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OOC [OOC] Cirrus Station Discussion

Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

They'll last two weeks, tops. Either one of the engineers opens it up and resets all the prices to $0, thus getting it taken away, or one of the marines gets fed up with the poor food and puts a fist through the front. Dream pounding away at it like a game of whack-a-mole is just icing on the cake.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

MissingNo said:
Unfortunately, since they taught her to "punch" the third button from the top, there's a possibility that punching that button is going to be what she does from then on.

It's not a possibility, it's a certainty

But anyway, Dream is ANYTHING but a heavyweight, so I seriously doubt she's going to damage the thing no matter how hard she punches it.

Hacking it, on the other side... If someone were to persuade her that the vending machine is CAPITALISTIC and DICTATORIAL and therefore EVIL...
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

OK, moonie. Emergency Polysentience broadcast to all Freespacers aboard: what do they think about this? I mean, being disconnected from Polysentience and stuff.

Well, ok, a group of 2000 Freespacers is still large enough to survive even if cut off from the main body, but I doubt they're happy about this. Not to mention Cassefin's censorship.

How do they feel about all of this?
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Freespacers: "DO NOT WANT"
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

This is from the IRC channel last night when I started complaining about Cass' complete lockdown. And to anwser your question Della, apparently, the spacers on the station don't mind since they're NPCs under Moons control.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Well, forming a local collective mind whenever they're separated from the main body is a standard practice. So it's not about their survival or sanity (since there's enough of them anyway, it's not a big problem from that point of view), but more about whether they're ok with it or not.

Dream, for one, isn't but then, Dream is a Druidess and therefore is the one who's supposed to be the most idealistic, noncompromising and faithful to the Art of Never Again of the bunch.

But then, she's also a social being and wouldn't act on her own. Hmm...

...I'll have to think this through.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

I don't want to spoil anything, but most of it has to do with the head Freespacer aboard the Cirrus, Peke Twenty-Two. *Most* of the Freespacers are under her influence, and Peke is *alright* with the communications.

And I don't know if it was just my wording or not, but communications in and out of the station are not being completely blocked...just regulated and monitored. And nobody has said anything about censorship, so anything you hear or say about it (at this point, anyway) is just speculation, or wishful thinking.


I must address everyone with something that I've recently been brought attention to about the Cirrus Station plot so far.

Needless to say, I've created an environment for your characters that they do not like. This was intended, from an OOC standpoint, because overcoming adversity and unfavorable conditions is one of the selling points of the Cirrus Experiment. I think I've done this well so far...I don't think *any* character is happy to be here.

However, I'm starting to feel I might be going too far. I am giving your characters whom, if they weren't bound by OOC-ties logically would've just up and left by now, more reason to do so. OOCly, this is the last thing I want to happen. All of my players are terrific...I'm honestly the luckiest GM on the site, in my opinion, and I don't want any of you to leave. Yet, at the same time, I do not want you to compromise your characters, which you have worked hard on to bring to life.

I'm at a crossroads. I *want* to ask that you have your characters find reasons to stay on their own accord, but at the same time, I do not want to force you into compromising your characters to remain on my plot. I realize that I am making it very easy for your characters to leave the Cirrus Station...disliking the situation is a large part of the Cirrus Station plot. But I will leave it to you all to decipher where you want your characters to go.

I can hold your hand, scold you, coddle you and punish you, but I can't prod you into a certain direction...that's your decision.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

MoonMan said:
I don't want to spoil anything, but most of it has to do with the head Freespacer aboard the Cirrus, Peke Twenty-Two. *Most* of the Freespacers are under her influence, and Peke is *alright* with the communications.

I think you just missed an important part of Freespacer society:

There are no "heads" of anything. Everyone is does as they want and what they need to, so it doesn't matter if Peke is alright with it or not, you still have to worry about the other 1999 'Spacers (not counting the non-sentient ones).

EDIT: I just caught the irony in the Cirrus Station thread title.

Paradise it is not.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Well, for Cyril, all you need to do is show him a big shiny engine that he can play with and he'll be a happy camper. More or less.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

One thing I've been pondering about the Freespacers when I started thinking about Peke Twenty-Two is their ability to truly be free. If they are truly free to think as they want, then it is reasonable to believe that some of them do not believe in the Art of Never Again, or at least certain facets of it. If they are truly free to do as they please, then there very well may be some Freespacers who want things differently from how others in their society see it. Anarchy is a fickle thing, or so I'm told...places like the Hermit Moon or Hasan and his Freespacer merc group verify that.

And I think the Freespacers have some understanding of what being the "Head" of something is...or else their society should've died off a long time ago. They have Foremen, who oversee things...if that doesn't count as a "Head" of a certain area, well, I'm just fresh out of fodder.

This is all just a musing of mine, though, and besides the point.

Mimi was the one who said Peke was the Administrator...because Mimi is a Savtech and sees things in a business-type mindset. This doesn't mean Peke herself sees herself as an Administrator of anything.

EDIT: I just caught the irony in the Cirrus Station thread title.

Paradise it is not.

Moonie luvs the Irony. :3
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

*laughs* Your literary sense will fall ill if you have too little irony in your diet. Or so I've heard. Same with vitamin P-un.

I'm curious: What does the file on Tweak say? Is there anything (or should there be anything) that would give them insight on why shoving her into security duty would be a bad idea?

Aside from that little hint that the Savtechs gave about knowing what she is...I'd guess that they would want her as far away from the rest of the station crew as possible. That would be alright with me...after all, why would you put someone you don't trust in a position such as security?
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

About freedom: Sure, every Freespacer is free not to believe in the Art of Never Again if they want (despite it being the place where is stated that every Freespacer is free), but this also means that, if he wants to put up a hierarchical system, everyone is also free of not following him

Foreman are... well, the nearest thing they have to a leader in some sectors, because the foreman is specifically trained in coordinating the efforts of other freespacers.
(still, he has no authority whatsoever. Other 'spacers (usually) do what he says because they trust him and believe in his training and experience, not because he's the boss or holds a higher rank or has authority over them or anything like that.)

As for censorship: From Dream's point of view, any restriction on anyone's freedom of speech, no matter how justified, is "censorship" and therefore evil

As for a good reason to stay onboard for Dream: you're giving her plenty.

This station is hierarchical, badly organized, wastes resources on useless toys, assigns personnel to roles they're not trained for, suffers from an administrator with deep-seated psychological problems, the morale among the marines is at an all-time low and communications are limited in a semi-dictatorial manner.

There's plenty of stuff for her to do
The worse the place becomes, the more fired-up she'll be.

I'll have to draw Dream with Kamina glasses sooner or later.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

So...new guy here. I was told there might be some room on the station for my character?

What should I do to get involved?

I'm an experienced RPer, forum based even, but very new to Star Army. Here is the character I created and was approved:


I'm reading the back pages now on the plot, should be done soon. Great story by the way on everyone's part.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread



mmm... tastes of trepidation =D

All the new people seem to be getting dumped off of new shuttles, so you could always do that! Or bug Moon until he tells you what to do =)
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

And I'm done reading.

Yes, raw meat ready to get locked in the largest sleepover ever! Cirrus Station!
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Well, first thing's first T-Bone!

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ne ... us_station

Add your character to the roster down there, if you can.

And then, all you really need to do at this point is just *be there* already. We can pretend your guy was one of the marines in the bunks when Squad 35 arrived, and you can just jump in with good explanation as to how he knows all the backstory.

If you can wing that, then I'd say we are good to go!
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread


Made my first post, hope its up to par. If not, stick with me, I'm brushing of the creative writing cobwebs here.
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