Kakushi Nekoba
Game area
"By deduction I think we've got it," the captain announced to the table. She didn't write it down, though, but slid the paper to the center of the table for someone else to.
Hoshi shook her head at Yuri. "I am in competition with Yamatai's enemies everyday. It is nice to just relax and do something for the sake of doing it, not for the sake of winning." She took a sip, choosing to drink instead of think too hard about how that sentiment even pertained to this friendly competition tonight.
The captain laughed at Alastair. "Is that how you stole your own ship? Asked for the YSS Kono Baka at drydock or somesuch but stepped onto the Koun? My joy, you really are good company for a girls night. You make for a great laugh!" She leaned in for only Alastair and whispered, "When you're your own superior, at least." It may have been a statement from the confused ramblings of a punch drunk Neko. Or maybe not.
"Riiight, they were incredible!" Hoshi agreed with Akahana. "Though modern Nekovalkyrja have less modular systems and abilities, we still somehow get the same job done. What's that say about us, hmm?" At the last thought she gave a twinkling look to the analyst coupled with a smile that went all the way up to one of her cheeks.