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RP [Open RP] Flyboy takes Shore Leave

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Lynira shook her head in dissent at Menelaos' statement of owing her. "You do not owe me a thing." she said in a rather assertive yet friendly manner. She turned her attention to Mikasa who had sworn to hold her to her promise of good behavior and she just could not help but to grin mischievously. "What is this A rating you speak of?" she piped up curiously. At Mikasa's exclamation on the Imperial Palace the Norian's black orbs glanced to observe, "Interesting" she murmured to herself. The promise of shopping having become imminent made her ears twitch with excitement.

He followed the floating Mikasa to the back of the bus, this was something he would need to get used to the fact that Neko could float, something that the Separa'Shan could not do without assistance. He sat down and much like with the bench, he coiled his tail underneath the seating. He set his cooler next to his coiled tail and waited for the bus to begin its journey to their destination.

He outright ignored the fact that Lyn told him that he owed her nothing, and he was already formulating a way to thank them both for their aid, whether they felt he needed to or not.

"I am not sure it will help or not, Mikasa, but if you would like once we join the 2nd, I can help you study and perhaps even practice." He looked to Lyn for her question. "The rating has to do with what sort of equipment which the pilot can use. The higher the rating, the better the equipment."

He looked out the window as Mikasa made her exclamation, he had seen photos of the Imperial Palace, but never seen it in person. Perhaps if he had time before his leave was concluded he would be able to visit it.
Old Shopping District

"I am not sure it will help or not, Mikasa, but if you would like once we join the 2nd, I can help you study and perhaps even practice."

“I would very much like that.” Mikasa said, a grateful smile manifesting across her features as she gently placed a small hand on the Separa’Shan’s shoulder. “I already have a few training exercises in mind.” She added. “It might be ambitious, but I would like to be rated as an AAA pilot one day.” The short-statured Nekovalkyrja finished.

Before long, the white stone buildings and grey stone rooftops of the Imperial District were replaced by short buildings constructed in an historic Yamataian style—a telltale sign that the bus was crossing into the Old Shopping District. A moment later, the vehicle descended and floated to a stop in front of one of the stations, the doors opening to allow passengers to disembark.

“We’re here!” Mikasa piped up, as she led the way off the bus, periodically glancing over her shoulder to make sure that her friends were keeping up. “The Old Shopping District. This is my first time seeing it in person.” The blonde continued. “Where do we want to start? There’s a store not far from here that specializes in clothing for Separa’Shan.”

Lynira smiled thankful for the explanation, she looked to Mikasa and Menelaos. "How do you earn these ratings?" she inquired. Her attention drifted back out to the scenery until she heard the Neko's exclamation. Joyful exclamation on her part followed while she made her way off the bus close behind the others, "Excellent! Let us start with helping Menelaos, the store specializing in Separa'Shan! Unless anyone would like to start elsewhere?" Their whole reason for journeying this way was to help him find civilian clothing and hopefully teach him a valuable lesson about the risks of poorly picked sunning spots. "I am up for a bit an adventure today." she said with a bit of a gleeful twirl.
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He looked to Mikasa and a half smile crept over his face. "Well, we will be squad mates, Mikasa, possibly even friends." Mikasa certainly had some big dreams, but that was a good thing, this meant she was motivated. "Let's work on getting you up to rank B, first. Once we get on the ship, I can help you set up a study regime."

Turning to Lynira while enjoying the sights of the city he rarely saw as they traveled by bus he spoke. "The ranking system is obtained through exams and simulations. Though one of the reasons I obtained rank A, is from real world experience. In Separa'Shan space, I was in multiple dogfights with pirates." He went back to watching the city move by.

As the bus stopped, he was pulled from his own thoughts.
"Ladies, I am in your hands with this. As I am lost when it comes to clothing."
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