriped in the first JP I believe. Take a look way back in the olden days and you might find what you saw before.

Ah, finally found it, hiding on page 3. She's quite the looker, as I expected.

By the way, time to start cooking faster, Miller's pep-talk isn't due for another hour or so after his meeting with Soreta.

I'm right again! (Actually that was the 2nd JP but I wasn't in it so it didn't count)

Your stomachs can take a little more waiting. It'll make it all the better when you finally get food. Tucker up soldier.
Holy shit did I miss a JP, HOW!?!?!??!?!
I am disgraced! =/
BTW I made a new SARP only ID
Add me please! =P
Looking to schedule a JP for the Command Staff of the ship.

How's Sunday night at 8 PM sound?
Can I come and play the evil mishhuvurthyar commander whom came with his warships to invade Nepleslia? ~_^
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