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RP (Open RP) Dynasty Dojo: Combat, Simulations, Tactics and Teamwork

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Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 44
RP Location
Port Jiyuu
A neon red glow emanates from the freshly installed letters that spell out a simple title of a name.


Doors opening to a simple lobby. What was inside was not what would perhaps be expected. Instead of tile or sterile white, the inside of the entrance to Dynasty was a synthetic wood. Smooth mahogany colored walls draped with deep red banners each bearing a blade of some fashion. A clean look, complemented by the accent of added foliage to give life to the otherwise darker room. Warm lights shone down giving a replication of sunlight to the unaware and the air was cool but clearly added to by a touch of running water. A rock fountain stood to one side, water pouring form the wall to trickle down it in rivulets and streams. Each ended in a pool of black rocks stacked together to form a rough "hill" that rang with the water's noise. An automated message scrolled across a screen at the entrance next to a large wooden desk and glass doors on either side that led deeper within.

Welcome to Dynasty, where the pursuit of perfection is always the goal.

Below this a smaller message spelled out instructions.

Please enter personal information, IDs, data, or identifying documents to schedule private use hours. Membership fees are listed below. Classes are offered weekly and special viewing arrangements and environments can be arranged for those who require non-standard training.

Yearly membership - 50ks
Monthly Subscription - 7ks
Private Class Reservation - 15ks
Star Army of Yamatai Active Members may use the facility free of charge
Inquire with Manager for Instructor Positions

Enjoy your pursuit of perfection!

A floor plan displayed with a touch of a button labeled as "layout" and each door on either side lead to one of two areas.
The left hand side lead towards a shooting range where a number of custom created courses, complete with top end simulated enemies and scenarios, were available for everything from simulated kill houses to standard ranges. This was available on a rotating schedule that changed every hour on the hour. A white room fit with projection tech and modular courses stood ready for simulated fire and scenario engagements.
The right hand side seemed closer to a traditional "dojo" as it was shown as closer to a large section of mats and rings available for those wishing to train. Weights, tracks, mock weapons and padded equipment was also listed. Various dueling areas were set to the side for full contact sparring and lockers spanned the walls for easy storage.
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The hiss of a re-breather's exhale, the swish of metal through open air, the shift of body along a padded surface. Hair swished past horns and long ears the Alien brought the blade back to a neutral position. Right leg forward, left back, bent at the knees with loose shoulders and a straight back. Arms were held forward, the blunt sword curved slightly in perhaps imitation of a sabre or katana. Yjmir's violet eyes glinted with light like distant stars and she raised her arms before lashing forward in a sideways cut followed quickly by a thrusted elbow and spinning kick from the left. Another loud hiss of air from the rebreather, traces of dark smoke rising and quickly vanishing into the air from the rebreather as the ventilation kept the room clean of contamination. Another set of stances completed, and another set of forms brushed up on. Her body felt warm, the heavy breaths were steady and a soft sheen of sweat dripped down dark skin as the rabbit like alien settled into a lower stance.

"Lower the core. Arms straight, elbows unlocked, steady grip without strangling the blade." The words came past the re-breather in an almost synthetic manner, as if chewed by the machine before being spoke. They were quickly followed by Yjmir shifting her stance once again, blade now held just below her naval and above her groin. The sword held steady as Yjmir's foot slid back, bare against the matt below it.

Then another swing, and downwards slash followed by a soft grunt as Yjmir stopped the blade's descent before rapidly slashing upwards, her entire body flexing to keep balance and reverse the momentum of the metal. It wasn't a swing that was easy to accomplish, not without modification of physiology past the base strength of a human. A satisfied sigh and then Yjmir rolled her shoulders. The skintight training suit she wore beneath the black gi adoring her body giving her a look of something akin to oil save for where the brown hues of her skin were exposed. Pulling the rebreather from her lips, black smoke trailed from it for a moment before she hooked it to the canister at her hip. Lifting a bottle that had sat vacant by the side of the matt, she took a drink and glanced around at the mostly, at this hour anyways, deserted dueling rings.
The right hand door opens and a curious sight enters. It's not so much that it's a 147cm nekovalkyrja, but what she's dressed in. How she looks. Clothing aside, she's got cocoa skin and short hair in a stark silver contrast. Her eyes are mismatched, heterochromia of purple and silver. Her outfit could be considered 'casual samurai', if such a thing existed. A set of yukata in white and hakama in red are joined with tabi socks and simple sandals. She seems almost out of place with the wide collection of individuals all populating Port Jiyuu. But here she is. A blade is sheathed at her hip, the hilt and handle looking more like a cavalry saber than a typical katana.

She's caught Yjmir at the tail end of the training, the neko's own lioness tail going still while she watches, and waits. Just in time, catching those purple eyes with her own strange pair, and she approaches. Ariah's sandals are almost silent on the floor as she nears the much taller woman, and then within a proximity close enough to where she needn't raise her voice to speak, she bows with respect. "This is a very aesthetically pleasing establishment," she states, voice cool and quiet, looking at Yjmir when she speaks to her.

Then she slowly scans around, nodding but perhaps mostly to herself, before focusing again on the much taller alien. If she's at all surprised by the unique look, she isn't showing it. She isn't showing much of anything, in fact. Neutral expression and no emotion. She is, after all, in a stranger's 'home'. "I would like to use this as a training space, please. What are your facilities?"
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There was a pause as Yjmir turned to the voice that spoke. She hadn't been expecting to have anyone grace the facility at this hour and that alone was the reason she normally frequented these hours. However, it seemed her plan had been foiled for the moment. Tossing the training sword into the air, she raised her leg behind her and caught the weapon between her toes like one might grasp a fork. Using her now free hand to screw the cap back onto her bottle she looked at the much shorter being and raised a brow. The voice that came out of her was almost like a growl, something deep in her throat, slightly raspy and like if one were to pour silver.

"Facilities..." She nodded and reached for the respirator at her hip before taking a long inhale of the smoke. Letting out a sigh she removed it from her face, the hiss of escaping black vapors echoing her words. "This area is specifically for close quarters training, as well as basic work out regimes and aerobics. Running, boxing, CQC training, blades, grappling, whatever you need it is likely we have it here. If you require marksman style training or something closer to field work, then you might go back the way you came. Ranges can be programed from there as well as the pre-made courses we have for those who are instead simply looking to test their aim and reflexes."

The respirator hissed again as more smoke entered the Alien's system. There was another pause as Yjmir sized the smaller woman up. Her violet eyes twitched from her hands to her shoulders to her legs. It wasn't a gaze that was admiring, it was more like one might measure a cut. "Re'kosh. That is what you are. Warrior. We have dueling rings as well as a variety of training weapons. Contact padding can be rented for dueling with others or sparring classes." Yjmir tossed the blade back into the air with her foot and caught it deftly before leaning against the blade as she shifted her weight. "I am Yjmir Skaen. I am one of the managers, to an extent."
If Ariah is awed or impressed or otherwise impacted at all by Yjmir's sword-handling, she doesn't show it. She's patience incarnate, stoic and silent. Waiting. Waiting for the other woman to drink, respectfully, and waiting for her questions to be answered. Or for follow-ups to be asked so she may elaborate. But all things do come, eventually. The explanation of the facilities, and the assumption of her place and class. Not that Yjmir is wrong, in a sense. Then slowly, she nods, acknowledging the introduction.

"I am Ariah. I am a Ronin who has chosen to pledge my service--and my blade--to the Winters family as a bodyguard," she explains. No fancy titles, just facts and to the point. "The Bastion of Winter is presently docked, and my services are, at present, not required." That is to say, Cecily is likely enjoying family time while her ship is resupplying or otherwise occupied with work. Not that the fox couldn't handle herself, but even she tells Ariah to take a few hours off now and again. So here she is, using that 'off' time for training.

Again does the diminutive neko glance around before settling her gaze upon Yjmir. "Do you offer synthetic or virtual opponents for melee practice? Or should I see to the range and set up a course to run? I will rent equipment as needed and pay necessary fees. I know my present attire and equipment are not suitable for training purposes." Another polite bow is given, the neko's arms held tight at her sides.
Yjmir nodded her head slightly as she followed along with the words. It wasn't as though she were trying to show off exactly either. It was simply more that for her, all her limbs were for grasping. As such holding a blade with it to use her hands was easy enough. But she still found it amusing the small creature before her didn't so much as blink at the display. Her lips curled in a smile at the introduction as well. It seemed the universe was small indeed. "Well fancy that, guess fate does exist. You're from my soon to be employer's ship as it were. Hmm."

She chuckled softly and nodded before moving the training blade to rest on her shoulder. "Well fair enough. As for what we practice here, you have your pick honestly. We have training bots in storage that can be programed with any sort of sparring you could want, as well as full virtual suits for multiple enemies or specific dueling courses or environments." Yjmir leaned forward slightly and examined the woman, respirator hissing as she took a drag of the black smoke. "You don't need to pay though, you're the kind I like to have in here, consider this first one on the house as a proof of concept." The jackalope creature tugged at her horns absently. "Of course we also offer live opponent sparring. For those that prefer something more... engaging. Since programs and bots can only do so much to enhance one's abilities outside the norm. Takes a real opponent to test your metal."

The Alien folded her arms and smiled faintly. "In this case the opponent would be me. Since no one else is around and I am basically out current best in house martial arts instructor. Though if you prefer someone more of your height range, we have a Neko on staff who is pretty good. Not as good as me sadly. Course the range is still open if that is more your fancy."
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Freydis didn't walk in to the dojo. No, the proud 6'1'' foot tall Nekovalkyrja strode inside, impish grin on her face, eyes concealed behind aviator sunglasses. Her gaze swept the dojo area and from the whistle that accompanied it, Freydis was very, very pleased.

"Hey there, any of you gals part of this dojo? I've been hankering for a good scrap." she asked, pocketing her sunglasses into her Legend Jacket. Her voluptuous form on display, by the tight exercise leotard and her denim shorts. Trainer clad feet tapping on the synthetic wood.
The alien's gaze shifted, violet eyes moving from the smaller woman to the far larger one. It still wasn't eye level, but it was getting closer at least. It was a little surprising for Yjmir to even see people in here at this time of the day but the influx was welcome given that she was usually alone. Not that she had issues with being alone but there was always something better about working out when in the company of others. Misery loved company. So when the Nekovalkyrja spoke up, the horned alien responded with a small smirk of amusement at the question. "Well, seems the sparring cages might get some actual use." Waving the woman over to them, the jackalope nodded. "Yeah, I don't exactly run this place but it's something close enough to it to make no mind. Manager is a word for it I suppose."

She paused to take one final inhale from the respirator before removing it from her hip and resting it and the practice blade on a nearby bench at the side of one of the "kendo" mats she had been using. Though it was closer to an all purpose weapon oriented area. "I'm Yjmir. If you want a sparring partner, i'm your girl. Though I recommend pads unless you can stand punching metal. I know some of our regulars are... exceptional. So I make a point of warning. Last thing I want is a pretty girl breaking her fingers because she didn't realize that metal fibers can be organic." The warm voice paired with the piercing almost glowing stare of the alien was a potent combination and the energetic and borderline cocky entrance by the other had certainly piqued the alien's interest.

"I don't mind two versus one or single combat. If both of you are here for the same reason. Or if you prefer to face off against one another I can simply run the simulator for whatever style of arena you want. Our facility is pretty advanced with that. You think it up and we can probably get pretty close to replicating it. Just ahhh... no indecent bets please. Reputation is sterling." There was an air of a suppressed laugh added onto those words.
"You are to be crewed with the Bastion of Winter as well?" Ariah asks, her head tilting slowly to one side at Yjmir's words. She then nods slowly, ears lifting, tail swishing slowly behind her. It seems as if she's considering her options. "Non, I do not mind paying if that is preferable. I would be happy to provide compensation for services rendered..." she trails off when Freydis enters. The Eihei is so much shorter than the other neko, and now Ariah is absolutely outnumbered by incredibly tall people. At least, compared to herself. At the other woman's entry, though, she remains silent and gives a polite bow in greeting. A familiar face, perhaps. Then at the suggestion she spar with Yjmir or Freydis, Ariah shakes her head.

"If it is no trouble, I would prefer non-sentient automatons to fight. Or perhaps, do you have hard light constructs that I may face off against?" she glances around. "I am not seeking anything complicated nor competitive at this time. Merely looking to maintain and refine form and technique with something standard and mundane."
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"Hohohoho, Manager-san is confident," Freydis says, grinning. Her eyes flickering back from the alien to the other neko. Her Freydis senses were tingling. She was a fighter, no doubt about it. "I'm always down for a three way!"

Although Hitomi-senpai always insisted it was her just recognizing body language and patterns similar to her own, but Freydis knew it was her own patented Freydis senses! She was awesome like that.

"Awwww. Are you sure Choco Neko-chan?" she asked, pouting. She turned towards Yjmir and gasped. "But Manager-san! Indecent bets are the best ones!" Freydis said, trying, and failing, to keep the cheshire grin off her face. Eventually, she straightened herself. "Well, anyways, I don't mind one way or the other. Just wanted to find a good spot to keep polishing my skills."
Yjmir dusted her hands off on the skintight under-suit she wore and nodded her head at Ariah. "That's what the job description says. Think of me as future security and... other things. Prototype stuff if I had to guess. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of me before long." Her attention then shifted to Freydis and a faintly bemused look entered the Alien's eyes. "It is a well earned confidence I assure you. Now then..." Her attention shifted and she went to a wall console near them set into the immaculate synthetic wood, surrounded by glossy black rock almost akin to glass. Tapping a few commands into the console, Yjmir continued to speak, the accent of hers far from Yamatai standard. "You can save your indecent bets for after hours, if you still have the energy for that sort of distraction after this."

"Now then, for form training we have a few options. I can load a hard light course with either a target, or I can get something more opponent shaped. If you really prefer something that hits back I can have one of the synthetics programed with any sort of close quarters you need. Including armed versus un-armed combat routines. Hell, even have them fire tracker rounds to see if you have what it takes to go dodging gunfire." She gestured for Ariah to come over and gestured at the screen. "Here is our list of available combat synthetics, along with any programs you could want to load onto them. If you really want you can even program a custom fighting style into one and let it loose on the mats. Some people do that when they want to observe a fighter or style from a more abject angel." With that sorted, Yjmir then hit a few different controls and with a soft hum a small ring rose out of the floor surrounded by old fashioned chain-link style fencing and padded bars.

"As for you my ever eager friend." Yjmir said turning her attention to Freydis. "Like I said, i'll happily be your opponent. But I meant what I said, unless your body is designed in such a way to where punching organic metal is a comfortable process, I suggest pads. If not, I will very happily do this raw." Yjmir wrapped her knuckles on the wall for effect, the sound like hitting a metal bar against wood. "Just had some fresh atmo as well so i'm feeling pretty good. I'm sure you won't be disappointed." On that, the cage door swung open and the sparring ring was ready for action.
Ever the unflappable samurai, even if she's no longer officially in the ranks, Ariah refuses to be baited by Freydis. Be it the mention of the three-way or the nickname she's given, the small-statured nekovalkyrja maintains her rigid posture and slowly shakes her head. "It is appreciated, but it is not the experience that I am seeking at the moment. You seek titillation and entertainment. I seek refinement and practice. Merci, but non." She does turn her focus to Yjmir, though, and her head tilts a few degrees to the right. "I think I would like to see more of you, oui," she states, simple and calm, but heavily loaded behind that veneer of cold. Then she approaches, following the alien to the console and listening to her options before turning her mismatched eyes to the screen. "Merci. There are suitable weapons I may borrow?" she asks.

While awaiting an answer for that, she peruses the options on the console. "Hard light with opponent-shaped opponents would be preferable. Just a single one will suffice if your projectors have rectifiers?"
"Come now, Choco Neko-chan. I'm simply being more effecient. This way, I'm entertained and practicing!" Freydis said, smiling impishly. She noticed that the little neko seemed interested in the Manager.

'Ah, she's got her target already.' she thought to herself.

"Oh, Manager-san. You'll soon see my energy." Chuckling, Freydis shrugged off her coat and walked into the sparring ring. "Raw, please. And my name is Freydis. You best remember it." She flashed a quick wink and sly smile and settled into her fighting stance.
Yjmir just gave a slightly exasperated but amused huff at Freydis and shook her head. "I told yah my name is Yjmir... ahh whatever. Fine, fine... i'll remember it if you are memorable. So put on a good show." The rabbit gestured to a series of wall mounted weapons near the training mats. "You can find any manner of training weapon with various weights, lengths and sizes. We don't have that many grip styles since we try to cater to a wider group than anything else. But you are in luck in that we did have some rectifiers installed. Should be able to sort out any sort of opponent you desire." Stretching lightly the woman shifted and pointed at the cage with her thumb, a suddenly cocky smile coming to her lips. "Hopefully both of you put on a good show. I prefer to remember rather than forget yah know?"

With that, the jackalope turned and strode towards the cage and motioned for Freydis to join her. "Don't blame me if you break your knuckles." Grabbing her loose workout shirt, the alien pulled it taut and then tied it behind her to avoid any loose fabric getting in her way. Rolling her neck, Yjmir explained the cage. "Reinforced walls, padded floors and basic safety features, no problems with anything. We have med stuff in the back if you need them afterwards. Rules are simple for my fights. Hit the mat three times and you are done, or get taken down for ten standard seconds. You hit those, you win. Or lose depending." There was the loud crack of knuckles as Yjmir bounced on the balls of her feet. "Since I think you might be fun, i'll let you take the first shot. C'mon, impress me."
"I do not exist for your amusement," Ariah states firmly to Freydis before nodding to Yjmir. She turns her gaze upon the weapon racks and moves over towards them. She takes a few long moments perusing them before lifting a sword from the rack. Something that is very much the most standard katana on the rack. No frills, nothing special. Taking it, still within its scabbard of course, she carries it back to the console to set up her training regimen. All the while, she listens to the chatter between the pair. Freydis and her confidence. Yjmir and her own level of much more grounded confidence. She might spare a glance over at the two taller women but otherwise, she's focused on getting things together.

Not one to show off, she simply has the projectors assemble a single opponent of average human size. The small nekovalkyrja moves over to stand before it on her own little training section, and pauses before bowing. The hologram bows in kind and then... stands still. Ariah, however, doesn't. She draws the sword, baring naked steel to the lights in the dojo, and raises it in a balanced combat stance. Step. Step. And shing, she thrusts, swings, and slices around the hologram. Instead of focusing on striking it, she's exercising her skill at coming within millimeters of striking. Like threading a needle, she begins a dance of strikes that come so close to the hologram, the surface flickers in reaction to the metal. The throat. Under the arms. Between the legs.

Were there a simulation for cutting between raindrops, she might as well be doing that instead with how rapid and precise her movements are. All entirely in silence save for the shuffle of her sandals on the mat.
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