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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Juggernaut Unit: I AM KILL BOT. YOU DIE NOW.

Three days later Neplesia is vaporized by a joint Yamatai/Elysia task force due to "diplomatic issues."
Soon afterwards, the scattered remnants of the Nepleslian Greens track down and deliver a royal asskicking to Razeal Kresh, leaving the cryptic note "Asshole, it wasn't even worth the lay."
One week later the Mishu kill everything.
The End.

YE 29 in a nutshell.
I was just indicating that Adrian is a doctor and doctors know best about these things. I have cleared that up with Omega20 over YIM.
In the light of the recent slowdown in the NSS Alliance, we welcome further participants to enjoy 'testing' the power armors in the NAM thread. Contact yours truely for further details.
I'm going to try to expedite the transport after Zakalwe's next post, so we can hopefully continue moving.

I have something interesting in store for those on the ship.
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