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OOC [OOC] Cirrus Station Discussion

Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

It's not so much that he ain't bright. It's that it's gonna be his way or the highway.

He knows that the civs, spacers, and elysian aren't gonna be perfect soldiers, but he's gonna make them at least behave like them.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

For no other reason than military people don't think civilians have what it takes to keep up with the rigidness of it all.
As a military guy, I can tell you: they don't.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

*laughs* That bulletin board idea didn't quite work out the way Cass expected, did it?
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

As a civ who's been in this situation I can agree quite plainly: We don't.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Lucius said:
Don't get your boxers on a bind? There was definitely something wrong with this unruly girl.

I'm loving this drama =D
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread


But there is a Punished-By-Cassefin Support Group, where all who have received reprimands from Miss Montreal go to cry in each others arms, drink tea and basically throw pity parties for one another. :mrgreen:
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Cora said:
Moon, is there hazard insurance on the Cirrus?

This will definitely be interesting. :3

MoonMan said:

But there is a Punished-By-Cassefin Support Group, where all who have received reprimands from Miss Montreal go to cry in each others arms, drink tea and basically throw pity parties for one another. :mrgreen:

Lucius: OH hell no. It's a hundred push-ups for you daisies.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Oh wow.

Also, I feel a little auto'd.

This is what I thought of when Serra did her thing.

God I love Chopper Dave.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

I freely admit, I made several actions without your input, mainly due to you being a ghost on the IRC channel.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Oh crap, you sent me messages on there?

Dang... Well, I guess I shouldn't leave IRC up when I don't ever really use it... Too busy with other stuff...

But I'm not angry about it or anything.

Edit: And I mean I understand why it happened etc.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Anyway. One Piece of advice for the future.

Never use derogatory names, be they racial, or gender based, around Serra. Lucius just got her "I'm getting miffed by all this" rage plus her "derogatory name?!?!" anger combined. If she were really angry, and got a fresh dose from a poorly placed name, Hell would not have the fury she would unleash.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Hell hath no fury like a Serra scorned.

Also, Serra's going to get herself in a lot of trouble if she keeps acting like this.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

She's back! Yay!

And yes, she's been in front of the armory THE WHOLE NIGHT, asking repeteadly "Can I get in, now?" to the automata every 30 or so seconds.

Orbital Decay Girl Strikes Back.

MoonMan said:

But there is a Punished-By-Cassefin Support Group, where all who have received reprimands from Miss Montreal go to cry in each others arms, drink tea and basically throw pity parties for one another. :mrgreen:

This is exactly what I was expecting Dream's shrine to become. Well, among other things.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Davis said:
Hell hath no fury like a Serra scorned.

Also, Serra's going to get herself in a lot of trouble if she keeps acting like this.

Harharhar, sure she will and then you'll have 210 pounds of pissed off half-ID-SOL to put up with... *pets Lorcan lovingly* At least he's trying to save Lucius's ass BE HAPPY!

- And on that note he's also trying to work up good relations with Serra -
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

That's not really going to happen when he decides to use intimate actions AFTER she nearly broke the squad Capitan's back for calling her a rude name.
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Cora said:
That's not really going to happen when he decides to use intimate actions AFTER she nearly broke the squad Capitan's back for calling her a rude name.

lol, He wasn't trying for that... anyway, purpose accomplished =) He's happy...
Re: Cirrus Station OOC Thread

Sooo.... Nobody considers that she was completely treasonous right there?
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