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OOC [OOC] Bahram Wing Discussion

Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Exhack has timewarp abilities in real life.

The 23rd being today will change in a couple of hours, and suddenly we'll be on Wednesday.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I apologize for not posting; I got out of town on rather short notice, and so wasn't able to provide any warning.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I. I don't think there is anything Malik can do short of going on his own that wouldnt interrupt someone's plans.
<Malik> "...Is. Is Nenetl flirting with me? I honestly lost the ability to tell somewhere along the line."
Alright everyone. The Second half of mission 3 starts on Sunday night. The next JP will be announced that day.

Thanks for your patience!
Post is up, albeit a day late. Please post your prescence in the new thread.

Feel free to continue RPing in the old one, however. I will be keeping it open for the remainder of the month, as long as we don't end up with time paradoxes.

So be responsible!
I see a lot of Gundam Wing/ Gundam 00 stuff in here lol the VANDR's even look like the Inovator's mobile suits. Did you do this on purpose, or purely coincidence?? Wish I had Firefox so I could be apart of this deal.
Titus Brutus said:
Wish I had Firefox so I could be apart of this deal.

It wouldn't be a dealbreaker. You can always use mIRC or Mibbit, which are non-Firefox IRC programs that work fairly well. Most of our JPs are conducted in PiratePad and TitanPad now, so browser wouldn't be a major issue.

If you are interested, I'd like to speak to you first, though.
So, question...

...if my character hooks up to the ship and starts his business of spaceship operating, would he be able to detect the turmoil going down where Malik, the guards and the NI are at? Or would that fall under someone else's shoulders?

Just wondering if I could do something while I'm at the bridge.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

That happens to start at approximately the time I have to leave for work :|
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Alright, we're trying again this Sunday June 27th, 8:30 pm EST.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Sorry about missing the last one; we've had even more construction work on the house, internet was down at times, and we've moved to an apartment while it's going. I'll do my best to make it to this next one.
I'm tons happy with the way the JP played out, guys, even if it was just some fanservice and black comedy.

We'll OOCly remain in fold for about one week, or until our next JP.

SentientRace said:
...if my character hooks up to the ship and starts his business of spaceship operating, would he be able to detect the turmoil going down where Malik, the guards and the NI are at? Or would that fall under someone else's shoulders?

He'd be aware of it if he wanted to know, but you can always try to interact with the captain. Fold travel is basically on autopilot, so your character can take the time to familiarize himself with the bridge crew if it's an issue.
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