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OOC [OOC] Bahram Wing Discussion

Re: [OOC] ATTN: Bahram Wing

I'm Free almost every day, for as long as I can stay awake. Thursdays are out, seeing as I how class from 2 till 9:30 till then.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Unfortunately the JP is moved to Sunday, tomorrow, at 8:30 PM. There's been a sudden complication at home.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I will make a concerted effort to be there. I might end up asleep. Lots of work until Monday.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

Even so, I might be making it back fairly late on sunday. So I'll either be late, or miss the JP altogether.
"Zus isn't my type! And I already kinda sorta have a girlfriend. Khiyai Sahrzhad!"

"Just because you've got a backup plan doesn't mean you aren't waiting for the chance to jump Storhan's entry ports!"

Malik and Nenetl. Best lines to come of the JP so far.
I disagree.

"Oh, I see how it is." Nenetl nodded knowingly once she was released from the hug. "You want Storhan, but you've been cockblocked by an older and more virile man! One you ADMIRE!" Nenetl pursed her lips slightly. "Do you admire him in an untoward way, Vaybalri Rashidan?" This was followed by a trilling giggle. "Since I think Farouk is dead fucking sexy, myself."
This just happened.
01[18] <Five> <Malik> "What did I do to deserve this?"
[18] <Orion> <Nenetl> "You asked for relationship advice.
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> *Shakes his head at Nenetl* I've been doing my best to offer him advice for so long..."
01[18] <Five> <Malik> "I didn't ask for it! I just said that I didn't think Khiyai would want to talk to me after dissapearing!"
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "You assume too much."
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "You should take a lesson from Nenetl, she assumes less."
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "Or appears to."
01[18] <Five> <Malik> *Fumes* "I had hoped to atleast become an ace on that last mission, to impress her so I would look more attractive."
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "Perhaps you're focusing too much on 'impressing her'. She worries about you, and doing foolhardy things to impress her will only serve to anger her more."
01[18] <Five> <Malik> "Tch!" *Appears to get angrier, but his features soften and he smiles* "You're right. I don't want to hurt Khiyai by getting hurt again."
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "Exactly!" *Pats Malik on the shoulder.* "Which is why you should learn to control your desires and reactive nature."
01[18] <Five> <Malik> "Hey! I'm in good control of my desires and reactive nature!"
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> *Punches Malik in the face* "Really? You strike me as more of a 'sandrat' than a 'man', Rashidan."
01[18] <Five> <Malik> *Falls over from the force of the punch, picking himself back up* "What in Mu'Klamal's name was that for, Farouk!"
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> *Crosses his arms* "Seeing your resolve as a 'man', Rashidan."
01[18] <Five> <Malik> "Farouk!" *Throws a punch at Mu'Tasim's face in return."
[18] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "Rashidan!" *Throws a punch at Malik's face in counter-attack.*
01[18] <Five> <Malik> "Farouk!" *Forces his fist toward's Mu'Tasim's face in a hard hook, completely ignoring the idea of defense*
[19] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "Rashidan!" *Connects his fist in a forceful blow as Malik connects to his*
01[19] <Five> <Malik> "Farouk!" *Takes the fist to his jaw, clenching his teeth as his fist connects to Mu'Tasim's face*
[19] <Snake311> Why are you guys always doing this here?
[19] <Orion> Because they can.
[19] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "RASHIDAN!" *Is as solid as a rock as Malik strikes his face.*
[19] <Orion> <Nenetl> *claps and cheers* "Use your rainbow beard attack!"
01[19] <Five> <Malik> "FAROUK!"
[19] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> *Gains a sudden burst of power, his punch carrying through an amazing amount of force.* "RASHIDAN!"
01[19] <Five> <Malik> "FAROUK!" *Uses his other hand to throw another punch at Mu'Tasim's torso*
[19] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> *Catches Malik's fist* "And this is why I said you need to control your desires and reactiveness."
01[19] <Five> <Malik> *Nods* "I understand, Mu'Tasim!"
[19] <Kokuten> <Mu'Tasim> "I'm glad we had this talk."
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

JP Scheduled Tuesday May 4, 8:30 PM.

Until then, please continue posting in the SP.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling


Or, well, not for long, anyway. I can probably make the beginning of it.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I may or may not be able to make it. I'm scheduled to work until 8 pm (11 pm EST), but might be off a couple hours earlier.

Might, weather-dependent.