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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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earing his armor, a customized Daisy M6 in Nepleslian camo, acquired from the land of lesbian catgirls


Firstly, the Daisy is not for sale. Secondly it should have been listed in his inventory when his bio was approved for him to have possesed it. Thirdly, the NSS Alliance only uses NAM and NDI armors.

Assuming you intend on joining Gamma team, note that you would only be piloting either a NAM WATER2, FIRE1 or NDI Golem. Please edit your post to reflect this.

And post your contact details.
I never said he bought it. I just picked out the armor I liked best - I'm sure there's an IC reason he might be able to use one.

Anyway, the post was WATERed down.
*checks Miller's latest post*

Hey guys, he's being serious. If you do something stupid, I have no IC justification to spare your asses from the fire. :!:
It's a good thing the only way I'm going down is if someone else starts the fire.
Oh, and now the Elysian's have the perfect way to make a SWOOOSH! Marine.
Fians got two blue charges and thirty darts on damage control, yo.

FIANEDIT: I have just calculated that Fian has 22 Weeks worth of P3C pay and 2 Weeks of P2C pay assuming he was around since the first day (Pay is calculated in OOC dates, weekly) : 1100 +120 = 1220 DA = 610 KS.
I'll be leaving for Florida early tomorrow morning and getting back Monday afternoon. Until then, I can't guarantee being available. If we need to do shit, I'm entrusting Adrian to Kokuten.

I'll see you all later.
RazealK said:
If he gets a Daisy I get a Nuclear Bazooka mothafucker!
Trust me when I say you dont want that. Its just a really, REALLY bad idea. Especially in the hands of a Nepleslian.

Are you waiting on a post from Elysia before you land? If so Ill fill in for Thomas in that regard for now; hes "swamped with coursework". He also wants me to handle describing things because Im "more artistic" than he is, but thats beside the point.

Give me the word, one way or another.

And dont you need SPINE to pilot a Daisy? In short, no IC reason a Nepleslian could manage.
If he gets the power armour... I get more stimmies... MOTE STIMMIES! (Eats raw coffie) CAF-E-NATE! CAF-E-NATE!

Sorry, I'm a bit crazy today
Le Blue Dude said:
If he gets the power armour... I get more stimmies... MOTE STIMMIES! (Eats raw coffie) CAF-E-NATE! CAF-E-NATE!

Sorry, I'm a bit crazy today

...what are you, a half-asleep Dalek?
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