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Operation Kozan Ch 1: Heat Lightning


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Day thirty-one, tenth month, thirty-fourth year of the Empire…

There were 100 of them crammed together: a full century’s worth of Star Army infantry stood jostling about as their Type 31 Dropship slammed through HX-13’s turbulent skies. Each wore a DAISY and Ke-M6-W2921 plasma rifle, their armor shining and new. Few among this particular unit had seen combat yet. Indeed, the Legion XII marking emblazoned on each suit’s shield saw its first scratches and dings here as the landing vessel heaved and swayed amidst the planet’s upper atmosphere.

Fleet and legion officers had briefed them all — the soldiers of the XII and I legions now in their controlled fall through the jungle planet’s clouds — and had assured every soldier that Operation Kōzan would be a quick mop-up affair. That’s why there were so many of them being sent in now; meet the enemy with overwhelming force and they’d fold quickly and painlessly. As painlessly as the battle above had been, where resistance to the Twelfth Fleet amounted to a few parting shots from an NMX force that jumped away. And while they’d been warned that the sole Mishhuvurthyar stronghold on the planet was dug-in, hence the fleet’s inability to crack its defense batteries and ground command’s decision to land troopers a hemisphere away, it wouldn’t be a tough nut to crack once the legions made the trek to close the distance.

“Looks like the first half dozen centuries have made a safe landing. Not much fight down there,” this century’s commanding shoi called out, the Nekovalkyrja’s smiling voice cracking in each DAISY’s helmet. The chosen beachhead had been painstakingly selected by SAINT for just such an outcome. It was a massive, idyllic bayline that spanned many kilometers — enough, indeed, for the entire Legion XII and half of Legion I to land their centuries and equipment — with wide, flat beaches of sand that stretched to the creeping forest that covered most of the planet. “Making our way down nice and smooth, now. T-minus 120 seconds to landfall!”

True enough, that. The turbulence abated, though the craft still shook as its thrusters engaged to slow its fall. A digital clock blinked down the seconds to landing, complemented by a lit red light shining next to it, along with its unlit green sister waiting its turn. The shoi up in front of her cohort turned to a console on the dropship’s bulkhead and plugged in a retractable cord pulled from the armor she wore.

Only 50 seconds now.

The craft jostled again, more violently than it had in the moments that seemed to all aboard like hours while they watched the countdown. Around them, the soldiers could hear a smooth whirring as some machinery aboard the ship clanked to life. Some of the infantry looked around, keying nervous questions to each other that mostly asked “what was that?” or “is something up?” And then another bump came, even greater this time. The shoi’s movements looked more direct and purposeful now as her body language told an ominous tale even though none could hear the conversation she was having on another channel.

Thirty-three, 32, 31, and now 30 seconds shone on the countdown monitor.

That “30” hung visible for eternity, its electric blue numbers etched in the century’s collective memory. It was the moment this mission was fouled up, as the Nepleslians put far more crudely, beyond all recognition. An intense rumbling suddenly reverberated through the entire ship’s hull as what could only be its anti-armor turrets roared to life for but a short second before every infantryman aboard felt gravity’s pull, signalling the dropship was pulling up hard.

“Brace, brace, brace!,” came the shoi’s command, more frantic than authoritative as she held on to the durable cargo netting provided along the ship’s interior. “Damn squids got us! Came out of the sea — the jungle!”

With a thunderclap, sparks, and flame, the dropship flinched again, this time spinning with such gees that it knocked down half the packed-in century. To the transport bay’s starboard, light and wind and smoke poured in and revealed a beautiful, horrifying scene below. The beach and water outside were as picturesque as the volumetric intel had showed back during briefing. Or would have been, if not for the streaks of aether and plasma that crossed the clear blue morning sky, scoring the sand and lighting HX-13’s wicked looking green fauna ablaze along the beachline. Mishhu constructs rose from the sea, the water sloughing off their organic forms as their weapons sizzled up from the depths. And the ground itself, littered with fallen Yamataian armor and the wreckage of the first landers, spun ever-closer, visible through the ripped hull with each revolution of the wounded dropship.

By now, the red light had turned green despite the continuing countdown and comms chatter had erupted throughout the century. Those designated radio operators heard even more — that fleet strikes were un-doable because of the Star Army personnel that now scurried, mingling and dying, too-near to their assailants. And then the dropship crashed, like so many others had and would, rolling a fresh cut in HX-13’s sand. DAISY armors were thrown out as the Type 31’s wings crumpled and bent against the earth, becoming barely recognizable as the same ship by the time it ground to a halt.

Yamashiro Sakura, Suriyama Aoi, and Tamahagane “Ojou” had all been on that dropship and now lay in the sand — in the trench torn by their felled lander — as the carnage raged around them. Above, weapons fire and damage craft streaked the azure sky, set against white wisps of cloud and dark, thick smoke. The three soldiers were all within five meters of each other, as well as close to a heisho who lay immobile, though they had not all been a part of the same fireteam. Not that organization mattered now, in any case. Because of where they’d been flung they were safe for now, but likely not for long.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Ojou opened her eyes. She hear ringing in her ears and was still a little stunned. All her blue eyes could see was sand. The minkan woman layed on the beach on her belly. Slowly raising on her elbows she took a look around, seeing three others around. Her AIES identified them as part of their century.

Where the hell am I? Was her first though and then her mind finally got it all together. There was falling in the dropship, which Kaede personally thought of as a big coffin. Then the crash and now she was here.

Ojou slowly rose to her knees, getting better look around. She did not notice anyone or anything else in close vicinity. The woman slowly crawled to the heisho, laying few meters away going to see if she was all right.
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The heisho pushed a hand to the ground, her arms quaking less from strain than the shock of their landing. Her name was stencilled in black under single chevron in matching paint on her collar: Eikan Taeko. As Ojou inched closer, she locked frequency with the girl’s armor to speak.

“You alright, hei?” she asked, her voice shaking. “We’ve gotta get out of here — link up with someone. Mission’s gone to hell!”

Taeko looked around at the armors laying around her, turning on her back and removing the plasma rifle they were all issued from mag-lock. She looked up, craning her head to the edge of the crash-made trench nearby.

“I’m going to go have a look. Assess the situation.” The heisho sounded dazed. “We’ve gotta get out of here,” she repeated. “You should see if any of these others are alive. Then you should join me. It's safer near the edge. Oh — what’s your name?”
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Everything had started off so well. Shiny new armor, a cake run to test it all out on with many many fresh infantry Neko's going in to get their first test in actual combat. Santô Hei Yamashiro Sakura relaxed as the dropship descended through the atmosphere, buffeting here and there as drag increased and the air thickened. She triple checked her power armor's systems and her plasma rifle, reassuring herself once more than all was good. She was good, ready to finally take part in her first mission.

Then the universe went to hell. The dropship took fire, chatter began to spread through the cram packed infantry as their ship jolted and shuddered from hits. Less than thirty seconds till touchdown, the call to brace for impact was given an instant before flames blasted through the side of the troop bay, leaving a horrifying gash in the ships hull, like someone took a can opener to it.

Sakura yelped, grabbing onto the cargo netting, holding on for dear life as she watched several nearby get sucked out the gaping hole in the hull. Beyond, outside, she caught glimpses of the terror outside, Mishhu tearing through the Yamataian troops below, bathing the beautiful beaches in blood and debris.

Then her world turned to blackness as the ship slammed into the beach, hard, sending all flying. She didn't even feel herself thrown from the ruined dropship she was rendered unconscious so fast.

* * *

Sakura's eyes snapped open. Her world spun around her and she felt like her body had been used for a power armored battalion marching ground. She lay sprawled in an incredibly uncomfortable position, on her back, bent half over some chunk of wreckage.

Wincing as she rolled onto her hands and knees, taking a second to take in her surroundings. She had been thrown from the ruined transport on impact. It was a wonder she had made it out intact, let alone alive.

"What the blazes..." she grabbed her rifle and shield, which lay nearby and quickly looked for some cover. She had no idea how long she had been out, or how near the enemy was. Sitting out in the open was not the safest idea. She needed cover and a few moments to appraise her own physical condition and the status of her power armor and weapons.

It was then she spotted at least two others collecting themselves nearby, one she quickly identified as the heisho. She quickly pushed herself up to her feet and made for them quickly.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede was still dazed. Falling out from a spaceship does that to you, even if you wear Power Armour. The girl was still glad that the heisho was around, at least she will have someone to listen to. As most simple soldiers Kaede would not really know what to do without orders from NCO's.

"Tamahagane Kaede-hei reporting," she introduced herself, military style. "But everyone calls me Ojou." She added. Ojou meant rich girl or lady in Yamataian and after saying her surname, everyone usually knew why she got the nickname. One of the comrades though it even great joke and inscribed it on the left shoulder of her Daisy.

Kaede looked around and saw another armour not from here getting on her feet. Ojou waved at her, while her AIES was getting linked up with her. There was still the last one, laying not far from here. Keade took her plasma rifle from mag-lock on her backs and moved to her in crouched position to keep the low profile.

Her AIES linked with the laying armour and identified it as Suriyama Aoi Itto-hei. Kaede went on one knee and check the woman. There was no visible damage on the armour, neither were any limbs in position that should note broken bones or dislocation.

Ojou took the Itto-hei by a shoulder and shook her gently. "Suriyama-hei are you okay?" She said after establishing communication line with the laying soldier.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Consciousness came with an explosion of pain and a cold rush of air into the Geshrin's lungs as Suriyama Aoi awoke. Her DAISY's HUD beeped at her gently, letting her know that -- yes -- she had indeed been hit in the head by... something. The beeping ceased, coinciding with the voice, and the shaking.

Ojou took the Itto-hei by a shoulder and shook her gently. "Suriyama-hei are you okay?" She said after establishing communication line with the laying soldier.

"Hai!" She growled, slowly getting to her feet. She ran a quick diagnostic with a few winks at her HUD to get the AIES running. She ignored the faceless voice and hand -- for a moment.

Everything is green, thank Chiharu. I can still call in strikes, she thought with a vicious grin. There was no doubt as to what had happened: the NMX had shot her dropship down. Her survival was miraculous, and the little Geshrin swore her vengeance would be just as brutal.

"My head hurts a little," She said slowly. "Nothing I can't deal with. We need to get out of this dropship, and I need a vantage point... somewhere. I'm a Spotter from the First Legion. Who's in charge?"
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

sakura waved back at Ojou, her own comm system still taking time to link up with the others. She saw Ojou helping another up and decided that she needed to join the heisho at the edge of the trench. She quickly climbed the sandy side, joining her commander.

"Heisho, Yamashiro Sakura-Hei reporting, what are you're orders?" Sakura said
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Ojou gave the other woman a nod. She was looking around for any dangerous. Did the NMX think that the dropship was finished? Kaede would expect them to come and try to finish off the wounded or take them captive. She did hear as everyone else about misshu reproduction. Ojou shivered and looked back at Aoi.

"Coasts seem clear for now," she said and then pointed to where she left the Heisho. "There is a heisho over there so we are not without leadership. By the way I am ojou. Let's go to her now.... please itto-hei." Ojou added Aoi's rank to the end of the sentence at the last so it did not seem like she gave the higher ranked woman an order.

She then turned and ran back to the heisho keeping her head down. When she get there she gave a nod to the Daisy that arrived and crouched next to heisho. "Tamahagane-hei reporting back with another survivor ma'am." She said.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

“Good, good,” the heisho said, her voice a little more sure but still not as commanding as you’d expect. “There’s a lot of chatter on the command band. I think the shoi’s out.”

She peeked over the edge of the wide, deep trench they sat near the top of, gingerly raising her head then shooting it back down. Up again she went, but just for a moment, sliding down the slope just in time to miss a few blue enemy beams aimed where her head just was.

“Looks like jigoku up there. I’m hearing that what’s remaining of a few nearby centuries are forming at a crash site in this vicinity. They’ll be glad you’re okay, Suriyama. I’d heard our unit had one of you along with us,” the armored Neko told them, going silent for a moment while she relayed a message over the sergeants channel. “I saw the rally point just now. It’s not far but it’ll seem like it once we’re up and over. Friendlies will concentrate coverfire our way, but can only spare it for a few seconds.

“You girls ready?”
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"I'm ready to go, Heisho!" Yamashiro Sakura replied, gripping her plasma rifle tightly in her armored gauntlets.

She took a deep breath. How much worse could her day get anyways? She had been shot out of the sky and crashed. Things could get very much worse, really, but she pushed that thought out of her mind.

"Lets show those slimy squid why its a bad idea to mess with the Star Army!" she added, filling her voice with as much confidence and optimism as she could muster.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Ojou simply went down on one knee and put her rifle on the ground. From the mag-lock on her back she took a long metallic scabbard that held her katana. With simple and trained move she put the bladed weapon on mag lock at her side, in place where one would wear such weapon. Ojou was very happy with having it. It calmed her down as sword was something she knew very well. Patience, strong will and composure was something she was taught aside from swings, stances and parries. Swordswomanship was not simple task, it was martial art teaching money things. Philosophy and calm of mind was one of them.

Ojou then grabbed her rifle again, locking it with her suit so it provided energy for the weapon. The young woman took a deep breath and then looked at heisho. "Ready," she said simply. Though in reality, she was not all that ready. This will be her fist combat. She knew that she either has to face the enemy or die trying. It was not a nice thought.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

“You’d better know how to use that if you’re going to swing it around like that, Ojou-san,” Takeo noted, seeing the Tamahagane hei ready her weapon. “I’d stick with your rifle, but if worst comes to worst anything’s fair game.”

The heisho pressed a hand up against the right side of her helmet as a communication came in. She nodded to the three soldiers huddled around her, indicating it was time to go. “All right, they’re ready for us — we’ll go on three.” A few deep breaths in and out were apparent as the Nekovalkyrja readied herself and then adjusted her position from sitting, poising herself to scramble out of the crash-torn trench and across what could only be a field of carnage beyond. She synched up comms with the squad on overwatch and her makeshift team here to coordinate the charge.

“One, two,” Takeo said, her voice wavering a little again, extending the last sound of the count as her body sprang forward, “three!”

As the number’s single syllable hit, the heisho was already over the edge, bringing her Ke-M6-W2921 to bear while holding down the trigger for long, relatively uncontrolled bursts. The sound of the fight was louder out here — more real and visceral — as energy bolts flew through the atmosphere, kicking up sand, rending armor, and searing flesh. All around, dropships lay crashed and burning. Some were overrun by Mishhu regulars joined by a smattering of Ripper armors while others faced full phalanxes of Reaper-clad abominations.

The sandy beach that stretched out between them and their destination only spanned about 100 meters, but it seemed like a long way right now. Ahead, a volley of fire sprang from a mostly-intact friendly vessel with friendly DAISY troopers fanned out around it — where they had to be, no doubt. A squad of enemy armor and light infantry lay to their left. It had been bolting across space Takeo, Ojou, Sakura, and Aoi now meant to cross. Luckily for them, the NMX’s attention was drawn to the larger threat — their destination — and did not engage. For now.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

As 3 was called by the heisho, Sakura kicked herself off to her feet with her companions, bolting for their destination 100 meters away. For now the enemy was focused on attacking the larger group of infantry ahead.

As they ran Sakura held her rifle close, ready to bring it up to bear and return fire if the enemy started paying attention to them.
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"I am capable of using my blade when I need to," Ojou replied to heisho and put her left palm on the hilt of the sword. "However I realise my primary weapon is a rifle, if that is what you are implying madam."

But there was no time for the heisho to reply anyway. The leader counted to three and the soldier moved forwards. Kaede saw the space between their position and friendlies and even though it was supposedly only hundred meters it seemed to be so far. So very far.

The woman started running. It would be fastest to fly there, but she did not want to really do that. The thrusters might help enemy to target her with lock-on weaponry like missiles. So she just ran, as fast as she could jumping over any possible obstacles using Armour's strength.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Oh shit, Aoi thought, watching the beach being assaulted -- not by the Legions, but instead by the NMX. What would have made a great staging ground was now instead a deathtrap. With Anti-Aircraft weaponry keeping any sort of relief from arriving, and ground teams likely including emplacements set up in enfilade upon the beach, it would be up to the Legionnaires to fight wherever their dropships had happened to fall. There would be no flanking, no fire-and-maneuver, no kinetic warfare; it was fight, or die. For the NMX there could be retreat, but for the Imperial forces stranded for the moment, there could be none.

It had taken Aoi only a moment's thought to realize just how utterly screwed she would be alone. She could have ignored the Heisho, or the other Heis. She could have remained on the dropship, safe in the sanctuary of the chain of command: the Heisho had no direct authority over Aoi, in all likelihood. None of those thoughts had crossed her mind (very few cognitive thought had, as yet, transpired within her pain-addled brain) but now, shaking off the last of her confusion, she could see just how much she needed the Nekovalkyrja around her.

A Geshrin was only so much meat in situations like these.

So, taking up the mantra that had sparked with the sight of energy-laden death looming, she took off with the others at the count of 'Three'.

Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

As the distance between the four soldiers and their target closed it became clear that they weren’t going to make it without a fight. The group of NMX who’d been making their own charge across the sandy stretch of ground before them had hunkered down on the flat expanse, concentrating their fire on the gathering mass of Star Army personnel that Ojou, Sakura, Aoi and the heisho intended to join. Some of the enemy’s blue Impaler fire streaked their way, returning Takeo’s wild volleys.

“Move, move, move!” she called, still squeezing hasty bursts at the enemies that obstructed their path. “I’m counting ten armor and about thirty squishies! Between us and the overwatch we’ve got this!”

Some of the heisho’s rounds hit the loosely dispersed contingent of enemy Neko and NMX horrors, though her fire seemed to draw more attention than it discouraged. But the squad was definitely in a superior position to their foes — not that the battle around them was starting to turn — so Takeo’s plan seemed sound if not a little foolhardy. Such was her mindset as a NCO trained for combat with the XII: thundering, quick, and remorseless.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede tried to stay calm, but it was hard with fire whizzing everywhere. It was still quite a distance between the frour runners and the other Yamatai troops. Too far as far as Ojou was concerned. And now there were also NMX troops between her and her destination. Heisho though the best was was going right trough them, and after considering it for fraction of a second Kaede could not but agree with her.

Dispersing and running on her own around the enemy forces would only get her killed. Right now they were able to punch trough, at least so though Ojou. Swapping her rifle for sword would slow her down, so she just used the gun. Firing every seconds she ran forward just few meters at the left side of the heisho, keeping her pace with the NCO.

Her shield arm was up front, she did not plan to dodge any opposition but rather use the superiority of her Daisy and smash through. Shield forward should anyone get in her way, she would just hit thrusters and try to get through.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Some of Ojou’s shots hit their marks, melting through light armor and flesh as they brought down flak-clad infantrymen kneeling on the beach. The heisho’s shots, too, had some effect, though the Tamahagane’s bursts were far more accurate and controlled. The dozens of meters separating the four soldiers from their aggressors became several feet. Several feet became steps. Soon enough, they would be in direct melee with the NMX. Ojou could feel enemy fire thump and disperse against her shield.

“Looks like a few are coming to meet us!” Takeo called, her voice loud in the group’s helmets. Teams of the enemy turned their attention to the group and, with rifles cooly poised, intended to meet their charge head-on. “A few of ours, too!”

Indeed, other Yamataian stragglers had taken notice of the obstacle and approached this area too, their own dropships ruined along the shoreline. Aoi, Takeo, Ojou and Sakura’s four were more like fifteen, all needing to cross the field of four dozen NMX soldiers.

To her right, Ojou could see Takeo slide to a halt and drop to one knee as an enemy Neko barrelled into the heisho’s shield, flopping to the side from blunt impact. Takeo fired from the hip, spraying plasma bolts into another.

And then Ojou lurched to a halt. When she tried to engage her thrusters, the expected boost was only met with the scrape of steel on steel and whining crunch of her armor’s shield meeting something solid. She could see a gauntleted, power armored hand with three wicked spikes clutch an edge of her shield, trying to force it back and expose the girl’s more vulnerable torso.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede felt herself sweating in her armour. She saw few of her shots connect with someone, that meant she probably killed someone. Were NMX nekoes as much persons as those she was trained with? Ojou did not know and right now she did not even care. Adrenalin in her veins took over and there was not time worrying about enemy, especially when Reaper hit against her Daisy.

With her shields clutched and rifle in her other hands her close combat offense was lowered. There was also no room to draw her sword, not to mention that her katana was too long. Kaede did something else. She kept resisting the pull on on her shield and tried to keep it covering her body. The young Tamahagane used the closeness of the enemy and kicked against her knee.
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The Reaper continued to fight against Ojou’s protesting motions. Her knee connected with its right leg, causing the NMX assailant to bend inward. Such was the force of the enemy armor’s grip that the girl came down with it, their bodies now tangled in the sand as the battle raged around them. The scuffle was intense and loud and the Reaper pilot was at an advantage, not having to worry about a shield.

It broke away, shuffling back from Ojou before rising to its knees with its Impaler rifle held high, intent on bludgeoning the Tamahagane soldier. The vicious spikes adorning the armor glinted in the morning sun and matched the dull yellow glow emanating from the false eyes on its chest as it struck.

One blow, then two, then three and many more came down hard on Ojou’s shield. She wouldn’t be able to handle many more before something let out. But with the characteristic unpredictability of battle, plasma rounds impacted the NMX armor’s side, scoring a few direct hits with many more glancing. Ojou could see the thing turn its head and rifle toward the attacking fire, letting out a guttural roar from the armor’s external communicator before taking down the DAISY that had kept it from finishing her.

The Yamataian girl’s head swam as the bottom of her shield rested on the ground during the short seconds of respite while still protecting most of her form. Once the Reaper had taken care of Ojou’s nameless ally the lenses of its helmet flashed a fiery yellow as it lifted its rifle again, ready to make a final blow.
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