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RP [Open RP] Welcome to The Kikyo Sector, Part 3 - Kyoto Summer

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RP Date
4月 YE 43
RP Location
Kyoto, Yamatai
The megacity of Kyoto, historically speaking, wasn't that old. But it still felt old, having been built as a direct replacement for another capital city in the same, and moreover it was heavily used and lived in by billions of people. Now, a new surge of people were joining the city, in the form of Star Army reservists - formerly on active duty, many soldiers had been moved to a newly-formed Reserve Corps, which meant they spent a limited amount of time keeping their training updated at Fort Victory (here in the city) or another site, while most of their time was available for a civilian career or to just hang out. The many bars and restaurants of Kyoto were bustling with summer tourists, locals, and military personnel who were getting acquainted or reacquainted with the town. It was getting into the summer time and the air was hot and humid outside. It was a great time for an ice cream. And, as it turned out, ice cream parlors were just as great places as bars to meet people and hear rumors of what was happening in the galaxy...
It had been months since Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko disappeared from the public light of Yamatai's politics, sightings of her had been limited to public events alongside Governor Motoyoshi Taro at government events on Jiyuu. The former Taisho of the First Expeditionary Fleet's aspirations at political leadership had gone quiet, and she had disappeared back into the obscurity of designing starships for Ketsurui Fleet Yards and her own Yugumo Corporation. Without her name plastered across the media, it became a lot easy to move around, so the summer vacation to Yamatai had pretty much gone unnoticed.

Sunglasses braced on top of her head rested on her brilliant blue hair that was held back in one of her signature tight ponytails, reflected the pale rays of the Yamatai sun as she stood in line at the Icecream Parlor on the grounds of Kikyo Splash, a waterpark located in the Capital. The retired Eihei's silver eyes scanned the menu board as she tried to decide what flavor she would go for as the parlor's staff worked diligently to serve the customer's in front of her. The top of her scant and dainty bikini did little but hide the rise of her nipples, a loose translucent matching midnight plum-colored shawl hugged her waist caught the slight breeze.

The sounds of the park's patrons were happy and joyful as they splashed down the waterslides and took part in the many attractions, summer was in full swing and the Capital was definitely a good place to be to take it all in.
A second Ketsurui joined Katsuko after a moment: It was the distinctive teal-haired and golden-eyed Taisho Hanako from the personnel department. She was dressed in an airy sundress with a cherry blossom pattern and had her friend Sakura Blackberry, the mulberry-skinned captain of the YSS Eucharis with her, who was in a gothic-looking black one-piece swimsuit with gray frills around the edges.

"Katsuko!" Hanako called out with a wave. "I heard you were here and did not wish to miss a chance to see you. How have you been?"
Katsuko turned around and gave a pleasant smile, "Hanako! I'm surprised, yet not surprised you found me. I've been alright; I am still trying to learn about this life after the Star Army thing, it is strange not getting up and sitting in the chair of a starship. How are you? " She stepped back to join Hanako and Sakura, she gave a slight nod to Sakura in greeting.

"I heard this place has awesome ice cream, there was some good reviews on PANTHEON about it, " she commented as she motioned towards the menu, there was still a bit of a line in front of them so plenty of time to talk.
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Kiyo walked shoulder to shoulder with another blue-skinned Neko, though her companion seemed to have a version of Heterochromia, which was noticeable due to one red eye, unlike the pair her mother had. The two entered, intending to get some treat now that they had some time together. Though the two were having a conversation together, it was in a form of a hushed whisper, as to not disturb the other patrons.

Those four customers wouldn’t be the only ones, as newly arrived Yue Igarashi Motoyoshi had arrived and had decided to stop by. Though she was on the planet to help her mother with getting new clients, she did have time to make a stop. Though having been on her feet for a while meant they were sore. She didn’t have the trained endurance of a soldier, unfortunately.

She decided to sit and rest her legs, and patiently wait for her feet to recover while also patiently waiting for the line to move on. That’s when she saw her aunt Katsuko as well as Hanako there too in the line. For a moment, her soreness was ignored, and she moved to greet them. “Aunt Katsuko-sama, and Taisho Hanako-sama! Greetings to you both! Forgive me for interrupting, but I wanted to greet you both.” She said with a respectful bow to the two of them.
"I heard," Hanako replied to Katsuko, "that you were getting into politics. As a senator...if Hanako's Star still counts among the territories of Yamatai after two years in Kuvexian hands...I find it to be a lot stress with low rewards; however, you're really interested in shaping the Empire, it is the most reliable way. I took on the role of senator because I had to stand for the rights of the people, particularly in regards to mind data. I have found the Star Army to be a place for me that anchors me and gives me stability, and it has become my life's least for now. When I leave it, I imagine I will go back to farming or running vineyards again. Ever since I was stranded on that planet for a year and had to become farmer to survive, I have had a bit of a green thumb and survivalist urges. During that time I missed ice cream a lot."

Hanako gave Yue a bow and a friendly wave. "Hello!"
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A Nekovalkyrja in the reserve corp, Hana Matsuri, was staring intently at an overfilled ice cream cone covered in sprinkles, gummy candy, chocolate sauce, and a single cherry that she was making a game of trying to keep on top of the degrading ice cream tower. She was equally determined to keep any ice cream drippings away from her brand new bathing suit, it was a high wasted two-piece with sunflowers dotting a lavender background that perfectly blended with her light purple skin tone. Something about the fact that it looked she was just wearing a bunch of dandelions and nothing else gave her some kind of odd entertainment.

Unfortunately a fun bathing suit and precarious cherry were not enough to keep her entertained. She felt so stifled in the reserve corp, she wasn't dumb enough to think that actual combat was exciting but at least she could feel like she was making an impact or going somewhere with herself. She was starting to lose hope as her licks to keep the cherry atop the cone were getting angrier and angrier. She just needed a sign, a reason to believe that her posting was going to be worth it...her ears twitched as she heard a voice in the parlor.

She forgot her cone completely as she turned to follow the sound, she took in a sharp breath while her cherry fell to the floor. That's Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko! She whispered to herself. This is it, this was her chance if she could just introduce herself to one of the most amazing women in the entire Empire and get some kind of advice or connection or anything, she'd even settle for an autograph!

Hana collected herself and stood up balancing her ice cream she swallowed all of the nervous energy that was threatening to melt her faster than her skyscraper of an ice cream cone. She approached the group and introduced herself " Excuse me Ketsurui-Motoyoshi-sama, Taisho Ketsurui-sama" She broke into a deep bow. "I"m sorry to interrupt but I wanted to introduce myself to Ketsurui-Motoyoshi-sama. It's an honor to meet you ma'am you are a hero of mine!" She offered a smile as a few strands of dark blue hair fell in front of her eye and her ice cream dripped onto her left hand.
Katsuko smiled as her niece joined them, "Hello Yue, it is good to see you. I guess my attempts to quietly dive into a vacation are foiled, you can go in front of us... Join us after you get your ice cream." She motioned, offering the younger Motoyoshi a place in line ahead of herself. The retired blue-haired Taisho returned her attention to what Hanako had to say. It was interesting to hear the other Ketsurui's take on politics, her ambitions towards Prime Minister had produced no running opponent, so for most of her campaign she had spent her time presenting her platform and preparing herself- now it was just up to the Empire to put here there, in the meantime - she'd grown quiet, and supported Taro in his Governor position on Jiyuu.

"'Politics can be turbulent, but it is refreshing to hear your words - I've found myself questioning my decision to leave the Star Army. I too found it to be my anchor, it grounded me after everything that happened. To be back on the front of politics has been a welcomed challenge, I think that regardless of the outcome of the election I will find myself in pursuit of matters of the recovery from the war..." she said in return, "Your passion to return one day to your farming or vineyards is commendable, I bought Ainu Orchards last year, and I wish I had more time to cultivate that, we produce umeshu, I'd eventually like to add some vineyards to the property." As she spoke to Hanako, it helped her pick the flavor of ice cream she was going to get, "Something with plum..." she hummed as she glanced back at the menu, then asked Hanako, "What is your favorite flavor?"

When Matsuri approached Katsuko she was greeted warmly, the blue-haired enigma of Yamataian politics and military history gave her a cheeky smile as she shifted her gaze between the mounted pile of ice cream and candies and the young woman, "That is quite the tower you got there, soldier." she said in a cheerful tone, "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, enjoying the weather?" she asked, she didn't really acknowledge being called a hero; she was happy to interact though, something she had gotten used to since she had begun her post-military pursuit. "What is your name?" she asked politely, seeing as the woman had her at a disadvantage, and despite the fact, she was quick to query PANTHEON on initial approach.
Yue smiled as she was greeted by both of them. Her smile widened when Katsuko motioned she should go ahead and get ice cream and then join them. Now in the line in front of them, she waited for her ice cream while also listening to the conversation behind her. At the arrival of the newcomer with the tower of ice cream, she widened both her eyes and mouth in shock. She was surprised at the amount of ice cream she had seen.

She stepped forward as the line moved, and her mind went to the flavor she wanted to try.
Hana smiled and hoped she had spent enough time in the sun to conceal the flush that was creeping into her cheeks. It had never even occurred to her until now that her ice cream might have been a bit much. She debated taking a precautionary lick before Katsuko's question snapped her back to reality. "I'm Hana Matsuri ma'am. I'm a member of the reserve corps, but after you announced your bid for Prime Minister I began really considering stepping into politics after my contract ended, but I think I might need to go to..." An adorable gummy animal bounced off of her hand. "I'm sorry ma'am I'm rambling." She cast another glance at her cone and bit her lip, mint and strawberry were starting to blend beneath the chocolate sprinkles.
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Katsuko smiled to the young reservist, "Best advice I can give, is if you are looking to get into politics make sure you have the right passions to do so. While the military is very regimented, there is a certain chaos to the whims and needs of the people that makes it more challenging at times. In politics sometimes the clarity between public opinion and what is good for the public is hard to find." The former Taisho gave the best advice she could give. "No, no, you're not rambling, honestly it is good to share your interests. If you're ever interested in meeting to discuss anything, just let me know and I will clear some time for you," Katsuko returned her attention to the menu and then ordered when it was her turn.

"I'll take that summer plum, two scoops with some gummy candy!" she ordered happily, and the attendant quickly returned with her order. She waited at one of the benches next to the pool and enjoyed her icecream, waiting to see if Hanako or Hana would join her or had anything else they wanted to talk about.

(Thread Necromancy is here!)
Motoyoshi Kazumi, youngest of Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko walked beside another Nekovalkyrja. Whereas Kazumi's ice-blue hair shone in the bright light of Yamatai's sun whereas her companion's, Koyama's jet-black seemed to drink it in. Both were of a height and complexion but the similarities ended there. Not quite voluptuous as her mother, Kazumi still had a sway to her walk. Whilst her companion adhered more to the traditional Yamataian aesthetic yet had a presence and manner of her own.

Heliotrope met gold as one listened patiently as the other spoke in a somewhat animated manner as the pair walked. Looking away after a moment, the dark-haired of the two squinted, one eye partially closed against the glare.

"You will just have to try harder then," the golden-eyed female stated as a matter of fact.

"I have been!" protested the other. Looking back to her friend, the eye that had been mostly closed cracked open. "I have given you less-"

"If by that you mean putting the books in front of me and essentially saying," her voice coming close to mimicking the others, "Get on with it." which earned her a sniff from Koyama.

"It is called homework for a reason, 'zumi'." chided her dark counterpart, "And if you cannot finish it in time, I could always speak to your father. He was the one who taught me some of this you know." this, in turn, earned the patient woman a tongue stuck out at her.

"I'm not my dad," she fired back.

"No. You are not Yaichiro-san." a shot across the bow which had also earned Kazumi a tweaking of her nose quicker than she could react. In response, the young Motoyoshi rubbed her delicate nose furiously. "He is talented. In his area. Just as you are in your own. But you are like him in some ways you know of and in others, you do not. He is a curious male, dedicated, innovative. You are the same as he is in that regard. Although... one likes to spy and ferret out secrets while the other merely asks politely. Especially when the game night is on the line. You know we all agreed work comes first, then play. All of us. Homework counts as work."

"I apologized for that! Besides, how does any of what you're throwing at me help with my job?" protested Kazumi as color tinged her cheeks. She got a 'Ha!' in answer. She had her response in record time. Numbers didn't lie. There would always be a pattern to find, to deduce. She had been teaching her friend chaos theory. It, as Koyama had put it, was a good foundation for learning how to crack cryptographic systems. Useful for the younger of the pair and her profession.

And then she laid into the icy-haired Neko again.

"You tried to look at their character sheets thinking you were being clever. That was cheating. What if one of the others had caught you? Besides, there are other ways, better ways to find out what you want besides trying what you had done. So forward, not sneaky enough." Koyama twirled a finger in the air letting her flicked ear to return to being pointed toward the younger Neko. Then leaned over to her in a conspiratorial manner.

"You confuse them and let them babble it out to you. Misdirect, appeal to their egos, tease it out. Or, you extrapolate what they can do based on how they act on the roll of the dice. Watch them close. The face tells the hands also tell. The posture tells."

Kazumi chewed at her bottom lip at this, "And if you can't? I know the devil is in the details, but what you're saying doesn't work for everyone." her friend arched one of her sharp eyebrows in response.

"You change tack of course. But you do not try to edge a sheet of paper far enough toward you to use your skin vision to look at what is there."

"Has anyone told you, you're relentless? You remind me of my Ojisan when he is on a roll with one of his speeches." Kazumi said with a weary sigh.

Koyama smiled a small, knowing smile. "I'd answer that, however, it would seem we have ice cream before us." nodding toward what looked to be a small parlor for the decadent icy treat. Both had worn something for Kyoto's hot summertime weather. One had more to work with than the other of course.

With a nod in another direction, Koyama added, "And a mother in our midst. Yours, to be exact. Get your ice cream, 'zumi. And go spend time with her. She deserves it, as do you." Kazumi suddenly yelped, looking at the seemingly more mature Neko incredulously. She'd been pinched! With a small huff, Koyama nudged her young friend ahead of her and then glided out of the parlor as if she had done no such thing.

Kazumi had made her way to the counter, glancing up at the menu, uncaring as the cashier seemed to stare. She knew what she was wearing. A laced halter bathing suit of a shade of lavender that complimented her pale complexion, blending with her hair as it deepened from arctic ice to a darker shade of purple more akin to one of the colors associated with her clan. It clung to her frame enough that when she finally glanced back to the cashier, the Neko had to clear her throat.

She chose one of the odder combinations reserved for those of age. "The apricot and pistachio please, no cone. A cup, were the apricots soaked? They were? That will be lovely then, thank you." she had asked if they had been soaked in white wine. They had been, the combination was a dangerous one. And for a moment, the fruit, one she enjoyed made her think of her sister. So named, she wondered how Kaoru was doing. Then again, she wondered what her older sister would think of everyone in their summer wear. Heaven's forbid. She could be serious, but when she wasn't...

With a blink, the cup of ice cream held out for her to take, Kazumi wore her most winning smile. On reflex, or rather to tease, she adjusted her stance just a little to the side. It earned her a wavering smile in turn as she swiped her KS card through the reader. With the bit of plastic in hand, she flicked it to and fro easily before it was hidden again. And with a warm, loving smile, found her mother, glasses atop her head at one of the benches.

"Mom!" she called with a wave while drawing near.
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Yue stepped forward to get her own order of ice cream and she was about to turn back so that she could talk once more to her auntie when a woman that identified herself as a reservist began speaking to Katsuko. She simply smiled and, due to her desire not to be rude, and with nothing to add to the conversation, she remained silent as she took a moment to sit beside her aunt. She quietly took a bite of her ice cream when she saw two familiar people enter the area. She couldn’t quite place, why they were familiar until she remembered seeing them. The youngest Motoyoshi, knew that they were members of the clan, which was confirmed when one of them called Katsuko mom.

She watched her drawing near and she soon realized that maybe Kasumi might not know who she Yue was or her relation. “Greetings! Your Kasumi aren’t you?! I’m sorry we haven’t met sooner, but I’m new to the clan, Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yue” she said as she quickly wiped her hand, so that it was clean before lifting it in case Kasumi wanted to shake it.

She didn’t know how she was perceived by the other members of the clan, other than Katsuko and, of course, her mother, so she didn’t know Kasumi or Koyama’s opinion of her.
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Marine Captain (O-3) Marcus Shepard just stepped off the shuttle that brought him to the Kyoto base. As a Reserve Officer, he was expected to report in with his chain of command tomorrow and start his check-in process to officially attach him to his new unit. He’d been cleared through customs and signed all the necessary documents to retrieve his baggage, his uniforms, personal clothing, and other personal items. He stepped out of the terminal to try and find his ride the officer’s quarters that was supposed to be waiting for him but no one was there to greet him. he decided to wait for a while to see if his escort would show up, but after 30 minutes of waiting and no one answering his calls, he decided to go ahead and start walking towards the O-quarters himself, carrying all of his baggage by hand. Fortunately, he was in a comfortable uniform for travel purposes and all of his baggage was able to be stacked and strapped together which made for easier transport, but that didn’t change the fact that he was still dragging a hefty weight of baggage around by the bottom bags roller wheels. As he dragged his baggage along, the wheels would clack and clang against all the uneven surfaces on the road, making a rather noticeable noise that almost anyone would hear. Yet, the Marine Captain would not utter one word of complaint as he pulled his baggage along behind him, especially when he knew enlisted men and women were expected to do this without escorts or help.
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