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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Ladies, gentlemen.

It's been my supreme honor to have worked with all of you for these past years. Truly, we have left something great in our wake. Never let that go.

I'm going to leave the OOC open. I'm not sure why, but ... it feels right. Miharu will be archived soon enough, I imagine, but what's been done here won't be forgotten for a long time to come.

Thank you, everyone. I know Fred is happy and proud of us all.
I'm glad I was able to be a part of this, even if it wasn't a very important one, and I ended up missing a lot. Still, It feels sad to see the Miharu gone. it was certainly the best plot I ever played in, and I don't think it's something that can be easily achieved again...
Man, SARP without Miharu is just a little bit darker. I never roleplayed in the Miharu, but I read it -- that's how awesome Miharu was; suck in even the people that accidentally clicked the link one day -- and I'm sad to see it go.
It's been an absolute delight to roleplay with all of you across the years.

I reflect on all we've done with a bittersweet sense of accomplishment. Like all good stories, Miharu had to come to an end, but, over the years, I treated Miharu like a daily newspaper: something I'd check in on every day, something familiar that I could always count on.

Fred, our GM, brought out the best in all of us across the years. I remember those days where I'd read his, or someone else's amazing post and force myself to continuously step up my game. Fred expected the best of us and our work, and I like to think that he'd be proud of what we've done.

To have been a part of this story from day 1... it is a bit overwhelming to consider. Miharu was with me before I left for Japan. Now, almost six years later, she's complete.

I'm not sure if we can ever recreate what we've done here, but I'd like to think that Fred and our mutual respect for each other have given us the tools and motivation to achieve great things in the future.

Thank you, everyone.
Thanks for the great run folks. This wasn't possible without everyone's hard writing work. The fact that this has been running for a good portion of my life is amazing. Not even my deployment overseas prevented me from continuing to contribute. Honestly, this was one of the few things that helped make that deployment bearable. It was all worth it. You all made it worth it. Thanks again.
Yep, fine job to everybody involved. (I'm not lazy, I just gave out most of my bigger thanks on IRC. If you weren't there, pretend I'm giving you heartfelt congratulations, because I'm too sleepy to give them at the moment.)

As a less festive aside: Jake, are you going to be updating the orders threads with everybody's awards and promotions? I'm starting to update Miyoko's wiki page*, and I'm guessing there's smaller stuff still coming. But I'm not sure.

* "I remember updating it pretty recently, so this shouldn't be too bad..." [Current revision: 2011/01/15] "... oh."
Kel with the important question!

Yes. All orders threads will be updated with awards, promotions and new assignments. Keep in mind that the assignments are there as background for your characters to update skills and justify cool stuff you want to do in the future.
It's going to be strange, not seeing the Miharu threads every day anymore. So strange. At least we have Hinoto to distract with her BEAUTIFUL ART.