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Operation Kozan Ch 1: Heat Lightning

Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

The Nekovalkyrja grenadier's armor was clearly singed and dented from her soiree with the Ravager as she spotted first Tamahagane and then the other two as they approached her position. Sighing in relief that they — along with herself — had made it all relatively safely to the waypoint was a load off of SeonJi's bio-engineered shoulders. Having planted her Daisy's plated but on a large rock, she waved her gun up at the three arriving members of the squad.

"Sounds like our target is just over there," she said, indicating the thick bamboo forest. She winced as the emplacement let out another loud thud, her helmet turning towards the source of the noise. "I'm so glad to see you all made it," SeonJi confessed, nodding to the gathered squad. "Hopefully the others will be here just as quickly."

As exhausted as she was, the Miyamae Nekovalkyrja was still riding on her adrenaline high. The sooner they got back to the killing fields, the less chance of it running out on her.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

One foot in front of another. One foot in front of another. Kaede walked, trying to get where she was supposed to. It was not easy getting around without HUD. They depended so much on it in basic. Kaede hoped she was able to keep the direction, Heisho gave her. It would surely be troublesome if she would get lost.

Luckily she did not. She reached the bamboo forest and noticed SeonJi sitting on a large rock. It was good to see she was fine and soon John and Sakura reached the place too.

Kaede walked up to SeonJi, her armour was completely covered in blood, some of it most likely her own. Huddling her belly, where she was host she sit next down to the Nekovalkyrja in scorched armour. Kaede's face under her open helmet was all bloody too, as she buried it in her gauntlets previously.

"Good to see you made it," The Tamahagane girl said, holding her hurt belly. The armour helped and painkillers dulled the pain, but it still was not great. Subconciously, Kaede leaned on SeonJi for a little support. "I am so tired," she whispered.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"It's okay," SeonJi comforted the Tamahagane Minkan as she placed a hand around her back to pat Kaede's far shoulder. "We're almost done here. The Nekovalkyrja touched her helmet to Kaede's. Seeing the other girl like this strengthened the grenadier's resolve. It gave meaning to her existence to know that Neko like her were made so that other Yamataians didn't have to deal with things like this.

"We're almost done," she promised, squeezing the bloody Daisy in a hug. "Just a little bit more and we'll have nice, warm showers and then eat little tea cakes while we lounge about in our bath robes."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede smiled a little with made a dry blood on her face tear up a little. She did not raise her head to look at SeonJi, but those were nice things to hear. Her eyes instead looking around still cautious about their surrounding. Kaede would probably not put much of a fight in her current state, but she still had to ready to give what she could.

"That would be really pleasant," Kaede whispered back with a quiet chuckle. "Though right now I think a simple bed in infirmary would be more then enough for me."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

John trudged through the jungle towards the waypoint. As he came through the clearing, he saw two blue markers on his hud. "Great friendlies, I found the rest of the squad" John thought to himself as he joined his comrades. He looked down at the two Nekos on the ground. Their suits were damaged and bloody. It would appear that whatever they went through was 10x worse than John's little experience.

Coming close to them he knelled down. "Ladies are you two ok? You look rather banged up? Anything I can do to help?" he said rather compassionately, hoping to return the kind gesture Kaede had shown him when they first met. This time the clear exception that Kaede really was injured rather seriously.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

ON: Aoi's Advance

"Mendokusai!" Takeo barked when Takamori engaged his thrusters and burst off. Without looking back, she scrambled up the ridge's lip and engaged her Daisy's own thrusters to go after him. "Suriyama-hei! Yamashiro-hei! Go!" she tagged before disappearing into the canopy after the idiot ittô hei that was giving away the entire squad's position.

Here we go again, Aoi thought taking a few steps forward and breaking to the far right with a boost of her thrusters. She'd have to find a good view on the objective, and when she did: boom! Aoi had always known she hated getting shot at (who didn't?) but she loved to cause things to explode. She had a morbid fascination with the way things were destroyed by military hardware. So she bolted with a half-grin, when she got the order to move.

Aoi's burst took her past SeonJi's grenade crater and closer toward the objective. But after a moment, she'd realize that relying too much on the Daisy's propulsion system was the last thing she should be doing outside of an emergency. After all, that seemed to be the reason Takeo was so infuriated with Takamori. She kept going on foot, bounding through trees and over rotted-out logs, vines snapping as she passed through them.

Somehow, though, her rightward course brought her closer to the front line again. The Geshrin spotter from Legion I found herself amidst friendly Star Army personnel once again and her path obstructed by fighting. It made sense once she got a grasp on what was happening — the allies she saw were coming her way and crossing her path — and heard a tinny chirp in her comms.

"You! Hei!" the voice came. "Get your ass down, we've got a formation of Flayers incoming![/i]

"Oh!" Aoi dived low, and scrambled behind the nearest tree. The retreating Yamataians coming at her did the same, ducking in natural ditches and behind the concealment of foliage. In the distance, Suriyama-hei could hear mechanical movement and what sounded like the crunching of entire trees exploding under the might of something more powerful as thick-beamed shots began flying through the forest around her.

Then her grin got wider. "Hey, we don't have anyone near those kani, right?" She asked over the same frequency. Aoi forced herself to imagine the glorified walking crabs moving in tight formation ─ perfect for lasing for an orbital strike.

"Don't think anyone's comin' that's not already here, hei," came the same gruff Nepleslian voice as an identifier blipped into Aoi's HUD. It identified the man talking to her as Ittô Juni Archie Delacroix and if she peered right, she could see him taking similar cover not 20 feet parallel from her. The built-up armored collar that all Daisies had was painted with a little symbol on his armor: A small red dot backed by two crossed katanas with stylized sun beams sat where most soldiers had nothing. Delacroix-juni had been awarded the Order of the Blazing Sun, Yamatai's highest combat honor.

"So you're not gonna be able ta get back and save anybody if you're thinkin' of playing hero," he said in a commanding way. "Don't need any heroes tha'll get themselves killed!"

"Hero? Me? I'm just making sure no one gets in the way of my fun, Delacroix-juni. I'm gonna call in an orbital strike..."

The combat veteran grinned inside his armor. Aoi, indeed, must seem like a gift from the kami themselves. "Alright, get to't then! Call down the flash!"

"Hai!" Aoi answered gleefully.

Consent granted, Aoi pulled out her tiny lasing device then leaned out to begin drawing a bead on the tankettes. She then pinged her "spotter" frequency, wondering if anyone was out there to receive he strike call.

When the Geshrin spotter rounded the tree and peeked out to see the coming onslaught, she could spy five of them. Five machines painted in green camouflage stomping their way through the wet jungle, each taller than two people combined. They fired big shots of energy from hull-mounted cannon and one of them carried a rocket launcher rigged to its top. Approaching from about 75 yards away, the crablike enemy armor were already too close for comfort. But now would be her last chance.

Static reigned in response to her first tappings on the artillery liaison communications band. After a few moments, a sharp, sweet Yamataian girl's voice chimed through. "YSS Ghidora, come back, Dagger 2-1. Ready to commence firing when we receive your feed!" she said in a very eager way. "You're the first one to call in! We've been itching for this all day."

"This is Dagger 2-1. Request precision Aether strike on lazed coordinates ─ blues in vicinity, Ghidora," Aoi called back, shaking her head ruefully. That voice was too sweet for what was happening on the ground. The disparity between void and ground-pounder forces within the Star Army became that much bigger, in Aoi's mind.

Data streams flowed from Aoi's armor to the battleship above, locking in the targets that appeared in her HUD. Small arms fire skittered through the trees, bursting bark in the spotter's luckily-armored face. "Targets acquired, Dagger 2-1," the Neko gunner up above the planet chirped as an indicator flashed on Aoi's display, showing the synchronized readout from Ghidora's batteries. "Locked in two-nine-five. Firing in three. Two. One.

"Mark!" the voice squeaked with a weirdly monotone efficiency.

The little readout showing Aoi the space guns' status flashed a bright orange. In the moment between the Neko gunner's mark and the superheavy turret's impact, all seemed silent. Aoi could count the second of calm in fractions as the NMX tankettes' shots hung in the sky. And then the fleet support came down.

Bright, pink light bathed the forest in an instant as the starship-grade armaments impacted their targets. The power of Ghidora's guns made SeonJi's grenade work earlier look like a dust devil whirling away on some calm farmland as they rent the jungle in front of Delacroix's squad and Aoi. Aetheric fire engulfed the entire area, washing them all with heat. But the Star Army made its name on precision, and this attack was no different — none of the friendly infantry were harmed. The tankettes, for their part, simply vanished. They didn't have time to explode, vaporizing under fire from weapons meant to take down enemy battleships.

Aoi let out a whoop of victory, and then with a small wave to the Juni, she leapt out of cover and sprinted toward her objective, taking a mental picture of the destruction so she could tell the story perfectly later. She'd have to add three tanks to her kill list, too.

All around her, the Yamataian troops could be heard shouting war cries in celebration with her. They rallied and ran alongside the Geshrin spotter for a time, gunning toward their own objective. Aoi would disappear from view after engaging her active camouflage again. Now well on her way, she'd come upon the others from her squad any minute now.

Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Sakura finally made it through to the rendezvous point. Since encountering the parasites at the crashed dropship she had fairly well been on edge, keeping her armor and drones on maximum to see if anyone had followed her or was snooping around.

She ad doubled her efforts to keep quiet and undetected since she now had Ume with her, who neither had power armor for protection or active cammo for stealth.

Kaede, SeonJi and John were there already, some worse for wear than others, when Sakura and Ume arrived at the way point. "Hay!" she greeted them as she set her new purple haired friend down "I'm glad everyone made it" she added, taking note of the rather thrashed condition of Kaede and SeonJi. They must have gone through some kind of hell that Sakura was glad she had not, though her own experience with an entire legion of parasites could have gone south fast if she and Ume had not beat feet when they did.

"This is Ume-Hei, survivor from XII Legion's dropship" she said, introducing
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

With John coming in the clearing and after them soon, Sakura carrying a girl in pilot suit too. Kaede realised something. She sat there huddled with another comrade in middle of the battlefield. That was not a proper conduct for Soldier of Grand Yamataian Army. Kaede bolstered herself and stood up.

"I am fine thank you," she said quickly to save whatever little dignity she had left. Her legs wobbled a little, but her armour helped her stand steady. She then look at the pilot-neko. "Good to see you with use Ume-san." After these words she turned around looking into the wild, holding her plasma rifle. "We should be on watch, so enemy won't surprise us."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

John watched as Kaede struggled to get herself up. He could tell that she was doing her best to put on her good soldier routine, but he knew that she was hurt. It was time for him to step up and prove that he was an able solider and a team player.

shotjon said:
"I am fine thank you," she said quickly to save whatever little dignity she had left. Her legs wobbled a little, but her armour helped her stand steady. She then look at the pilot-neko. "Good to see you with use Ume-san." After these words she turned around looking into the wild, holding her plasma rifle. "We should be on watch, so enemy won't surprise us."

John touched her on the shoulder, "You're right, we should be on watch. I'm the rookie here, so I'll take first watch, you get some rest. I'm not expert at taking down enemy power armors yet, but I can at least spot them coming" John said jokingly with a smile under his helmet.

He turned to Ume and extended his armored hand. "John Blair, nice to meet you. You're from fleet huh? Well welcome to the team, glad to have you around. Mostly because that doesn't make me the new guy anymore HAHAHA" John said with a low chuckle. "You ladies should get some rest, like I said, I'll take the first watch until the Heisho shows up."

John nodded at them before taking up a position to stand sentry for the rest of the squad.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

I am Tamahagane! I won't be belittled! Kaede thought as John obviously felt sorry for her. The girl blushed a little and turned the other way then John was watching. "I-I am fine." She blurted out. "We need two people on watch anyway. She held her rifle and made few stiff steps further. It hurt her body, but she minded anything hurting her pride more than that.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"I can help with the watch too" Sakura said, setting her drones to help as she unlocked her rifle form its magnetic clamps.

She looked at her new friend, Ume and smiled. "Go ahead and get some rest" she said in a comforting tone. "We've got things covered"
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Watch for what?" SeonJi asked, confused as she rose from her spot. Now that they were almost all there, as soon as the Heisho brought up the rear it would be time to move out again. "Nice to meet you, Ume-Hei," she welcomed yet another addition to the growing squad.

"I am SeonJi. Yoroshiku." She tilted her helmet forward with as much politeness that the Nekovalkyrja could manage currently.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

That was when Takamori came upon them. "What are you doing? Stop lazing around! Push forwards! We need to take out all of the anti-aircraft batteries so that the rest of the Legion can land!"

Did these fools know that the entire campaign rested on these few minutes? If they could not bring the batteries down, then the Fleet would have to risk itself in low orbit to take out the batteries. A fleet in low orbit was vulnerable to NMX fleet actions as well as NMX surface fire.

If he knew Taisho Kurita, the old man was not one to enjoy having to take such a risk. Being who he was, he'd probably launch the assult shuttles and have them escorted by the Fleet's fighters. That scenario would result in the destruction of a large part of I and XII Legions' infantry as well as 12th Fleet's starfighter force. But it was less costly, strategically, than the loss of a single capital warship.

Even now, the Ghidora was firing from the highest orbital plane it could be on, maintaining geosynchronous orbit. That, too, was a risk but one that was easier to take. If NMX batteries started firing, their opening volleys would be less than accurate since they had no spotter. That would give the Ghidora time to break for safety.

The same distance was also the reason why spotters were needed for the battleship's munitions. Precision bombardment was the key. Otherwise, the Fleet might as well have just burned the entire surface.

"Attack!" Takamori repeated himself, frustrated to see people slowing down when the entire campaign on this planet depended on them. It had been a year since Mayer Station. This was redemption. Not just for him, but for the entire Star Army to prove that it was a capable unit and one that knew how to do its business. Anyone found lacking would be reported.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede looked at the man. Her eyes under the open helmet were wide open. 'Is he serious?' She thought to herself. This was the rally point, this is where they were supposed to meet up and re-organise. Not just catch a breather and head on. Just going head on into the enemy camp would get them slaughter anyway. Not to mention that the one important trooper was still not here and they did not have any explosives.

"Yadda," Ojou simply replied and stood where she was. "Orders are we are to regroup here. Moving on would be foolish, we do not have our spotter. There is also nothing we could take the guns out with on our own. Or would you like me to try to chop them with my sword? I am no coward, but I am also no fool."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

SeonJi nodded along with Kaede, orders were orders and part of being a good solider was following those orders. Their job, as had been drilled into them endlessly, was not to interpret or second-guess and merely to execute. Besides, the Heisho should be with them momentarily and then they'd be able to move on. "I am sure the Mishhu would be quite surprised to see you charging in," the Nekovalkyrja joked to the Tamahagane. "We might have a few moments of surprise." She smiled to the Minkan, glad that the two of them were getting along so well.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Not a moment later, another Daisy armor came crunching through the brush at jog as its wearer slowed her pace. Each armor’s sensors immediately identified the newcomer as Takeo-heisho. She emerged from about the same direction that Takamori just had, splitting the bamboo before her advance.

“Cut the chatter!” her voice said in everyone’s helmet. Though it hadn’t been more than ten minutes since she’d ordered them to this point and they all wore power armor, which eased the rate of an infantryman’s fatigue, the ragtag group could hear her breathing heavily over the comm. “And next time I tell you to forget your thrusters and run, Saito-hei, you’d damn well better listen. You’re lucky they didn’t shoot you down, or worse!”

Luck on Takamori’s part had nothing to do with it, though, unless the heisho’s quick thinking could be counted as such. Clearly unbeknownst to him, the flaring thrusters of his armor’s propulsion drive had illuminated him on more than a dozen NMX sensors. Only through Takeo’s intense effort at running cover and countermeasure overwatch did the brash infantryman survive his reckless charge.

Even so, Takeo decided it was best to leave him oblivious. What had happened was done. And while Takamori’s behavior wasn’t a shining example of combat effectiveness, she didn’t want to discourage his impetuous nature. It could, after all, be a boon when least expected.

“He’s right, though,” Takeo acknowledged while she stepped through the group and toward the obscured target battery. Overpowering cerulean hues continued to overpower and flood over them at erratic intervals, turning the green forest an unsettling neon blue whose contrast tore at unshielded eyes without prejudice. Even a Daisy’s advanced visual filters couldn’t make the artillery bursts much more tolerable.

“We’ve got to keep moving,” she said, noticing Ume sitting crouched near a particularly thick patch of bamboo. “It doesn’t look like Suriyama made it and we can’t bring this one into battle — that means you’ll have to sit tight, pilot-san,” the heisho added after taking note of the girl’s attire and identifying patches.

“Once we’re in there, stick to cover. Standard NMX doctrine means there should be a trench network that links each of the battery’s guns,” Takeo explained as quickly as she could. “We’ll have to make do without our spotter for now.”

Already, the heisho was moving through the thicket. She looked back over her shoulder and jerked her head for the others to follow. “Topographical info says there’s a slope on the other side. Then it’s down and right into action.” Takeo checked her weapon as she advanced — not that it was in danger of running low on ammunition — and crept to a place where only a few layers of the bamboo forest shielded her from view.

Go,” she said in a normal voice. One, two, then three more steps picked up Takeo-heisho’s pace. And then she was gone. Gone from the squad’s visuals, at least, as she slid down the embankment and into the Mishhuvurthyar field battery.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede stretched and took a deep breath. She was feeling a bit better, but her side was still sore. Her armour took care of her wound more or less. But it still hurt like hell. She scratched her helmet thinking what could they do actually get the rain of fire down since their spotter did not make it.

Takeo did not seem to worry about that now and went on. It was good that heisho showed up, she seemed more experienced then that Takamori guy ever could. He seemed to mean it well in trying to take down the guns but charging in would just get them killed. Shouting banzai makes you feel all right, but it does not make enemy gunfire any less effective.

"Ma'am," Kaede telepathed to the heisho as it was only secure mean of comms. "I got an idea. This helmet I got os Suriyama, its visor is busted but its radio and transponder works fine. We could use it to guide the fire from the space. We just need to get it to those cannon and tell the ships to lock on it."
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Takeo’s reply to Kaede didn’t come right away. Bursts of weapons fire seemed to call back instead, staccato snaps of sizzling plasma against the still-present boom of NMX artillery. Then: an answer.

“You haven’t got her codes or signal designations,” Takeo barked, her tone dictated by the combat situation she was in rather than the content of her words. Static crackled alongside the sound of her rifle, filling in the heisho’s explanation with a display of more pressing matters. “It’s probably fitted with a First Fleet transponder — that might work.”

Nothing else came across the communicator. Still, Takeo kept in contact through the information streaming to the Yamataian infantry expected to join her. The entire squad’s HUD had, by now, come alive with enemy signatures on the proximity readout.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Takamori was going to say something about his privileges as the Taisho's aide-de-camp when a new message appeared on his HUD.

Orders: Report to Keihou-juni's Ninth Century for further assignment
Along with that burst transmission was a set of coordinates farther west.

If a Juni was acting-Centurion, that meant either the Chui and other officers leading them was killed or that most of the century was still waiting to land. Takamori assumed the latter since the Ninth was not prioritized for the first wave. In turn, Keihou-juni was probably just the most senior Ninth soldier on the ground so command of groundside Ninth forces devolved to him or her.

"Well, so much for this lark," Takamori said to no one in particular. He glanced at the people around him for a moment. "New orders, I'm being attached to a different unit. You're on your own for figuring out who's calling in the shots."

With that, he turned and left them.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

John moved out behind the rest of his newly appointed squad. Even though he had picked up a new set of comrades didn't change his orders or his mission objective. Still he wondered how they were going to take out the gun batteries with light weapons. Perhaps they would figure something out by the time they reached the batteries.

A lot of lives were depending on their success. John knew that they could not and would not fail. They were apart of the best army in the verse. At least that is what John told himself trying to keep himself motivated even though he was pretty nervous about his first drop. He slide down the embankment following the others as he approached the trench.

His sensor readout popped alive with dozens of signatures, some of which were very close. "Holy shit there is a lot of them" he thought to himself as he readied himself for a firefight.