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Operation Kozan Ch 1: Heat Lightning

Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede returned slightly nervous smile to SeonJi. She shifted her whole body to face the girl and bowed to her. "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" She said to finish whole exchange. There was not much time to bond, before they will have to move out. Better to get to know this new neko too. There might have not be chance later. And when SeonJi said the comment about giving Squids hell Kaede smiled a little more. "Hai!" she said and raised her fist in similiar was as the neko did.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Sakura kept quiet as the new orders were given out and the plan of attack was explained. She took the time when Kaede and SeonJi introduced themselves to quietly examine her armor's systems and check for damage. There seemed to be little save for some scoring to her shield. Her ammunition levels were all good as well.

Once that was complete she took a couple steps over to join the others, "Baek-Hei, I'm Yamashiro Sakura" she said, introducing herself.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"I'm Baek SeonJi," the newest member of the squad replied, glad to see that all of her new comrades-in-arms seemed quite friendly, "It's nice to meet you, Yamashiro-san." With a polite bow to her fellow nekovalkyrja, SeonJi turned her head as a particularly loud explosion in the distance begged for attention. Quickly she spun to face the heisho, expecting the order to move out.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Sakura's attention was taken by the explosion too, she looked for its source, almost expecting to see a mass of Rippers come charging at the rally point. She was glad there wasnt.

"Guess were moving out in a moment" she said and readied her rifle.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede looked at Sakura and nodded. She then took her plasma rifle of mag-lock and checked if nothing happened to it, while she carried Aoi across the beach. It seemed fine luckily. Kaede made sure to re-charge rifle capacitor.

"Indeed we are," Kaede replied and took a deep breath, readying herself to go out there again. "As soon as our comrades will push through, it will be our time. Hopefully we will be having easy time getting through."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"I hope so too" Sakura replied. She was green as they come for an infantry neko and already she had been thrown into hell on her first assignment. It would be nice if fate gave her and her new friends a break.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

ShotJon said:
Kaede then proceeded to take off her own helmet and hand it to Aoi. "Your survival is vital now." She said simply. "Take my helmet and use it. I will handle myself with this. I am also telepathic so I will have no trouble with communication." She stated simply and put on Aoi's helmet over her head to get at least some protection. Kaede was Tamahagane, she will handle herself in any situation.

"Arigatou gozeimasu!" Aoi said, bowing toward Kaede for her contribution. For the few moments they talked and waited, Aoi fiddled with her helmet.

She felt a little guilty for taking the helmet, but she needed it. She could have eyeballed it ─ she was trained for that, of course ─ but it would have been much more difficult and much more dangerous. The helmet Tamahagane had given her would probably save lives.

"Ne, Tamahagane-hei, you're from the actual Tamahagane clan, right? If you are, remind me to buy something when we're off this rock."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Chui, is the squad you said was going out to raid the Anti-Air batteries?" a Yamataian male asked, striding up in a Daisy. He carried his helmet crooked under his left arm. A LASR and its SLAG attachment hung from the side of his back.

The man had short, ruffled black hair and bright green eyes. His face was marked by the childish grin he wore. He was Itto-Hei Saito Takamori, aide-de-camp to Twelfth Fleet's Taisho Kurita. He'd been on the first wave as an observer for the Taisho, who wanted an opinion on the cooperation between XII and I Legions. Kurita had feared that the veterans of the latter would condescend upon the relatively inexperienced XII Legionaries.

Saito, however, hated the stipulation of being in a Daisy. He loved his Mindy, going so far as to add a decorative paint scheme to it. The Daisy he had borrowed just felt too uncomfortable. The suit had only been nominally tweaked for him. It had none of his personal fine-tuning that the Mindy in his quarters had. He wasn't at his best.

"I just finished speaking with the Taisho. Suzaku and Ghidora are ready to commence firing once we have exact coordinates. The Taisho is anxious to send down the K4 tanks and evacuate the wounded."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Sashiko-chui was standing up at the battle line, poised to order the assembled grouping of Star Army infantry on its charge against the NMX retreating toward the forest. The banzai roar from other units could be heard growing louder as more units joined in the haphazardly coordinated counterattack. When Saito addressed her she remained positioned out toward the sandy no man’s land ahead with one leg mounted on a raised edge, but turned her head to the side so she could see him behind her.

“Just found one of the spotters from the First tagging along with some of our girls,” the chui explained while poorly aimed Mishhuvurthyar Impaler bolts pocked against the ground around her, sending little puffs of white dust into the air. “Fleet’ll smash those emplacements in no time.”

She paused, seeming like she didn’t have anything more to say. But after a few seconds a thought came to her and she let the command slip.

“You’re always on with Kurita-sama — go with ‘em,” Sashiko told Saito as if it were the greatest epiphany ever. “They could use your expedited fire control. Report to Takeo-heisho on the double!”

With that, she sent the fleet aide a lock on Takeo’s comms signal and turned away. She had to get back to leading. Of course, the chui didn’t mention the extra glory that she’d get for a sergeant under her command leading the grunts who’d call in a victory, but that should go without saying.

In only a few moments now it’d be their turn to charge.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Douitashimashite," Ojou replied to Aoi with a nod, as she thanked the the woman from Tahamahagane clan. It was good, Aoi did not try to give the helmet back. Kaede would take that as an insult. Gift, important as this should be accepted without words.

"Hai," Kaede went to answer Aoi's question. "I am member Tamahagane clan." She said simply. It was nice of Aoi wanting to buy something, but Kaede had other things on her mind than business of her clan.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

It was getting tense waiting for the Heisho's orders for the Miyamae nekovalkyrja, she could swear she could feel her SPINE connection buzzing. Excited to get into the thick of things and do her part, SeonJi listened to the Geshrin and Minkan discuss their mutual helmet situation. Spying the approaching Daisy coming from the Chui's position, she wondered if the — itto hei by the looks of it — was another soldier separated from her unit.

With a short wave of her grenade launcher, SeonJi greeted the newcomer. "We're almost ready to head out," she said warmly. "It's nice to meet you—," there was a pause as the neko glanced at the freshly stenciled name on the armor, "Takamori-san."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

“The chui tells me we’ve got another one incoming,” Takeo reported to her squad, making a semi-formal note of what some had already noticed. ‘Takamori Saito’ appeared in tiny letters on each soldier’s HUD alongside the ones that were already there and the full list blinked into Saito’s. Now, they were all connected. Full introductions were likely to be cut short, though, or at least take place on the fly. “I’m told he has a better line to command — should help you, Suriyama.”

Just as she finished and Saito plodded against the current of Daisy-clad warriors moving the other way, Sashiko’s voice crackled through their suit communicators on the all-access band with a simple command.

Kougeki kaishi!” she boomed, the mass of troops at the rally point immediately following her out into the field at a sudden, breakneck pace. As they charged, she sent out out the familiar Yamataian battle cry, “Dai Yamatai Teikoku! Banzai!” and many soldiers repeated “banzai” over their armors’ loudspeakers as they bounded over the beach toward the jungle’s edge. Some fired wildly at targets too far downrage to hit while others held their tempers. Controlled thrusts pushed a few overeager soldiers through the sky in massive, armor assisted leaps.

All the while, the Mishhuvurthyar forces in the treeline held their fire, clearly waiting for the Yamataian force to draw closer. In the air above, battlepods continued to help maintain superiority and strafed the ground every so often. Still, their main task was to block more ships from coming down, so the squadrons focused on that.

Back at the emptying rally point, Aoi, Sakura, Ojou, SeonJi, and Saito remained while their comrades conducted the main assault. Takeo was clearly in no hurry, merely standing while she went over maps and routes in her head and simultaneously monitored the Star Army’s push back. Soon, the six were the only ones left behind.

“Looks like they’re almost to the forest’s edge, we should go soon,” the heisho stated. “Takamori-hei,” she acknowledged with a nod before continuing. “We ought to get going before there’s nobody else left on the sand — we’d be too easy targets for those battlepods.

“Anything else?” Takeo asked, not waiting a second for anyone to answer as she began to run out from the rally point while waving a hand for the squad to follow. If the hei did have any comments, they’d be easy enough to answer on the move. “Lock and load!”
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Ryoukai!" came SeonJi's enthusiastic reply as she engaged her suit to follow Eikan-heisho. "How long have you all been a unit?" she asked. The question was directed to Suriyama, but broadcast to the entire team in case anyone else wanted to interject. It seemed like a good question to break the ice with, certainly the Miyamae nekovalkyrja did not want to spend the entire mission in silence. "Or are we all just cobbled together from various scattered drop teams?"
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Takamori was not one of those who partook in the banzai cry. He disliked the current iteration of the Empire and its hypocrisies. He had enlisted to get a job and do his part. But as the war continued and he saw more and more contradictions to the Empire's ethos, Takamori only felt his previous disgruntlement with the workings of the Empire harden rather than soften.

Speaking with many of the soldiers in Twelfth Fleet only added to it. Quite a few had been in the Star Army right up until YE 29 and the Species Restriction Order. Rather than switch, they decided to simply quit. Even the Taisho had been one of those retirees. Not all of them had fully forgiven the Star Army for that.

That led him to believe that most of the troops here from Legion XII were new recruits rather than returning veterans. The battle cry had been a bit too enthusiastic.

"Only one. For the sake of redundancy, who has explosives?" he asked.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede shouted Banzai only in her head. She wanted to save the breath. Her minkan body, with military upgrade did not really get tired, but it was something she remembered from being a geshrin. Being tired, being out of breath. It was strange feeling and it was even more strange that it was almost impossible for her to experience it again. Minkan bodies were not getting tired, they were even strong on their own. Kaede could lift almost 200 kilograms and that was just strange.

Kaede gave the newcomer a nod of greetings. He could see her name on his AIES anyway, so introduction were not necessary. Taking a deep breath, Kaede followed heisho and SeonJi. "Let's spread out slightly!" She said and ran few more meters to the left. "So we are not such a nice big targets for those battlepods."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Sakura watched as the massed power armored neko's charged the enemy. It felt strange being one of the few not in that charge into head on battle. Not that she was complaining, as it was her team was probably going to be in the thick of it pretty quick anyways.

Then the order was given, the Heisho was already advancing, the others kicking off to follow. Sakura took a deep breath and started to run, falling into step with her small group of new friends as they ran for their objective.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

raz said:
“I’m told he has a better line to command — should help you, Suriyama.” Takamori Saito appeared in her HUD.

Kougeki kaishi!” the familiar boomed, the mass of troops at the rally point immediately following her out into the field at a sudden, breakneck pace. As they charged, she sent out out the familiar Yamataian battle cry, “Dai Yamatai Teikoku! Banzai!” and many soldiers repeated “banzai” over their armors’ loudspeakers as they bounded over the beach toward the jungle’s edge. Some fired wildly at targets too far downrage to hit while others held their tempers. Controlled thrusts pushed a few overeager soldiers through the sky in massive, armor assisted leaps.

All the while, the Mishhuvurthyar forces in the treeline held their fire, clearly waiting for the Yamataian force to draw closer. In the air above, battlepods continued to help maintain superiority and strafed the ground every so often. Still, their main task was to block more ships from coming down, so the squadrons focused on that.

"Takeo-heisho, switching to a direct line to this officer Takamori Saito. If you need me, I'll be listening to whichever squad channel you choose," Aoi said out loud.

She did just as she said, sending a text message via dictation to her onboard computer, and then opening up her favorite artillery radio frequency ─ one of the arbitrary numbers in the range, anyway.

"This is Suriyama Aoi-hei on Channel 45. Designate Dagger ─ break,"
she said, assuming Saito was on the line. She cut off to try and figure where along the chain of command she was in the line. Assuming she was the only one outside of the others' Legion... "Designate Dagger 2-1."

I am now Dagger 2-1. That would make the others Dagger 1-1 all the way to Dagger 1-5, starting with Takeo-heisho, she thought to herself, following along with the rest of her squad.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Bounding over the soft sand as they made their way around to flank the Neo Mishhuvurthyar forces, SeonJi calculated that given she was the next to last to join the squad, her designation for this operation was — "Baek SeonJI, designate Dagger One-Four," she reported in on the appropriate channel.

Tamahagane Kaede said:
"Let's spread out slightly!"
"Hai," the heavy weapon toting nekovalkyrja responded as she stepped out to the side of the group slightly further. The battlepods were certainly something to be wary of, but engaging the enemy this early would only delay them and keep the squad out in the open. Getting past the treeline seemed to be the most important objective to Seonji at the moment.

Takamori Saito said:
"Only one. For the sake of redundancy, who has explosives?"
Quick to respond, the lone nito hei informed the higher ranked infantryman: "This is a Type-35 AGL," she told him with a great deal of pride and respect in her firearm of choice, "Explosions are somewhat of a specialty." SeonJi wasn't too proper to giggle at the thought of taking joy in obliterating her targets, "Four meters at a time at four rounds a second — please rely on me when you need heavy support onegaishimasu."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Takamori raised an eyebrow. That was not the kind of explosive he was asking about. As a man trained in Demolitions, he had just assumed everyone would know that he meant the plastic stuff. He too had not brought any, believing that his role was as an observer to the final phase of the campaign. Not a frontline soldier. So no big bang. Well, that was why he felt slightly disappointed that no one had brought any plastic explosives.

If she thought explosions were her specialty, she ought to see him work his magic. As it was, Takamori was already trying to calculate how many of those grenades would equal the blasting force of four blocks of plastic explosives. Three or four grenades maybe. To be safe. And have a big explosion. Grenade launchers were blunt instruments when compared to the application of plastic explosives and detcord. Just point and shoot. No deliberation on the optimal placement of the most brilliant invention in the history of bomb making.

And soldiers rarely think to use their grenades or plastic explosives as anything more than a weapon. Takamori had learnt how to employ grenades as booby-traps, distractions and entertainment. Now he really wanted to blow something up. The last things Takamori had detonated had been the Taisho's junk papers yesterday. When the Taisho wasn't looking.

"Well, let's just hope that the gun crews on the Suzaku and Ghidora can aim then. That AGL may not be enough. Still, nice to meet you uh... Baek-san," he said to SeonJi, before adding to the roll call, "Saito Takamori, Dagger 1-5, acknowledged."

Great, two callsigns. He also had to communicate with the Navy using another one on a different channel.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

SeonJi chuckled to herself before replying to the itto hei, "Yes, this is for the Mishhu. We'll use artillery for the heavy targets." Thinking about it made her laugh, which got quickly clipped by her suit's IES. There was no need for such frivolity over the channel after all. Still, the Nekovalkyrja thought she recognized that pause before her family name.

A lot of people from the core worlds seemed to have trouble with it, especially with the way it was localized. Shira, Haku, Bai — she had heard all sorts of attempts before. It's why she tried to always announce her name first. Even where phonetic assistance was provided it was usually as Beku. Which was close enough, SeonJi just thought most people from the Core had odd accents and surely they found hers a little odd sounding themselves.

"I'm from Miyamae," she explained to Saito, just in case he was familiar with the peculiarities that came with being manufactured in that part of the galaxy. It wasn't often that she had had a chance to talk to guys, given the vast majority of the military being manufactured ningyou heiki series models designed purely for combat. "It's nice to meet you," SeonJi offered.