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OOC [OOC] SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

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Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

[is poked]

The Azorean plot is already running, but is extremely slow right now. It is really up to Toshiro if he wants to run in to the ACS Ameriss or the homeworld, though I believe that he wants to discover the homeworld first.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

That man's an idot. Pointing a gun at Medical staff... in a medbay. Do you know how many weapons there are in medbay? Scalpels, drugs, all sorts of stuff... Kasserine
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Le Blue Dude said:
That man's an idot. Pointing a gun at Medical staff... in a medbay. Do you know how many weapons there are in medbay? Scalpels, drugs, all sorts of stuff... Kasserine

Hippocratic earth nullifies most of that. Also, Toshiro, I need you to hold off coming to the north for a few months.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

...Who are you and why is that?

I need a reason to ignore my current plans for OOC months, and it has to come from someone I know in the RP rather than joe-shmo.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

He's mentioning a few ideas that he'd been discussing with Fay and myself involving an alliance of some weaker factions in the northern areas of space. My own race is nearing completion, but Kakin is looking at a few more months before he can get his up.

I'm not exactly sure how things would work out for him or myself if the Azoreans met the Ygg first, but I don't see any reason for you holding off.

The plans have been discussed, but have yet to be properly implemented ICly, pending a very large amount of tech and racial submissions.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

In that case, without more data or a comment from Fay to wait, then we will proceed.

Especially since you guys lack any form of FTL travel or communication, it would require you all to be in the same star system. ^^*

In other news, our latest addition has been approved to be modified into this:


Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

There is no reason for Toshiro to hold off on meeting the Azoreans. It isn't right to tell a GM how to run his plot. Not only is it rude, but it is uncalled for. If the Azoreans are to be discovered before Vaake's race is approved, I'm sure that their is a plausible reason why they weren't discovered along with the Azoreans. Remember, Vaake: The Elysians may travel up there, but Missing is also starting up a plotship that will try to create a 'trade route' along that area. So, just be patient. ^^;;
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Fian...my people are feeling impatient...

I hate rushing you, but this is taking MUCH longer OOCly than expected.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

After a rather long period of being MIA due to some serious hardware problems. I'm finally back. Typing off a junker right now, but it'll do until I get the laptop working again.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

HOLY SH-! Driker has returned! well, good, now about half the Ygg characters will be up and running again.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Doubleposting so Fian sees this:

Fian, this is simply taking TOO LONG.

We need to get this done ASAP, alright?
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

...Hey guys I done movin--- :shock: :shock:

Squeee!!!!!!!!! lightly :Glomps: Driker for two seconds. Good to have you back! ^_^

.....oh wait.... where are my manners.....

Hi am dusk! I am kinda of new around here...

P.P.P.S. Right now working on some wikipages. If you need to reach me my YIM is:
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion


Dusk is our groupie person. Meaning he likes the plot and seems to follow it, though he doesn't have a character with us yet.

Though if he made one, it'd be welcomed.

Also...if we don't get moving soon, I'll open a fast-forward to the Azoreans...we now have potential time constraints.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

I agree. Toshiro and I need to discuss the first contact, but I'm all for getting them discovered. ^^
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion


Also, Soresu is away from the net for a while. I approved Kim's autoing there.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Due to time limits, we'll be moving onward with the next plot before the current one is done. Assume the following:

Ken has sold the pod and gotten 600,000 KS.

Toshiro, Kairi, Shaun, Eve, and Serenity all get 30,000 KS as a distibution dividend.

Sojourner is complete was shown in the wiki, save for her stasis pods. Shaun is her CO.

Eve is his First Officer, unless she wants otherwise.

We have 3 Ke-F8 ships purchased from the YSA. Not yet modified. They and Alucard can fit inside Sojourner, amazingly.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Which ship am I assigned to? I remember we hadn't really settled everything. With Ken on the Alucard, would I be on the Yggdrasil?
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