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RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II [Open] Tsukimi YE 46 - Never Again


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
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🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 46
RP Location
Asagumo-jo, Port Jiyuu - Kosuke Sector / Tokyo, Jiyuu III

Port Jiyuu​

Sharie System, Kosuke Sector​


"We must keep reaching out, even further, so that there is always a world we can stand on and look to the sky and still see Taiie there." - Motoyoshi Tachiko, Resolutions of the Ghost - Forty-Two, YE 42

taiie_harvest_moon_tsukimi_projection_andrew_midjourney2023.webpAs the simulated night descended over Asagumo City, the sky glowed red, marking the time of year when the Motoyoshi, along with the people of the MCS and the new settlements in the Kosuke Sector, gathered to celebrate Tsukimi. This festival honored the harvest moon that once illuminated the fields of Taiie. Traditionally, Tsukimi was one of the few occasions when Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro, with the help of alcohol, would openly share his thoughts on the tragedy—sometimes more than he should, as the celebration included guests beyond just family.

This year was different, however. The responsibility of hosting the celebration for the Motoyoshi and their closest friends and allies had fallen on Taro himself.

The grand dining room of the palace was adorned in opulent splendor, lit by the soft glow of wax candles in place of the usual lighting. The drapes had been pulled back to reveal the simulated Taiie night sky, activated over the city for the occasion. Taro stood by one of the windows, gazing out over the city, having earlier tried to sneak a peek at Tachiko's secret menu for the evening. A fully stocked bar had been set up to serve guests before and after dinner.

Since it wasn't her year to host, Katsuko was expected to arrive with the other guests, despite staying with Akina in their suite on the floor above. Taro stood, waiting for the first arrivals, as soft flute melodies drifted from the nearby Music Room.

Tokyo, Jiyuu III​

Capital of the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector​

Millions gathered in the streets and along the harbor shores, coming together to feast and celebrate the Tsukimi holiday. The city buzzed with excitement, the air filled with the aroma of food and the sounds of lively chatter. Boats illuminated the harbor, their shimmering lights reflecting off the calm waters, creating a dazzling display that added to the festive atmosphere. Along the shoreline, grand stages hosted a variety of performances by YTP Entertainment, drawing crowds eager to enjoy music, dance, and theatrical displays that spanned traditional and modern styles.

This year, however, a subtle yet poignant message permeated the celebration, one that many might overlook—except for the residents of Tokyo. The eight statues of the Emperor and Empresses, both present and past, stood shrouded in darkness. Their unlit presence symbolized the blind eye the rest of the Empire had turned during the tragic loss of Taiie, a silent reminder of the sorrow that lingered beneath the surface of the festivities.

Despite this somber undertone, the streets overflowed with joy. People danced in the open squares, children played games with lanterns in hand, and vendors lined the streets, offering everything from festival snacks to intricate handmade souvenirs. Music filled the air from every corner, as traditional instruments mixed with modern beats, setting the tone for a night of revelry. The energy was electric, and as the moon—whether real or simulated—rose high in the sky, it illuminated a city alive with laughter and celebration.

As the night wore on, the festivities only grew more vibrant. Fireworks exploded above the harbor, painting the sky in brilliant hues of red, gold, and violet, while partygoers toasted to the future, raising their cups in honor of both their shared history and the hope of better days to come.
ISS Yoi-no-Myōjō
Flagship of the Motoyoshi Clan

ISS Yoi-no-Myōjō emerged from hyperspace fold in formation with a number of Orchid Fleet vessels in accompaniment. The mammoth vessel surrounded by its escort flotilla and support ships exiting hyperspace heralded a momentous return from its maiden voyage. Engines calmed to cruising speed, the royal purple and deep plum lighting that emanated from the Evenstar highlighted the flagship against dark voids of space. So much had happened in the time since their departure from the very orbital installation they now returned to. When the time came it was with much reverence that a watch stander went over comms "Port Jiyuu Actual, Evenstar is ready for docking."

Sometime after docking

The blissfully chaos filled, bubblegum pink haired, Deck Officer of the Evenstar smoothed over the fabric of her deep purple kimono with green flowers. Her fingers brushed over the obi that matched those green flowers in color quite perfectly. There were very few in this existence she would venture out of her comfort zone, young though she was. The Motoyoshi Clan had taken her in as an orphan, given her opportunities she could not even fathom. Over time she had grew close to Eidan, Kuroko, and Zabuza. A mix of young love and deep friendship intermingled for her with the three.

Their welcome companionship deepened her existing attachment to the Motoyoshi in ways she did not yet comprehend. Shaking off thoughts too weighted for most of a similar age to bare Yuki gently shook the lengths of her pink hair. She made her way towards Asagumo-Jo for the annual dinner held by the Motoyoshi at Asagumo-jo. As she made her way through its magnificent hall she looked around, feeling some inspiration for future art projects. When she stepped through the threshold to the grand dining room she softly gasped at the sights she saw through one of the windows. Quietly she walked over, silently observing Taiie's simulated night sky in awe.
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Time had passed since Vega embarked on her journey, and Station Decacron remained a bustling hub of Mining Guild activity. Kali Firewalker, now alone in the Branch Head's residence, found herself in the cyborg maintenance room, undergoing routine care. The room, illuminated by soft blue lights, was quiet save for the hum of mechanical arms and diagnostic equipment tending to her body.

Kali's mechanical Deer Anthro form was suspended in midair by an array of automated arms, which carefully disassembled and reassembled different parts of her body. Her legs, sleek and metallic, hung detached from her torso while her arms, still connected, rested in a relaxed position. Various parts of her body, from her mechanical joints to the intricate neural circuits that connected her to her artificial limbs, were being calibrated and cleaned.

Her cyborg eyes flickered open as she heard the door slide open. Captain Tammo Sheath stepped inside, his expression unreadable yet calm as always. Dressed in his Night Guard uniform, he exuded a quiet authority that commanded respect. As the door shut behind him, the sound was almost inaudible in the sterile, clinical atmosphere of the maintenance room.

"Captain," Kali greeted him, her voice polite but warm, despite her current state. "I'm glad you're here. My apologies, my body's maintenance is running a little longer than expected."

She looked at him with a hint of self-consciousness, her current vulnerability contrasting with the usual air of command she carried. Being the Branch Head of the Mining Guild on Station Decacron was a demanding position, one where weakness—or even the appearance of it—was rare. Yet, here she was, quite literally in pieces, and reliant on machines to keep her functional.

Tammo raised a hand slightly, dismissing her apology with a calm wave. "No need to apologize, Kali. I understand the importance of maintenance. It’s essential for any of us with cybernetic enhancements, and I know you're in good hands here." His tone was as steady and reassuring as ever, giving her the space to relax a little, despite her current situation.

Kali managed a small smile, though it felt a bit out of place as her body floated in pieces. The mechanical arms worked diligently around her, reconnecting wires and adjusting panels. Her torso remained intact, though diagnostic lights danced across her metallic limbs as various systems were scanned and repaired.

"Thank you, Captain," she replied, watching as one of the machines meticulously aligned her right leg with its socket, preparing to reconnect it. "I was hoping to discuss Vayga’s departure with you, but it seems she’s doing well on her own so far."

Tammo nodded, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "She’s adapting quickly. It’s rare to see someone, even a synthetic being, show such promise so soon. She’ll do great out there."

Kali tilted her head slightly as she watched another mechanical arm finish its calibration on her left leg. "I worry for her, though. She’s still so young, and the galaxy... it’s not always kind." Her voice carried a weight of concern that was unmistakable. Vega might have been a creation, but to Kali, she was far more than that. She had given her life, her purpose, and now watched her embark on a journey that would test her limits.

Tammo gave a soft grunt of agreement, his sharp eyes watching the machines at work. "The galaxy isn’t kind, no. But Vega has something that many out there don’t—a sense of purpose, and the will to find her path. Plus, we’ve given her tools to survive. She’s not alone, and with Lexi by her side, I’m confident she’ll navigate whatever challenges she faces."

As Kali’s body was slowly reassembled, she couldn’t help but feel a tug of melancholy. It was natural for any creator to feel a sense of protectiveness over their creation, especially one as unique as Vega. She had given Vega everything she could, and yet, like a mother watching her child take their first steps into the world, she knew she had to let Vega find her own way.

"I suppose you’re right," she admitted softly, her eyes flicking to the nearby monitor displaying Vayga’s last communication before she had left. "Still, it’s hard not to worry."

"That’s part of leadership," Tammo said, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "You guide, you teach, but eventually, you have to trust that those under you will thrive on their own."

Kali sighed, feeling her body becoming whole again as the final adjustments were made. The machines worked quickly now, piecing her limbs back together with precise efficiency. Within moments, her form was complete once more, and the levitation arms gently lowered her back onto her feet.

"All systems operational," one of the diagnostic machines announced in a robotic tone, the lights dimming as it completed its task.

Kali flexed her fingers, feeling the familiar whir of servos as her hands responded smoothly. She stepped forward, testing her legs as they powered up. Everything was in perfect working order, just as it always was after maintenance.

Kali stepped toward Tammo with a small smile as her maintenance was completed. Her form, now fully operational, moved with the grace and precision expected of her high-level cybernetic enhancements. "Well, that’s better," she remarked lightly, before her expression shifted into something more thoughtful.

"Now then," she continued, closing the distance between them, "I believe we are once again being invited to join the Motoyoshi Clan at Port Jiyuu for their Tsukimi memorial. Do you remember the last one? You came as my escort." Her voice carried a hint of nostalgia. "This festival honored the harvest moon that once illuminated the fields of Taiie. It was... beautiful though the tragedy was horrible."

Tammo’s eyes softened just slightly at the memory. He nodded. "I remember. The Tsukimi memorial has always been one of the more solemn, yet beautiful, occasions the clan celebrates."

Kali continued, her tone growing more serious. "I also assume a contingency plan was created for our girl, in case things don’t go as smoothly as we hope?" Her concern for Vega, though tempered by logic, remained ever-present.

Tammo gave a brief nod, his expression turning professional once more. "Of course. I’ve coordinated with Lexi and the Cyberwarfare AI to monitor any threats that might arise during Vayga’s journey. She’s got the tools and the training to handle herself, but in the event of something unexpected, we’re ready to intervene."

Kali exhaled, a mix of relief and lingering unease in her breath. "I trust her, but this galaxy is vast and unpredictable. It's reassuring to know there’s a safety net."

"She’ll do well, Kali. She’s more capable than most organic beings out there," Tammo replied confidently. "But yes, we’ve made sure she’s not alone, even if it seems that way to her."

Kali nodded, the weight of her responsibilities still pressing on her, though lighter now with Tammo's reassurances. "Good. I'll rest easier knowing that. For now, let’s focus on preparing for Port Jiyuu. It’ll be another opportunity to strengthen ties with the Motoyoshi Clan."

"Agreed," Tammo said. "It’ll be good to show our continued support, and we might gain insights into other strategic matters as well. The Motoyoshi Clan always keeps their cards close to their chest, but they respect your leadership."

"Let’s hope so," Kali murmured, her thoughts drifting briefly to Vega once more before focusing on the task ahead. "I’ll get ready. We’ll represent the Mining Guild with the grace and strength they expect."

"Always," Tammo replied with a small, respectful bow.

A moment later, Kali emerged from her quarters dressed in a stunning yet understated dress. The dark tones of the fabric—a deep onyx with subtle silver embroidery—reflected her respect for the somber nature of the Tsukimi memorial. The gown’s elegant, flowing design accentuated her stature, while the darker colors maintained the dignity of the occasion. Beside her, Captain Tammo Sheath stood tall, dressed sharply in the Night Guard Officer's formal uniform. The crisp lines and polished insignia of his attire spoke to the professionalism and strength of the Mining Guild’s security force, a quiet yet unmistakable display of their status.

The two walked in measured steps toward the transport bay, their presence a blend of grace and formality. As they approached the MG.S.S Starbound, the starship gleamed under the station's lights, ready to carry them to the heart of Motoyoshi Clan territory. The vessel, part of the Mining Guild’s prestigious fleet, was sleek yet powerful, a perfect reflection of the Guild’s image.

Once aboard, the Starbound lifted off with smooth efficiency, guided by its advanced navigation systems. Within moments, it departed Station Decacron, heading for Port Jiyuu in the Motoyoshi-controlled sector. Kali and Tammo sat in silence, their minds focused on the event ahead. For Kali, it was an opportunity to pay respects, to strengthen diplomatic ties, and perhaps gain valuable insight into the Motoyoshi Clan’s current stance. For Tammo, it was another layer of security, ensuring that every step was accounted for, every possibility anticipated.

Upon arrival at Port Jiyuu, they were greeted by a Yugumo Corporation employee, who escorted them with precision and care. The worker led them through the bustling corridors of the station, up to the heart of Asagumo City, the capital of the Motoyoshi Clan’s holdings on the port. The city itself was a marvel of modern architecture and cultural heritage, a testament to the strength and vision of the Motoyoshi family. Towers of glass and steel rose high into the sky, while traditional Yamataian aesthetics blended seamlessly with the futuristic environment.

Their transport came to a smooth halt outside the grand palace of Asagumo-jo, the seat of power for the Motoyoshi Clan. The structure was both imposing and beautiful, its design echoing the historical elegance of ancient Yamataian castles while incorporating the advanced technologies of the modern age. The palace stood on a hill, its high walls and towering gates a symbol of strength, while the lush gardens surrounding it softened its presence with serenity.

Kali and Tammo stepped out, their eyes momentarily scanning the impressive structure before them. As they entered, the cool air of the palace contrasted with the warmth of the outside, and the atmosphere was thick with the weight of tradition and power. The halls were adorned with intricate tapestries and art pieces that told the long and storied history of the Motoyoshi Clan—its triumphs, losses, and the unwavering resilience of its leaders.

Inside, attendants guided them deeper into the palace, through corridors that led toward the grand hall where the memorial would take place. Kali felt a quiet respect as she observed the care and reverence given to this event. She knew this was more than just a formal occasion; it was a sacred moment for the clan, a remembrance of the past and a reaffirmation of the bond between them and the natural forces of the universe. The Tsukimi memorial, honoring the harvest moon that once illuminated the fields of Taiie, was a deeply personal celebration of life, loss, and the passage of time.

As they approached the grand hall, Kali turned slightly to Tammo, their eyes meeting briefly in shared understanding. They were here not only as representatives of the Mining Guild but also as participants in something much larger—an ancient tradition that carried the weight of generations.

"Ready?" Tammo asked, his voice low but steady.

Kali nodded. "Always."

With that, they stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the grand hall where the Motoyoshi Clan awaited, ready to pay their respects under the soft glow of the memorial lights.
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Throughout the ride the private car on the way from Orchid Terminal Concourse, highly secure and reserved for Motoyoshi Clan's exclusive use, to the palace, Kuroko's gaze had fixed firmly on one of the progress displays that sat at the corners of the car's volumetric windows to the detriment of interaction with even her closest companions. It was her customary, hyper-feline detachment at work, of course, and surely her fellows in the Azure Legion had come to expect it from her, at the very least, even if they didn't enjoy it. She put a hand over the Norian's and gave a faint squeeze. She showed her feelings and emotions so subtly, it was her equivalent of a protective hug as they crossed the threshold of the proverbial lions' den she'd been so stoically ambivalent about entering.

Matching the Evenstar's pilot in an identical kimono, the transition in its first officer, and Motoyoshi heiress, Kuroko's hair as she had grown up was complete now. The original black, now a vibrant aquatic hue that sat on the line between blue and green, fit in complementarily among the Motoyoshi blues, and the colorless grey nothing of Kuroko's irises had developed a specific golden hue. "Last chance to back out before it's too late," she finally muttered in a fatalistically sarcastic attempt at humor. Kuroko paid only cursory attention to the splendor of the astronomical display of the dome, flicking her eyes to follow Yuki's, then back forwards again. Her tangential role played during the aftermath of Taiie's tragic destruction was lost on her, as she had no memory of it, redacted or otherwise.

Hinomaru Terminal Concourse

Then nimble scout ship YSS Yukika II gracefully docked with the enormous capital station at the Star Army's military docking terminals. The ship itself was a memorial to Taiie—a mural to its memory, the battle, and its lost and survivors took up the entire bulkhead of the port main corridor, and scenes from Taiie IV conspicuously populated the decor of the Palace-Style Hallways.

Aboard, its captain, Shōsa Motoyoshi Tachiko, took another moment at the mirror by the exit to her and, for the fourth time, checked and rechecked her formal dress uniform, Type 35s in crisp Command White, down to every single one of its recently expanded awards, including her newly awarded Command Award. Her hair, the straightness of the seams, angle of her officer's sword, Giretsu Sakura pin, nothing went uncriticized by Tachiko's nearly-paranoid eye for standards compliance. Only then was she satisfied to open the door and step into the corridor.

Out in that corridor, around the corner from the Captain's Stateroom, and solemnly surrounded by those same murals, Yukika Futaba, the ship's avatar, wore a shrine priestess's uniform with deep Star Army Regal Blue hakama and trim bearing the formal dress rank insignia of a Taii on the white robe's left breast. Though she possessed the same snow-white hair with its ice-blue highlights, ice-blue eyes to match, and pale skin, she was taller and more robust than before. The research with the ship's Kessaku-to-KAIMON adapter and a Consort body had paid off. Her new Nekovalkyrja 33A body's proclivity for augmentation was now being tested by being Hemosynthetically grown around the same endoskeleton and actuators, among other systems, that were in the Consort body. It was the latest from KAIMON/Ascendant: Ascendancy Augmentations, using technology developed from the Consort android and Yugumo Fleetworks' Yoru-no-Tenshi II power armor as the basis for high-performance and milspec augmentation.

Now, Futaba towered over the two Nekovalkyrja cadets in their prescribed shrine maiden uniforms, nearly identical to her own, but bearing their Shōi-Kōhōsei rank, and colored a deep purple with less impressive trim. "Tsugua Tae, Motoyoshi Momoko," she intoned snappily. "The Captain will be here in four seconds. Ensure you are on your best and most solemn behavior at this sacred memorial."
Hinomaru Terminal Concourse

"Always, my Kami." Tae's downward expression and paired palms made for a sharp and perfect bow, the resilience of which still hadn't faded in her months of service. A wild and furious looking oni tempered into a hard edged, vibrant red little miko, blue-black hair billowing like a glossy stream. A large portion of that effort was trying to match her mistress Futaba's impossible, ethereal standards. "Every preparation has been made. I have added supplies to my person to ensure the correct operation of the ceremony."

It was more than just tradition, to them- They hadn't been fabricated during the initial tragedy, and their parents had little to do with it- But the functional spirit, the very real and corporeal zeitgeist of her kin, that was the mechanism with which nekovalkyrja remained something more than autonomous murder dolls... Thus, a smell of sandlewood, spice and patchouli ash floated from burning incense, the tiled floors and black-varnished wood pillars were polished and perfect, gold-and-red ofuda sigils reapplied, living ginger lily from the botanics section bedecked every section like a regimental phalanx. Not quite as lavish as the station's terminal, no doubt, but this was their home.

Still, with all this embellishment, they didn't even have time to examine the file of this newly assigned, other priestess... Another Motoyoshi? How many of them were there? Did Tsuguka have to be worried about her position, as a mere officer cadet? They were rather pristine and pure of spirit, she couldn't help but notice...

Eyes reflexively angled towards an ivory-sleeved sword decorating the fire extinguisher maintenance handle. A golden crossguard. A rather straight and un-katana-like cheap durandium pommel, bedecked as it was in a blue, cross-shaped dao-style tassel. The Tsuguka-Eguchi family sword, as meager as it was, still gifted her with an ethereal glowing vibration. The taste of the wild underdog, the wind of reason.

<"...My Kami, should I take the sword?"> A polite tone sent through digital lines for the sake of brevity, but a dark and distant expression. She didn't like to request changes, not from her ladyship. But this was a military occasion, she was military, and had she been in standard uniform, the blade was part of that spirit.

What else did a merely promoted soldier have in terms of honor, surrounded as they were by the blood of the divine?