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OOC [OOC] Chouteisha Squadron

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Wow... I'm really out of it.... Uh... ya... I'm lost! What just happened and what do I needs to post about? The week away killed my brainz x_x
*Yanks someone over to fill Kyoki in while he uses a defibrillator on her brainz to bring them back to life after the week away.*
Durruti, I know your character just arrived. You could have him join us on the bridge, as that seems to be the current set of orders.
Oh, yeah, I was thinking I might do that, haha. I wasn't sure where exactly to cut in, but I was getting the feeling I ought to just make an appearance. I'll get to posting.

EDIT: Sorry, terrible timing, but I'm going on a two or three day vacation out of state and won't have access to a computer. I'm finishing up my post at the moment but I won't be able to do anything more until I return. Sorry again.
Allrighty kids, it's plot audit time! Be sure to update your schedules and you character wiki pages! =D
Sheeeit, I'm sorry folks, I'd been meaning to post a reply for a while now but a slew of things popped up, most recently and seriously a situation involving a dear friend of mine trying to escape her abusive household, so I've been sort of all over the place and haven't yet gotten my head together from everything. My apologies if I held up the plot any.

(Oh, and I'll get around to replying to that message ASAP.)
Since C-Squad wasn’t getting anywhere and we’ve had little GM activity, we’re going to wrap it up ourselves. Those that I have been able to talk with about this have agreed to an ending so we’re going to run with it.

I’ll be taking the initiative for advancing events and providing setting information. This is going to be rather fast paced so if you can’t keep up or don’t wish to participate, your characters will be considered “wounded” and unable to fight. Likewise if you wish to jump in part way through, you are welcome to do so, just give a reason you character was out of the fight until then.

Let’s see if we can get this thing moving towards an end we can be happy about.
Sorry guys for my slow ativity. I have not internet at my appartment so I have to use it while I'm at school and I had been waiting for people to post but yea....
Its no real fault of yours, the plot kind of got dumped on you and having no internet at home doesn’t make things easy. That’s kind of why we chose to end it for you, so you didn’t have to worry about it.
Hello all, I'm Teddo : ) Pleased to meet you, I'm looking forward to RPing with y'all.

Alrighty, so I suppose I should do some kind of introduction post in the RP soon? Should I auto my character to where the squadron is, or have her reporting in at base?
This puts us in a slight bind, since the squadron and the ships they were escorting just got shot down by heavy artillery and we’re all kind of stranded until ground forces can move in and take them out. (I’ll be outlining all this in my next post)

So we are faced with the problem of how to bring you in. An easy way would be to retroactively have your character on one of the ships and that you managed to escape before they went down.

A more fun way is for your character to have arrived just after these events and have her on one of the ships that remained in orbit, then get “Volunteered” to bring down emergency supplies in a Tenshi since anything larger would get blow out of the sky.

Let me know which you’d like to do or if you have any ideas of your own for how to get planet side and we’ll work you in.
What I was in fact considering myself was that my transport arrives just in time for everyone else to get completely owned, and we effectively try to help out, like you said, by sending me down to help. I've been pressed for computer time lately, so I've only read into the story a little ways.

Just a question: Do we do JP on a regular basis?
So far, it’s been a real haste to organize them, since we’re just trying to get this plot over with to make way for the next one, we’re not likely to have any before the end. My availability is about to change soon so it might get easer.

Don’t worry about not having any place for your character once we’re done, a bunch of us have started the ground work for the next Peacekeeper plot and you’d be welcome to join that as well.
Heads up guys: there's a plot audit due by Oct. 7.

This means the de facto GM right now has to go through this checklist:

If you guys could all work together on getting your wiki (as best as you can!) up to date, it'll help out a little bit. Keep in mind what you guys want to happen better for the next plot that you guys roll over into- I'm sorry you guys have gotten off to such a rough start. ^^; Hopefully, the next plotship you guys come up with better suit your needs and wants.
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