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OOC [OOC] - Senate of Yamatai Discussion

I actually liked Kim's idea of one representative, because it effectively reflects what each tributary currently has (one world with enough population to get a senator) while blocking rump-pulled wiki population updates to get more senators. But I can't complain with the verdict because the answer is entirely

Why? I’m not going to disrupt anything he is doing on Anisa.

I provided the art for the system. I happen to like the art I put there. I just happen to like political rp.
I will review you requests for senate seats this weekend. I would prefer to give seats to people already actively involved in the relevant planet (could be improving its lore, RPing there, etc).
Just wondering, does that include my adoption request?

@Legix I wouldn't mind having Wularu, the Senator I adopted, appear in your plot while it's on Gashmere.
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I don't know what planet I should represent anymore, but I'd sure like one again if that's how this is going.
That works for me. If I'm needed elsewhere, I don't mind swapping planets. Though I like Yamatai. ^_^
This is how I'd go about it, knocking this together in ten minutes or so, if anyone fancies a read. Heavy WIP obviously so bear in mind. https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:yamatai:senate:extended_representation_act
Based off the system we use in the UK that keeps 4 entire countries in unison. I thought that might be nice since we give them a lot more devolved powers than I imagine states have, meaning more independency for Suzerainties, though I will need to check that. Maybe it doesn't work best in a non-democratic appointing environment but as I say, heavy WIP and just a concept
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Just wondering, does that include my adoption request?

@Legix I wouldn't mind having Wularu, the Senator I adopted, appear in your plot while it's on Gashmere.
That'd go further lengths to helping calm me on the Gashmere situation, especially since it'd also step toward allowing there to be a Senator who participated/was involved in the Civil War's escalation period and the like. We'd need to figure out a plot hook to get him involved with the Shinpi, however, due to the fact their involvement in the war is far from "official" as they're arriving on a bounty hunt. It'd also doubly reward us to make a more logical IC selection of Wularu to return to their position if, amid the turmoil of the broken/non-united pro-Yamatai faction, they ended up assisting and being involved in the escalation period prominently. But if we can get him hooks and something to do, I don't mind him appearing in Shinpi at the time they're involved in the KCW on Gashmere.
I'm looking to kick off some political RP and was wondering which of our Senators are active and interested? Given the Imperial Palace hasn't been used very much in 5 years, I think it would be nice to run a scene.
Hmm, I suppose that I should have Hanako campaign for a new star system since Hanako's World isn't held by the YSE anymore.
I'm late in answering @Ethereal tagging me for the latest proposal.

Kotori isn't an active Senate member. For one, she was disowned by the Ketsurui clan. Also, she's been abducted.

So, her world is up for grabs.
Reactions: Wes
Ah, alright. I was just running through all the active Senators listed on the wiki page, which I think is woefully out of date.
Making an effort to be back posting despite my medical issues. If there is something that I overlook, miss or need to be paying attention to please make sure you tag me on discord. On a lot of meds right now and may miss the occasional detail, etc.
Reactions: Wes
Just a note on the current Proposal 121: it is partially inspired by the United States' real life Military Lending Act, which caps interest rates at a whopping 36% rather than the scandalously low 5% I've set for the proposal. It is further much abridged compared to real life due to the smaller scope and legal detailing of the Star Army universe. The SARPiverse's financial system is extremely rudimentary, so the proposal is only directed at concrete in-universe facts rather than the conjecture of myself or any individual roleplayer. This is actually a great boon because it means we have never had to write Yamataian Senate legislation with labyrinthian legalese because our issues are simple and their solutions are simple.

Given that information, please make suggestions regarding my proposal in good faith. There's only so much text that can be added until we are suddenly making up solutions for issues that don't actually exist prior to a piece of legislation's introduction. Additionally, please roleplay generally in good faith and refrain from ignoring narration that specifies the nature of statements made by characters and how their words should be taken.

Lastly, never have we allowed players to have more than one vote counted. Cast as many votes as you want, but I think it's best we defer to precedent that each player gets one vote rather than each character.

I'm all for the first provision OOC that is mirroring this. It's the second provision that I think is causing head scratching both IC and OOC.

What I love about Senate stuff. As long as everyone keeps what is IC IC and OOC OOC, it is all good.
It's the second provision that I think is causing head scratching both IC and OOC.
Not sure what's confusing about it.

If a soldier cannot afford their buyout and takes a loan for it then they exit the Star Army with debt and no money. Subsequently, they have to use their LACY stipend to pay back the debt incurred for their buyout until they find otherwise gainful employment. Or they can just stay on LACY forever and stick Yamatai with the bill for getting out of the enlistment contract they agreed to. In both cases, it provides a stream of money to banks and creditors directly from the Yamatai Star Empire's coffers. The bill exists to prevent that in a way possible for the Senate, because the Senate cannot make laws for Star Army policy itself.

This is completely unobjectionable from an IC standpoint. Hopefully it's now clarified OOC.
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