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OOC [OOC] Origin Industries

We have an Opening on the SS Atuan, for Frame pilots, AKA Giant robot pilots.

Your character will need a Vehicle skill in piloting Frames. While this isn't a common skill for people to have, it is one that can be taught to your character in the story.

The Story GM for this plot is Fiver, with Me being the Lead GM. I'll be giving you missions and helping to guide along as Fiver sets up what actually happens to us all.
Sweet. I'd love to join the SS Autan. I s'pose they'd be both testing new equipment and the occasional guard job?
Actually, some of the equipment was stolen, so the current plot is going to be retrieving the stolen items as well as finding out whodunnit.

But we will probably be testing new stuff out, yes.
Suh-weet. Again. Well, when can we expect this campaign to be running? Next week? This weekend?
Technically, we could get it started tonight, but I'll see about getting it going by tomorrow.
Alrighty. Just a question, can we skip the basic training for Frame piloting for Taela? I just want to make sure about this sort of thing.
it will be assumed that she's had training before being assigned, but she'll still have to properly prove herself.
Right. I'll keep that in mind. Well, G'mornfternignt! *Passes out onto computer*
First and foremost. If you have any questions for me and I look like i'm on the IRC but I'm not responding, i'm passed out. So just PM your questions to me here.

Secondly, The Ashigaru has sensors all over its body. Otherwise, its panoramic cockpit wouldn't work.

Keep in mind, Moogle, that it's Yamatai, not Yamatia.

Also, sometimes people have their names listed in Japanese order, so you might have to ask the player which is the family name and which is the given name.
I already checked. Tachibana is the least used part of the name in the profile, so I assume that is the surname. Oh, and the ISC Enkidu has not started yet/needs crew, correct?
Moogle said:
I already checked. Tachibana is the least used part of the name in the profile, so I assume that is the surname. Oh, and the ISC Enkidu has not started yet/needs crew, correct?

You talk about the Enkidu here, while you're on the Atuan, and things get worse for your PC. Got it?
Five, don't threaten players. Especially new people.

Also, the Enkidu is not an Origin Plotship, it is independent.
Well, thanks for clarifying. I'll just. . . not ask about it in public, 'kay Fiver?
Hey Fiver, though the sensors on the Ashigaru are located throughout the body, the article does say optics are on the visor, chest and the back of the shoulders, yes?
CadetNewb said:
Hey Fiver, though the sensors on the Ashigaru are located throughout the body, the article does say optics are on the visor, chest and the back of the shoulders, yes?

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