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Operation Kozan Ch 1: Heat Lightning

Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

With the order to move, the Nekovalkyrja in the scorched Daisy slid down the hillside and through the bamboo towards the nearby trenches, clutching her weapon of choice up near her armored chest and readying it for another round of active duty. The sound of gunfire from the side stole SeonJi's attention and she replied with a couple of grenade canisters in kind, watching on her HUD as they lobbed over towards the enemy infantry as she concentrated on making to the more defensible position.

With a quick boost the Daisy's boots left the dirt and with her legs thrust forward in front of her SeonJi slid down over the embankment and right into a cadre of NMX troops. "Anyong!" she greeted them in surprise, the barrel of her Type-35 AGL balanced in against the chest of the nearest Mishhu trooper. In the couple of seconds afforded by the shock, the Miyamae neko ejected her suit's Impactor into her free gauntlet and swung it at the foe in front of her as her suit's AIES directed her firearm to discharge a grenade behind them at the rest of the enemy squad.

"Enemy engaged," SeonJi reported, bringing down her close combat weapon again as she attempted to clear the area for her comrades.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"I'll be back, Ume!" Sakura said to her new friend, who had to remain behind, then was off with the others. Making her way down to the enemy position. Moving to support SeonJi, who had gone farther ahead, she was soon in the thick of it.

"I've got your back, Baek-san!" she said over comms and brought up her shield to bash a Mishhu trooper in the face, then as they went down, she swung her rifle up as she loosed several blasts into the enemy at point blank range before moving on to the next one, keeping her forward momentum up as she advanced to support SeonJi.

The enemy was everywhere, made sense protecting their big guns. So many of them, but for the moment they had the element of surprise on their side.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"CONTACT LEFT" John screamed, instinctively rather than to let anyone know. He aimed his rifle and fired a shot at an enemy unit standing above the trench line. There were so many of them it seemed crazy that their lone squad was attacking this position by themselves.

John bashed another enemy with his rifle as he pressed down the trench line, trying to keep up with the others. His adrenaline was pumping as he was into some really intense combat once again.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

The bamboo thicket’s opposite side was even more hellish than the blue-bathed forest that sheltered the Yamataian infantry only moments earlier. Stretched out before them was a webbed system of trenches cut into the forest floor. No less than five batteries protruded from below ground level, hidden away behind camouflage netting in their deep pits. NMX light infantry were packed in, at least from what any of them could see, with some manning machine gun pits that looked out across ground level.

Takeo had led them into one such emplacement — a fat, eight-by-six-foot box dug right into one of the trench complex’s meter wide, meter-and-three-quarters deep arteries that made up the system. The NMX Neko gun crew there had scattered from the heisho’s surprise, allowing John to make quick work of the two who’d scrambled over the edge and tried to cross the surface to another foxhole.

Other nearby enemies had scattered to the relative safety of the trench walls’ curve down the line. By the time SeonJi and Sakura entered, some from the right were already charging back in to take the ambushed position. The lead infantryman was stopped cold by the solid punch of Baek-hei’s grenade launcher barrel and the quick Impactor swing that came next destroyed the Mishhu lackey’s helmeted skull, embedding itself deep enough for a clean kill.

But the speed of her strike wasn’t followed up by a fast recovery. The enemy who fell was immediately replaced by another, her Impaler rifle poised to attack SeonJi’s middle. Thankfully, Sakura was ready on overwatch and shot a burst that left two and a half pulpy divots across the NMX infantrywoman’s chest.

Across the machine gun pit, Takeo was taking cover beside the left-facing exit — an option that occurred to Sakura and SeonJi, too. Her relative peace, though, was soon disturbed and shattered in tandem with the firefight’s escalation.

“Contact left!” John cried when he saw the light infantry who’d once occupied this space doubling back from that side too. Luckily, they were too focused on the Yamataians already invading the trench and failed to notice Tamahagane Kaede stalking down out of the bamboo forest.

Takeo’s communications signature appeared in the makeshift squad’s helmets, crackling an open mic as she loosed a few shots blindly around the corner.

“Stay on your targets and advance!” the heisho shot with curt intensity. “If you get to one of the guns, radio in your status and the coordinates immediately!”
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede was a bit slower. Even though her wound did not really hurt, she felt herself not being 100%. She just could not move as well as normally. At least not for a longer time. That is why she reached the edge of the bamboo shrub last. She could hear John shouting and noticed where he was pointing.

Battling without HUD was a lot harder. She did not see identification and position of friendlies, she did not see targets marked by them. No she only had her eyes and ears. Though for Kaede that was enough.

Her eyes set themselves on the NMX Neko assaulting the squad. Kaede still being in the forest was in good position to flank them. "Back to work," she muttered. Her rifle went into her left hand and her sword into right. She was used to having blade in left hand, which made using rifle in left a bit easier.

Ojou stated to sprint at the enemy, while firing at them with the rifle. It was to either hit them or make them get their head down, because in next seconds Kaede jumped in the trench both sword and rifle at the ready.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

John moved up the trench towards the enemy, firing at the enemy as they approached. He could see his other squad mates around him as they jumped into the trench. He then heard Takeo over the radio “Stay on your targets and advance!” the heisho shot with curt intensity. “If you get to one of the guns, radio in your status and the coordinates immediately!”

That seemed rather odd to him. Shouldn't they be working together anyway? If they all all ran off in their own direction, they would definitely be overrun. He saw that Kaede had entered the trench line not too far away from him. Still new and inexperienced, he wasn't thrilled to be running the trench by himself.

"Kaede, I'm not too far from you, wait up. We should work together so that we can clear these guns. I see one not too far from here" John said over comms as he fired another burst at an enemy that came around the corner. He began to plot his course to link up with Kaede in the trench line.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Jeeze, they are everywhere!" Sakura yelped as she dropped in behind SeonJi, covering her back,loosing volleys of plasma fire from her rifle into as many of the enemy as she could. She held her shield up in the best possible position to defend herself from incoming fire, but also used it to bash away anyone that got too close, then poured fire from her rifle into them.

She spotted where Takeo was taking some cover. It was a good spot to catch a breath, but they would lose momentum.

"Let's get to that gun!" She said, turning herself towards the nearest anti-aircraft cannon. She held her rifle in her left hand, then swung her right up, using the pulse energy weapon built into her armor's forearm to give her some extra firepower as she began her move towards the gun emplacement.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Thanks Yamashiro-san," SeonJi breathed as the NH-33 blasted the attacker in front of her. She nodded in agreement as Sakura suggested they advance. "Let's go!" she repeated enthusiastically, though sounding a little out of breath. The two Nekovalkyrja then proceeded along, backs to one another as they made their way towards the nearby AA cannon. The NH-29 providing support with her AGL while Sakura picked off targets one by one.

"I hope Takeo-heisho doesn't expect us to try and push that gun over," the Nito Hei joked as she smashed her Impactor into an NMX infantrywoman who managed to get too close to the pair. Her badly scorched and blood-spattered armor providing a striking disparity to the personality inside, exclaiming energetically, "We're almost there!"
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede’s mad rush dropped her into the trench and right on top of an NMX light infantrywoman. White hot bursts of plasma faded to a cooler blue as they poured from her rifle, slaying the unfortunate soldier before the Yamataian girl’s boots crunched onto her body. Simultaneously, John’s shots felled the enemy Neko charging at him with ease.

“Move, move, move!” Takeo’s voice chirped over comms, her designator highlighted for John due to their proximity. Ojou would have seen the same if she had a helmet, but still heard the communication just fine. Not wasting any time, the heisho rounded the corner she’d been taking cover beside — just across from John — and proceeded down the leftward trench toward the Tamahagane woman. She gave the green Nepleslian a Daisy-gauntleted smack on the shoulder, hoping to motivate him and reassure him in equal halves.

Without her helmet, though, Kaede was at as big a disadvantage as she thought. That’s why she failed to notice the wriggling tendril slide down the trench side and around her left leg. John and Takeo, as they bolted toward Kaede's position, would only see what the Minkan girl felt: a hard impact on the muddy ground followed by Kaede’s involuntary retreat further into the trench system.

On the right flank, Sakura and SeonJi had already made good progress in the direction of an artillery battery. Between the Miyame Neko’s grenade volleys and Sakura’s mighty torrent of rifle and forearm fire, the trenchline they took was quickly becoming a torn, jagged artery filled with death and debris and pockmarked into a smouldering pit where warm, bloody sludge sucked at their armored feet. In all, they must have killed eight enemies already, creeping closer and closer to one of their objectives.

Success draws attention, though. Just as the heat radiating from the nearest gun emplacement’s cannon was close enough to feel, it fell silent where its brothers continued their skyward barrage. The silence would be their only warning before a trio of grenades came tumbling in their way, magnified by a fusillade of Impaler fire and the telltale howl of at least one Advanced-type Mishhurvurthyar.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

John smiled to himself as Takeo patted him on the shoulder. He knew that he was doing a pretty decent job. Hell, he was still alive, so he couldn't be doing all that bad. John looked up to where Kaede's HUD marker was and rounded the corner.

Much to his horror he saw Kaede being dragged off by an NMX tendril. He immediately jumped into action to save his comrade. "KAEDE HANG ON!!!!" he said as he hit his thrusters and tried to get ahead on the tendril, firing down on it as he jumped forward preparing to attempt to serve it by dropping his shield on it as he landed.

It was a reckless and impulsive move, but John didn't want to see his comrade dragged away into the NMX position. It probably wasn't something a more season soldier would have done, but it was the only thing he could think of at the time.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede did not have much time to react. She felled her opponent, but then she felt something draggin on her feet. She fell on her back, trying to look what exactly was going on. Her eyes noticed a yanking line of flesh, wrapped around her ankle and pulling her somewhere through the trench-line.

Then John flew by, telling her to hang on. There was no really anything to hang on too. Her sword would most likely break if she tried it ramm it into ground and hold onto it. This was not a neko-ranger animation. She could try to cut the tentacle, but she could also cut off her foot in the process, not to mention John was flailing around in that area at the moment.

There was only one more thing to do. Kaede let go of her rifle, as she might need the extra empty hand, but kept holding her sword. She activated her thrusters pulling back at the tentacle. She was curious what was stronger. Daisy's Heavy Fusion Thruster Pack or Misshu's tentacle. Well if the tentacle will let go, Kaede was ready to cut the thruster and your her anti-grav to break. If not well.... then she will have to think of something else.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Sakura saw the grenades incoming, her DAISY's sensors did a great job of pointing them out to her. The added enemy energy fire did little to help make the situation at hand.

"Incoming!" Sakura yelped, pushing off the ground hard with a burst from her armor's thrusters, the backwash kicked up blood and dirt in her wake as she jetted forward.

Two of the grenades tumbled past, thrown to where she had been earlier, detonating behind her, the third was coming right at her head though. She brought her forearm shield up, backhanding the small explosive device back in the direction it had come from.

The grenade exploded just a few feet away, bathing her shield in flames and shrapnel. The concussive force knocked her back onto the muddy ground. She felt pain lance up her side and several red warning indicators lit up on her HUD indicating damage or wounds. She was not sure and didnt have time to check just at the moment as a hail of weapon fire rained down on her.

Sakura rolled behind cover, waiting for a momentary lull in the fire or an alternative rout. The last thing she needed at the moment was to be pinned down.

She spotted SeonJi pressing ahead and took a deep breath, swinging her right arm up enough over cover to spray the area with fire from her forearm mounted pulse energy weapon. She got a good look at what was left of her shield, a smoking slagged mess. Totally ruined, but still she could use it to block a little more, she hoped.

She sprayed the area with fire, then kicked off again, adding fire from her rifle as she advanced once more.

"Are you alright, SeonJi-san?" Sakura asked as she pressed forward, making for the big gun emplacement. The sound of Mishhu earlier did not sit well with her. She did not like the idea of encountering one of them, if not multiple of them. But it looked like there was going to be no way around it.

Then she was there, the brim of the great pit the gun emplacement had been dig into. It was silent, its crew obviously tasked with dealing with them now rather than shooting down the orbiting Yamataian fleet.

Enemy fire poured out, slamming into her ruined shield and any portion of her armor not protected by what little it had left to offer.

Sakura shrieked in pain as she felt several impaler bolts cut through and into her soft fleshy body. Emergency systems kicked in, injecting an anesthetic to deal with the pain and Hemosynth.

She gritted her teeth and pressed on, yelling curses as she barreled into the gun emplacement pit, guns blazing away at anything that moved.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

As the grenades went off nearby, SeonJi was thrown to the ground by the concussive blast. With dirt and smoke filling the air, she had to rely on her suit's AIES to keep abreast of the tactical situation. The NMX were fighting back against the team's initial assault and for a moment the nekovalkyrja feared that they might not have enough of an advantage to win the day.

"I'm fine Yamashiro-san! Let's go!" she replied to her NH-33 partner as she replaced her AGL for the Zesuaium shield mag-locked on her back. In these close quarters SeonJi wanted something less likely to explode in her face. Seeing on her sensors that Sakura was advancing SeonJi followed suit, shield forward and Impactor raised, providing her comrade-in-arms some measure of protection as Sakura rained fire from her guns.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Though Sakura’s shield was thrashed and pockmarked from the maelstrom of battle, it still managed to keep her alive for the time being. Still, the young Nekovalkyrja could feel every impact more and more as the fight raged on — the enemy shots that did make it through were numbed but not gone. With SeonJi just behind her, she trudged through the muck and blood and into the gun pit itself.

She remained the target of focus.

Both Sakura and the red-eyed Miyamae Neko could see three slithering, skulking beasts. No doubt the Advanced typed Mishhu they’d heard moments before. Their tendrils whipped and spun like a waterfall crashing over whatever surface the monsters were near. SeonJi and Sakura had more than that to worry about, though, as the NMX Neko shocktroops closed in with bayonets fixed and blades drawn.

In the opposite trench where Kaede and John fought forward with Takeo-heisho following behind the situation escalated much faster. The Ojou’s thrusters engaged, pulling her hard against the tentacle’s grip — at least for a moment — before the resistance she felt disappeared. Down the trench, John had already thrust his shield down into the ground and had severed the sloppy appendage as he attempted to end his rocketing trajectory.

Kaede’s command for her Daisy to boost away sent her driving at Takeo. Her armor and the heisho’s collided along the trench wall with a dulled crunch. The release of tension had been so unexpected that even her earliest command to stop would register after the damage was done.

John would find himself in a full tumble after the abrupt stop. If he’d had room to run in to a landing, the situation would have been fine. But the force with which he jammed his Daisy’s shield downward made a perfect stop impossible.

He felt a landing pain as he crashed and rolled in the direction of the gun they were on their way to destroy. The Daisy’s automatic painkilling treatment made the torn flesh feel normal just as quickly as the NMX energy bolts had struck, leaving John prepared for the ordeal he’d face next.

After a few fractions of a second spend dazed, the Yamataian man found his bearings. He’d made it to the anti-air gun’s pit, lying face up on the floor. Above him, HX-13’s sun shone down through a camo net, flickering behind a big silhouetted form that he thought, at first, was stationary at the top of his vision. But John would soon notice it wasn’t at all stationary. The Advanced type that cast the shadow was just slow as it breathed its massive lungfuls of air, sending thick cords of its sickly mucus dripping down onto John as it floated its body nearer to his.

All of the NMX Nekovalkyrja guards, too, directed their attention toward John, unsure of what to do. For now, all they knew was that he was stationary and had clearly been hit. Their moments of wonder as to whether the hurtling Star Army soldier was dead — training their eight rifles on his motionless Daisy — left Kaede and Taeko with a brief reprieve from attack.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

John knew that his plan probably wasn't a good one when he enacted it, but he didn't think it would turn out like this. His hero moment was pretty awesome. He was happy with himself for cutting the tentacle with his shield. However this was real life and stunts like that usually didn't pan out well as John soon discovered.

Failing to stick the landing John was sent hurtling down the trench. It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't gotten shot as he landed. It hurt for a fraction of a second before his suits meds kicked in. John looked up to see a lurking shadow above him. He wasn't sure exactly what it was but he was certain it wasn't anything good.

A quick glance at his HUD showed several hostiles around him. The funny thing was they weren't shooting at him. Maybe they thought he was dead. That made the most sense to him. Maybe if he laid still long enough they would leave him alone. He figured that would be his best course of action until some help arrived.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Is that all you've got?!" Sakura yelled as she trudged into the pit, fending off incoming shots with the remains of her shield and ignoring the few that struck her armor.

She knew this was going to be the end. Three Mishhu and their shock troopers lay in her path and she had already taken more than a few direct hits. She had not let herself look at the damage or injuries she had sustained and her suit's emergency systems were doing a fine job of keeping the pain from slowing her down. It was calming in a way, knowing when her end was about to be and that she had some form of control how it was going to come about.

Sakura just had one desire before she was taken out. Taking down as many of the enemy possible with her and clearing the path for SeonJi to silence gun.

"SeonJi, I have this, take out the gun" she said, then launched herself at the enemy, using her DAISY's thrusters to propel her forward.

She batted bayonets and blades away with her ruined shield and blasted the NMX Neko troopers at point blank range. She emptied her rifle into them, some, the barrel pressed against their chest plates and helmets as she snapped off rounds until the barrel of her rifle glowed and began to melt.

"Come on, bring it!" Sakura yelled, smashing another neko across the faceplate with her now ruined rifle. She screamed as she felt a blade cut into one of the joints on her armor's side, slicing into her. Not good.

Spinning around, she could feel the bayonet snapping off, still jammed into her side, the pain lancing through her body as she swung for the neko that had stabbed her. Sakura slammed her fist into the neko's helmet and opened fire with her forearm cannon, blasting away at it's head.

With that one out of the way, next came one of the Mishhu, it's tentacles lashing out and wrapping around her legs, right arm and torso, pulling her down to the ground. Sakura yelped as she went down, landing on her back with a thud, her shield and rifle tumbling away as she lost her grip on them.

The Mishhu pulled at her limbs, trying to pop them off like a kid would pull the legs off an insect. Sakura's DAISY's emergency systems were overloaded and failing, unable to hold back the pain any longer.

Sakura screamed as she could feel her right arm dislocate. She reached out with her still free left arm, grabbing for whatever she could find to try and bash the Advanced type Mishhu away.

The Mishhu was on top of Sakura, putting all it's strength into it's bid to dismember her, it's slimy toothy mouth leering over the stricken Infantry Neko.

Sakura managed to grab hold of something small and cylindrical. A granade! It was a good a time as any to set that off, she thought, gritting her teeth and thumbed the activation switch.

As she did the Mishhu lunged down to take a bite out of her. Sakura swung her left arm up, shoving it down the Mishhu's open mouth and into its throat, grenade clutched in her armored gauntlet.

"Eat this!" she screamed just as the Mishhu bit down, she could feel its razor sharp teeth slicing through her armor and into her arm, maybe even through entirely. But it didnt matter. A moment later the grenade detonated. Then the world was flame and heat and gore as she monster exploded above her.

Sakura's armor was bathed in flames. The Mishhu's body absorbed most of the detonation, but not all of it. She was thrown like a rag doll into the side of the artillery gun, her left arm vaporized in the explosion, the stump instantly cauterized.

Her vision went black as her DAISY failed, loosing all power. The only sense she had was pain and the sound of flames and screaming.

She was mildly amused she was still awake as her DAISY's systems flickered and sputtered back to life. The status monitor was lit up all red. Everything was smashed.

Sakura was alive, but only just, laying face up against the side of the gun, the area around strewn with ruin.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Huff," Kaede went as she hit something hard. It knocked out the air out of her and her vision went red for a while as it aggravated her wound. She groaned and rolled off. It showed up that the thing she hit was in fact the heisho-herself. That was not a great thing.

Shaking her head to regain her senses Kaede slowly rose to her feet, sheathing her katana and getting a hold of her plasma rifle. She then checked the situation. She was alone in the tranch with the heisho, but the cannon was really close now and she remembered John flying that way trying to help her.

"I am sorry ma'am," she said quickly. She did not hear any gunfire from there so John either killed everyone there already or was killed. Her rifle raised she looked at heisho not sure if she should move on or not.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

SeonJi frowned inside her helmet as Sakura urged her to take out the AA gun while she covered for her. "Alright," the red-eyed neko agreed, gripping her Impactor tightly in her DAISY's gauntlet. "I'll be right back. Yagsog," she promised, her Miyamae accent voicing the stop consonant.

Dancing through the shock troops, SeonJi swung her melee weapon left and right, intent on deflecting or disabling the incoming NMX soldiers as she made her way closer to her target. The looming threat of the powerful Advance types instilling a measure of worry in her. Even though she was a weapon bred to die in service to her Empire, the impending threat of the tentacled horrors was like a black spot in the back of her mind.

Securing her Impactor back onto her suit, SeonJi unlocked her AGL from its mag-lock, leaving her fellow neko behind with a short fusion boost from her boots and heading up to the gun's console area and its Mishhuvurthyar operator. The Advance type's tentacles darted out towards its Nekovalkyrja attacker which she deflected with her Elliptoid Shield held up to block. Her true target wasn't the NMX squid, but its equipment instead.

With a repetition of heavy thumps from the barrel of her grenade launcher, canisters of explosives lobbed towards the nearby electronic and mechanical sundries of the Anti-Air cannon at a rate of four per second. Six had already been discharged before the Mishhu's tentacles had wrapped themselves around the assaulting neko and desperately tried to puncture or crush her or her weapon.

With a tentacle secure around one wrist, the neko's Type-35 clattered to the metal platform they were standing on, silent as its payload was delivered and exploding nearby. The air surrounding the struggle was awash in threatening, promising and cursing radio telepathy from the Mishhuvurthyar as SeonJi used the pulse lasers in her armor's free forearm to singe tiny marks into its tough hide, timing jet bursts to fight against the superior size and strength of her opponent.

The humanoid weapon from Miyamae could only hope she'd done enough damage as she wrestled with the monstrosity, or that the other members of her makeshift squad were having more luck with their assault.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Bright veins of flame blossomed from the anti-air gun as SeonJi’s grenades went off on-target, mirroring the moist blast from Sakura’s gambit. The thrashed soldier fell ruined near the gun while SeonJi wrestled the Advanced-type that assailed her. Somehow, the Miyamae Neko found herself on top of her foe — at least as much as a catgirl could be on top of a writhing mass of tentacles.

Her muscles strained and jittered against the beast’s pull, but it could not take the advantage back now. The world seemed quiet as she slammed and shot and ripped into the spongy lifeform on the ground and, before SeonJi knew it, the thing was dead or dying just like everything else in the muddy pit.

She could see the anti-air emplacement’s barrel bent and gnarled above where Sakura lay. The gun wasn’t as thoroughly destroyed as orbital bombardment or explosives would have ensured, but a lucky grenade shot had done the trick and rendered it inoperable.

Meters across the trench system, Takeo-heisho shoved Kaede to her feet while guiding her forward.

“Don’t worry about apologies, Ojou-chan,” she shot, keeping one hand at the base of Kaede’s neck as she continued advancing down the trench toward the anti-air gun and John. “We can’t stop now!”

With that, Takeo gave the Tamahagane girl another push, this time to the trench wall as she fell to a crouched position and took cover behind her shield. A barrage of Mishhuvurthyar fire plunged down upon the two.

John, for his part, could see the NMX above him shift their attention away. At least for now, the Mishhu figured he was dead or close enough to it. But while the heisho’s return fire thudded back into the dirt and enemy bodies around him, he could feel tugging at his shoulder as one of the enemy Neko attempted to remove the satchel he’d retrieved from the wounded soldier earlier.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

John had been patient in waiting for his comrades to come to his assistance. With so many enemies focused on him, he knew that it would be suicide if he tried anything before he got a distraction. A distraction he got when Kaede and Takeo began to fire on the enemies, drawing their attention away from him momentarily.

However one NMX trooper saw the satchel that he was carrying and tried to remove it. With the other NMX troopers distracted, John knew that this was his time to strike. With a quick flick of his wrist, John smashed his shield into the NMX trooper's face that was tugging on his shoulder. John quickly rolled out of Takeo's line of fire, equipping his PEW on his right forearm. He let out a quick spray of pulse energy around him, while bashing away at any NMX close enough to him.

"SUCK ON THIS YOU BASTARDS!!!" He screamed definitely as he sprayed away at the enemies who would undoubtedly be very surprised that the trooper that they thought was dead was now very much alive and looking to inflict pain upon them.