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OOC [OOC] Lorath, Helashio, and LSDF Discussion

My job's going to be starting up on Friday, so I'll be restricted to evening posts except for Fridays and Saturdays. Exclusing the two coming up.
Alright people, we've hit a schedualing snag, and I want to get past it. I would like to see some posts of times where each of you can be available for a JP. If that is not possible, I would like some SP effort.
Well, I feel its time for a bit of an update...

From what I can tell, Vesper fell off the edge of the Earth. Scribbles is MIA in Lorath concerns, and the plot has hit a bit of a snag as we wait for the arrival of Yamatai aid to be played out. Fortunately, things are still in motion in regards to planning, and some plot developments could be on the horizon. Don't worry my dear playerbase, things will be moving soon.

Until things really get moving, don't hesitate to post SPs in regards to what your characters are doing.
We just got another Lorath player, though I do need to inform him where to post and the such, as well as the other player that recently signed up. she is having computer problems though, so that can be helped. I am considering searching for a new Psionics head though, so if anyone is interested, please just message me.
If I may:

Most of the Lorath 'plot' - and I am generous in calling it that - revolves in the struggles of the Lorath nobility (head of the houses, royalty and such). Since most of them are leader figures whom talk about wide ranging plans for their race and politics... there isn't all that much amongst the non-central figures to do, meaning that even if you get additions and place them as head of houses, you will still experience a certain level of stagnation.

I heartilly suggest that the ruler/head category of the Lorath fade into the background as narration. You don't expressely need to roleplay that and it won't mke much of an engaging plot anyways.

What you need is a premise to show off the Lorath and something of an adventure to offer. To show off the lower caste lorath and their labors and struggles to redress themselves after the catastrophy they've suffered. To showcase the gears of the machine which will save the lorath race instead of its haughty rulers.

One very good way of doing that is a plotship. You could play the angle of the Lorath cruiser trying to find an habitable world away from the nebula to settle on, at less risk from the predations of the Mishhuvurthyar. You could start a rebellious movement amidst the Lorath whom would disagree with the amiable joining with the Star Army of Yamatai and turn rogue, taking a few vessels to strike back at the people whom 'stole their skies'. The Lorath Self Defense Force isn't established yet and it should really be the soul of the Lorath's survival and success as a player character race... instead of centering it on the rulers.

Ironically, despite my dislike of the race, the Lorath seem unusually popular. They have a lot of players which could just as well have gone into a better established race, the Elysian... but they didn't. However, you don't have - right now - the staying power to captivate and sustain the interest. You have to either take the big step forward and do something momentous to make something happen... or give up on it and leave the Lorath as a background race because if you wait for things to happen, that's all they'll ever be from here on in.
I've been working with some Lorath things lately, much of it having to do with Lorath society; hopefully it should be up after a day or two once it's looked over by Tomoe. With Tomoe working (quite wonderfully I must say) on the Lorath too in recent weeks, I hope this will give the Lorath more depth and playability.
Well we had a productive meeting of Lorath players, we decided that we would get our Lorath plot going finaly. I'll be running it along with Chris(aka Cora).

The plot will be ship based, most likely starting out on a Lorath Harvester Class Ship, and will probably move to a Zahl or another ship type some point after we get going.

Like a few other plots this plot will be considered a fast pace SP plot, with the occasional JP if schdules allow. What this means is if you only have one or two posts in a week, you're not posting enough.

As for rules, the plot will mostly be following standard SA rules; along with, that doing anything a GM decides is obviously idiotic can get your character killed with no previous discussion. Such as if a character decideds to charge a squad of Mishhuvurthyar and is armed with nothing but a combat knife, the character will most likely be brutally and quite amusingly dismembered. Since most Lorath characters don't have as reliable access to the facilities needed to bring them back to life, I recommend that you avoid such obviously stupid or suicidal actions; But since you have decided to play a character from the proud and intelligent Lorath race, we can tell that you and everyone here is smart enough to avoid such actions.

I would like to get this plot going pretty soon, so any players that haven't yet finished thier characters should start working on them asap. Occhestan (Psionic) characters should take special note of my supplement for the House Occhesta and the OCG, this might well be a good resource to look over anyway even for Lmanel and Fynneun. In the next few days I also have a supplement on the Lorath educational system, and a short overview of the LSDF; Along with the LSDF space uniform to post. So be looking for it to show up, it may be useful for your character. I'll post links in here once the stuff is up.

My final order of bussiness at the moment is to take a roll call of all the players (and their characters) who will be starting in the plot. (starting with myself)

Karma Mechanic (Scribbles)
Character: Sub-Commander Skka'ri 'Spirit' Occhesta
Character: Jariyaa (NPC)
YIM: Primary: dcm8211986, Secondary: redflametiger
I'm thinking of trying to start this plot by sunday perhaps, how does everyones schedule look like? If we could work out a time for a JP it would be a good way to get this going, if not I guess we can start with SP.

In short: whats your schedule look like? And we're starting pretty soon, JP or SP.
Ok, eraknight how are you for a sunday start?

Chris, what about your character? Can you be ready for sunday? If not we might have to start without your character.
JoMidori said:
I dont work sunday, so that would be great to start up! Of course it is up to the others as well.
You have a Sakura JP from 8pm-11pm on Sunday.
Ok we had a JP on sunday, sorry I didn't get it posted up yesterday, but my network account was corrupted once again, so I had to wait until it was fixed. So I'll try to get it up today.

Once it is up I would like it if everyone checks it and trys to post something at least once a day. I understand if someone isn't near computer access for a day or so, but it isn't much effort to SP so everyone lets try to get lots of posts and replys in when you can, ok? :)
Ok the JP is edited and posted, so lets all get to the SP.

Also on a side note how does everyones schedule look? Because JP's are great when we can work them out.