Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Operation Ice Breaker: Lower Base


Inactive Member
Lower Base

The rooms that were breached were already starting to fill with smoke and particulate from the rather explosive entry. Small leaks were appearing here and there, small jets of water spraying out onto the floor as the breaching pod ramp lowered into place.

*Thump Thump Thump Thump*

The first thing Vier did was aim her grenade launcher over her shield and fire four shots, the rounds maneuvering in flight, heading over the shield, out into the room, and then into the hallways, spreading out as the small recon drones began mapping out the facility.
Jace was right behind her a cold splash of water hit him as he got out making the synthetic skin on him rise goose bumps "woo that will wake you up in the morning" he took a position near Vier scanning the area for hostiles "which way Vier?" he said seeing that she fired out recon drones and giving room for the bike and its gunner to get out
Lower Base
The room they had breached into had been hemetically sealed ahead of time and had guards stationed outside in the hallway with traps and defensive points all up and down the outside hallway. Even now one could hear them moving stuff around in preparation.
Lower Base

Vier would release the magazine from her weapon, letting it fall to the floor as she pulled a fresh magazine from the storage rack on the back of her floating shield.

The doors here had been sealed, and there were soldiers waiting for them just outside. This would make checking the area floor by floor quite difficult, but there were at least some options available to them. The U-1s outside would rake the enemy soldiers with EMP, looking to fry any weapons, armor, or communication equipment.

"First we need to get this door open," Vier explained, pointing to the only door that led into the small lab that this breaching pod had entered. "Then we will need to search this floor until we find Amit."


Vier would fire one grenade, letting it splat against the doorway for just a moment before....


A neat hole was formed, pushing the door inward and breaking it off the tracks in the floor that allowed it to slide closed and seal.


Two more grenades followed, deftly maneuvering up over Vier's shield, then down through the hole made in the door, one grenade turning left while the other turned right....


The explosion left the three nepleslians standing in the hallway dazed, confused, and bleeding. They had been standing behind two power armored soldiers who were now stuck in their neutralized armor, frozen in place like a very heavy statue.

The defensive team that was ready to meet Vier's group quickly discarded their primary weapons, struggling to pull out and ready pistols when they realized their energy weapons had also been fried by the EMP.


In the hallway just outside of the labs, the PsychoPomp forces were trying to setup their defense as the pods breached rooms above, below, and to either side, the attack force starting to spread out through the facility.
The Desert Rider's engine loudly echoed inside the cramped pod as Essex revved it back to life, now that the others had entered the hallway and helpfully opened the door for her. The heavy motorcycle narrowly avoided the two, tilting slightly to slip past them, before suddenly accelerating to zip through that newly created opening. The machine practically flew towards the first obstacle the team would face, the small group of guards, half frozen and half scrambling for their weapons. And, at the last moment, with precision timing, the Desert Rider skidded to present its side to the stationary PAs.

All of that momentum suddenly transferred to the hefty suits of armor, the Desert Rider itself toppling onto its side while the PAs tilted backwards, squashing the unarmored guards behind and now beneath them. With the squishy humans pinned to the floor under the bulky PAs, the motorcycle just wiggled its front wheel in the air uselessly, resting on top of the pile.

"Right, that's sorted then." Essex sounded very proud of herself. "...stop faffin' about and come finish 'em off already!"
Lower Base
The experimental PAs would reach their destination and splits into pairs for each floor. The large PAs would take up most of the corridor and would stand on either end. Anchoring in they would prevent both themselves from being moved and others from passing them. The suits were shielded from Electromagnetics ensuring that no dirty tricks would prevent them from fighting. Due to the damage their shoulder mounts would cause they were stored away and the operators would draw a sword and shield for combat.
The other soldiers would pull out their own knives and get in position around the PAs.
Slowly, the large cargo elevator was set in movement. Holding the small, yet brutally effective Shadow One. Led by none other than the infamous Psychopomp operator, Weiss. Real name was something that wasn't exactly public knowledge either. "Liz," she snapped. And a voice in her mind responded. "Try to get control over the lights," she stated. The end of her sentence punctuated by the elevator shaft opening up. Herself and her men immediately raised their rifles and opened fire at the agressors down in the corridor they had been tasked with. By the time the elevator hit the padded floor underneath, the gunfire had ceased. "Double tap," Weiss stated. Walking down the small slope, letting her rifle hang from it's sling and instead, draw her silenced pistol. "How are those lights, Elizabeth?" She questioned as she gestured her men to advance on the corridor.
"EVE, I'm going for a swim. Eliminate the enemy divers, permanently." Jack said before the cocooned pilot seat and outer shell opened, dispensing him into the cold water.

"Affirmative, marking targets, all locked.", The XM1's AI said before unleashing mini missiles that each zoomed towards a diver. She took aim with the gunpod and took out the ones who were closer to the breaching pods with target assisted shots.

Using Aster's modification to the Revenant thrusters, Jack moved quickly passed what was left of most of the divers. Gore and blood now forming growing clouds in the water. Moving to a pod attached a lower floor he triggered for the airlock to cycle via Geist. Once done the ramp opened, and he maneuvered in, then closed again. The water cycled out, before the airlock opened again.

One of his strike teams were in a large lab having a firefight with PP soldiers. Jack dodging a few rounds sent his way, thrusted into cover with the team before drawing his Maverick carbine. "What's the sitrep?", He asked calmly.

"They got us pinned, and squad Theta is two rooms down with the same problem. a lot of hostile forces lost use of their weapons, but Heavy PA has been reported in various locations. Squad Zulu is gone.", The trooper next to him said.

Looking at his HUD, there were six hostiles, "Stay here I'll flank.", Jack said before engaging ECS. Now rendered invisible, he moved away unnoticed to the side of the room, and through one of observation windows making sure to remain quiet. The hall was littered with makeshift cover, desks and tables overturned, in preparation of their arrival. Taking position behind a couple metal desks, he primed two grenades before tossing them towards the enemy squad. Resting the barrel on the top of the desk to steady, he took aim and fired in short controlled bursts as the two grenades detonated amid the PP soldiers spraying blood and shrapnel.

"Advance, engage now while they are vulnerable.", Jack said putting rounds into anyone still standing.
Neera steeled herself as their pod thumped against the bases exterior, "I ask that question about myself sometimes. Dad has never for sure.", She said making sure her Maverick carbine was locked, and loaded.

Taking position with everyone else by the airlock as the shell was breached, she tensed, ready to run into the fray.

Mark had entered the ice waters last and opted to join the squad closest to Osiris, "Mark to Nagato, enroute to link up with team Kilo one deck above you and 50yards to your right. Will rendezvous when possible, but right now your acting officer."

Doing the same as Jack had done he entered through the pod after anchoring the mech and setting it to defensive mode, "Alright chlo, you ready for this?"
The maintenance lift that had been used by shadow would rise again, before returning a few minutes later, it's pneumatic doors sliding open. Lazarus walked out to see the five Revenant PA clad corpses littered on the floor. He almost paid Shadow no mind as he quickly followed before casually passing them as they moved down the corridor. His heavy boot steps echoing in the hall.

"Effective enough work.", He said.
"Hold up," Carolina hissed, glancing at Lazarus lowering her rifle. "Name and registration. I'm certain you understand I just can't let people pass," she added mirthlessly whilst falling into step next to Lazarus. Following the trails of Shadow One moving through the corridors.
"BW-L666, Bioweapon designated Lazarus. I do not answer to you.", Lazarus said from his speaker after the split black metal jaw clicked a couple times. He did not stop and he did not even bother to look at the woman. His long black trench coat swished faintly as he walked, and his hood shadowed over his face.

He held no weapon in his hands, but if one looked closely they would see the two hand cannons, one holstered on each hip, and the very low key bulge of something under the coat.
"BW-L666," she grunted under her breath. "Great. That was just what I needed." She held her fist up and halted infront of a blast door, circling one hand. Some of the soldiers broke formation and moved over to the door, planting several charges. across the surface of it. "SOBO-9er. Special Operator, Black Ops." She glanced back at him. "Yes, you do answer to me, BW."
"You are mistaken human. I only answer to Romanov and commander Ace. I out position you. My objective comes first anyways, and that is to kill the commander of the enemy forces here. All units should be advised to capture him and bring to me. Disobey this directive and face a trial. Obey and you will be well recognized. Do you comply?", Lazarus said stopping giving Weiss something akin to a glare. Such vexatious humans annoyed him when they got in the way.
A hitched breath came from her. "Heh. You don't know who you even speak to, BW-666, so how do you know who's higher then you now?" A wry smirk played on her face. A soft sigh. "We're both here for the high-ups." She rolled her eyes. "And we hope to be as efficient as possible, no?" She tried to trail him on.
"I am efficient, so the question is if you meet that standard. So, far the enemy commander has certainly done very well. Bypassed our defences, breached with a large force, inflicting numerous casualties, and causing significant collateral damage. That itself shows efficiency. It's sad he was a scrapped project, he's proven capable.", He said clearly annoyed in a neutral tone as he wait for the woman's team to breach.
"You clearly don't know SOBO, then," she grinned underneath the mask. Snapping fingers momentarily, the sound of a fuse igniting resounding. "Just got on planet." She sighed slowly, before turning to the door. "I hoped you'd catch on, but... Let's work together. We can hate eachother later." That way, she could at least vent her frustration at the fact she was compared to a mere human.
Jay signaled for the team to move ahead into the hall. As practiced, the soldiers moved quickly into positions against the walls. Once the immediate area had been confirmed to be clear of hostiles, the lieutenant spoke to the soldiers - all business now.

"Alright Osiris. Move right, engage any marks with extreme prejudice. Once we get a chance, we're going up."
Lazarus gave a distorted chuckle, "I like you already. No one even bothers to even look me in the eye most of the time. Nor so fiesty, I think we'll be leaving these halls painted red very soon with USO blood."
"cover me Vier i'm going to get Aster and Essex back up on their weels" Jace said moving up taking aim with his carbine stile Maverick aiming for body and limb shots and got to the bike flipping it back up "don't be reckless if you did that and they still had power they would have crushed you" he said taking a knee and looking for something or someone else to shoot
The Heavy PAs would hold position at either end of the hallway, cutting down anyone who came closer who the others couldn't take on and shielding them with large metal shields made up of layered Durandium and ballistic nylon. The others not holding the hallways would engage in firefight and moshpits with the enemies they could attempting to slow them down as the non combatants evacuated.
Amit sat within his cell, his ears ringing with the noises of alarms from the upper levels. Though he really didn't care. Not at this point in all honesty. The thin man was clothed in a jump suit of sorts, merely bland in looks with only a bar-code for a id of sorts. No name rested anywhere on his suit and the cell was rather bare and empty. Sitting there on the floor, the man just wanted to ignore the noise. So far, his transformation hadn't been triggered and while he was displeased, he was nowhere near the point of loosing control. It seems the idiots upstairs didn't really fancy him being used neither.

While the man was unaware of this, the higher ups had put a chip of sorts. It was something like a switch in which they could flick on and off for his transformations. In truth, Amit could access this as well but. He didn't fancy it at the moment. What was the point? No one would be coming for him down here, down within the underground labs and cells for the lab rats. Once, he had hoped that Jack would come. At this point though, he didn't care. What were the odds of it? None. The odds were never in Amit's favor it seemed. The man rolled his grin eyes as he leaned against the cell walls. A sigh leaving him as he waited for the noise to stop.