Yeoman Sergeant Jacob Morris cracked his neck as he stepped off the train, bag in hand as he adjusted the combat shield on his back: seemed like they never had been enough room on those skirt trains. Wishing not for the first he'd found a room to offload his kit after his
"special assignment", or was still stuck with refugees that he'd been babysitting as they were transferred to another ship, though the norian security personnel he'd been relieved by promised they'd be safe when they reached Tsenlan.
The big man had been less than pleased about being shuffled from one front to another only to be put on what amounted to glorified guard duty, but it was what it was. Maybe he'd get sent back to the cohort attached to the 5st XF. Looking around the street and after spotting the bar across the street, he sighed-it was the usual Nep inspired thing-all gaudy lights, whatever the hell likely passed for music, and chances are they had swill instead of good ale...still a drink sounded good right about now. Adjusting his gear, he reminded himself of the rules of the truce before pushing the door open-hopefully the owner had Valhallan patrons before-if not this was going to be one awkward beer.
He paid the patrons no mind as they stated at him-a yeoman in full gear would likely draw more than a few eyes-as he approached the bar. Nodding to the barkeep as he took his helmet off. "Er, ma'am," His gravelly voice, with a hint of the Valhallan accent coloring his trade, sounded unsure, "Not sure how many of us you've had in here, but supposed to speak with you according to the tradition of what we call the Aletruce if you show up so armed as I am." The big man thought he heard someone laugh, but ignored it as he continued, "Declare weapons and such." He wanted to order something, but tradition had to be observed, if he didn't end up making a fool of himself before then.