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OOC [OOC] Venus Thread & Discussions

At the moment, we need to recruit. Two players have gone dark and we'd need to get replacements before we can continue.
Hey guys,

Shotty and I are operating on the assumption that neither Cael nor Vertius are coming back. Or if they are, we don't know when that will be. If you want to spread the word around that we're open to a couple more players, please do so.

Cael and Vertius are meanwhile benched and if they come back, they might join us again depending on the reason why they stopped posting. Sadly none of them told me or Sigma any reason for their absence. But yeah, we need at least one more player now.
Two of my players have disappeared without a word and don't respond. Looking for one or two more players to join the NSS Venus as a sailor in the Nepleslian Star Navy. PM me or ShotJon for info!
Due to the disappearance of two of the original players, the Venus needs at least one more player to function. I haven't finished the NPC crew roster so almost every position we've listed on the ship is still open. We can take up to 3 more players but all we need is one more to start.

Please PM ShotJon or myself with any questions or applications.
Just make up some names and numbers for the inventory. It won't really matter.

Once you finish this, I'm going to move things along by bringing in someone else.
ShotJon and I are still lacking GM Forum permissions for the NSS Venus sub-forum. Can someone please sort this out?
Re: NSS Venus Forum permissions

I have one more player who has shown interest in joining so I can't begin until I confirm, one way or the other, whether he will join us.
My character is approved, and I have replied to his new orders thread sending him to the Venus. He's not been added to the crew page yet though. Am I good to start participating?
Sure, write yourself in as a sailor who just off a bus with orders to report for duty immediately.
So I need to spend more time working on wiki things. ShotJon will be taking over full GM duties for a while. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna be hanging around and reading everything.

If you want to do sidestories, PM him or me. Title them things "Prologue - Aside 1" or "Mission 1.0 Side Story" The purpose is to have fun. You guys drive the story as much as the GM. Just... don't blow up the ship.

We promise nothing.

But I think we can manage that.
Please guy let'S jump of to thread 1.0 so we can start this big adventure : ) you have your assignments and ship is now fully crewed and we are 2 minutes from launch. Tanka's char would be on bridge, Old Salt in the engineering, Tosh's char in medbay and RIko' and Kriss's ladies will be on stand by. Mostly likely in rec-room or somewhere.
To celebrate Lewis Pasco Day, also known as National Gun Day, all Player Characters and major NPCs will be receiving a celebratory Zen Arms Pistol, a brown leather holster, extra magazine and a box of 60 rounds.

For any other of the gun's wonderful attachments, please buy them from Soresu and Zen Arms. Please edit these into your character's inventory.
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