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Operation Kozan Ch 1: Heat Lightning

Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Ojou was overtaken. Enemy armour was more massive, more heavy. Daisy had strength, but in grapple mass usually won. As it did this time. On her back and forced into defense Ojou, jast concentrated on haning on. Blocking enemy's hits, hoping that the Impaler rifle will break. It did not happen, it held and it was even able to shoot. Ojou just held onto both her shield and plasma rifle. And it was time for the rifle now. Enemy standing above her, ready to beat her to death. Ojo's hand raised itself aiming her rifle from point-blank at her enemy she fully pulled the trigger giving the enemy all her rifle had.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Ojou’s shots connected, her burst riding up from the Reaper’s chest to head and covering its back with a bloody mess where the plasma had gone through-and-through but not cauterized the wounds. Its arms fell immediately as the former NMX Neko slumped back with chunks of its being gone, a lifeless husk with no more fight in it. All seemed calm now, if only briefly, as the sand around Ojou and the armor turned red, the divots their battle had made slowly filling with death.

Looking around, Ojou could see the others were engaged as well, though none had yet been confronted by a power armored foe like she had. Takeo was kneeling beside what could only be the Yamataian who’d been taken down by the Reaper and given her the chance to live. Lives traded, apparently, as the heisho’s attention was quickly drawn back to the battle rather than a fruitless attempt to save one who could be revived from backup later.

The enemy’s number was thinning, and doing so quickly, but this match wasn’t over just yet. If the four soldiers and those with them were to make it to the rally point, they’d have to choose their targets carefully and eliminate them efficiently. Their cover fire had by this point ceased for fear of friendly fire — all the waiting Star Army infantrymen could do now was watch.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Seconds went by as Kaede was in slight shock from all that happened. One of her comrades being killed by a lucky shot while trying to help Ojou and then the Tamahagane girl herself killed her first opponent from up close. It was strange, she knew she just snuffed out life and at the time it was simple decision. Now it weighed on her. She was a killer.

A few stray shots hitting the ground around Ojou and brought her back to reality. She shook her head a little and quickly rose at her feet, firing back at whoever shot at her. She then started running again towards the dropship surrounded by friendlies.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Sakura ran with everything she had. Even with the strength boost added by her DAISY's artificial muscles, her legs burned from the exertion of moving Hershel and a suit of power armor through the sand.

The enemy was all around them and the young Neko quickly brought her rifle to bear as she and her companions sprinted for safety, squeezing her trigger and sending shots downrange in an attempt to supress the enemy as they made for safety.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Kaede in trouble, an NMX power armor attacking her. Digging her feet into the sand, forcing herserlf to a stop, Sakura turned to bolt for Kaede and help, just as the other Neko blasted her opponent into oblivion.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Holding her DAISY's heavy shield up to soak any incoming fire, Aoi continued to barrel toward the rally point, ignoring the firefight that was beginning to unfold.

Oh shit, oh shit...
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Able to catch up to Kaede, Sakura’s step fell in line with her comrade’s as they slammed toward their goal. A few of Sakura’s shots met their mark and sent their NMX targets reeling. By now, Aoi was ahead because of her determination — from fear or intent — to ignore the fight for speed. Behind them all, the heisho still kneeled, picking off enemies around her and providing some semblance of a rearguard alongside other Daisy infantry who’d scrambled up.

“Suriyama-hei!” Takeo called out with immediate urgency but the warning was for naught. Right as the heisho’s words chirped across the comm, a blue Impaler bolt struck the Geshrin spotter on the right of her helmet and thrust her to the ground.

A burst of plasma fire flashed through the air where Aoi had been, this time from Takeo as the tried to cover the fallen soldier. She stood from her kneeling position herself and resumed her charge while continuing to fire at anything that moved.

“Yamashiro-hei, Tamahagane-hei: Get to her now!” they were ordered. It wouldn’t be a difficult command to follow. Indeed, they’d been hot on Aoi’s tracks just moments before she was hit.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

By now Tamahagane Kaede acted mostly by instinct. If she felt lot of fire was coming from somewhere, she fired few shots in that way. She set her AIES to warn her for incoming fire and used that trying to dodge what she could. What she could not avoid, she hoped for the energy cloak to hold up against it. And then the front-woman got hit.

Heisho really did not have to tell Kaede what to do as she put her rifle on her back's magnetic lock and slid next to the woman through the sand. "Cover me!" She shouted at the Sakura and grabbed Suriyama. The Ojou was not used to carry people around, but in the army it was expected from you to look out for your comrades. So Ojou picked up the geshrin and threw her over her shoulders, ready to carry her on.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Right!" Sakura replied as Kaede asked for covering fire. She changed direction, kicking up clouds of sand as she rushed to keep up with her companion. She sprayed the enemy with fire from her plasma rifle, hoping to suppress them as Kaede rushed to pull Aoi out of the line of fire.

She hoped Aoi was alright, she didn't know her, but right now they couldn't afford to lose anyone.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning


A white flash of light in Aoi's eyes punctuated the sound. The jerk of her neck threw her off her feet, and the sudden force took all control she had over her body. In that instant, with the white fading away and darkness closing in, Aoi crumpled to the ground.

Next she opened her eyes, she was face-down in the sand, with an incredible pain in her neck. It would leave a massive bruise, she knew. It beat being dead.

She needed to get up.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Aoi would soon realize that the hit she took to the head knocked out the visual feed in her Daisy’s helmet. She’d also realize that she was being carried, but by who was currently a mystery to her as she felt the heavy footsteps of her captor send shockwaves through her form. For now, all was darkness and the noise of comms chatter buzzing in the black. Removing the now useless armored shell was probably the best option though it’d leave the Geshrin soldier woefully exposed to the next shot aimed at her head.

Three light infantry NMX fell to Sakura’s fire while others took cover behind whatever they could on the flat, windswept beach. Some hid behind dropship debris, some dug inadequate foxholes, and some hid behind their dead sisters and Star Army soldiers alike. So her suppressive fire was working — and drawing a return barrage. Enemy plasma bolts pecked against her shield as another enemy fell downrange.

“Ass in gear, Yamashiro-hei!” Takeo called as she slapped a power armored hand on Sakura’s back in passing. With all of the cover she’d been providing, the santo hei had slowed her pace for accuracy. But the rally point was nearing now, just 15 meters away. “Almost there — don’t wanna get caught lagging now!”

Kaede and Sakura could see their allies in detail, taking cover amidst ruins and the surprisingly undamaged hull of a dropship that’d made it down. The survivors charging toward it were close enough now for the mass of Daisies to open up with a fusillade of their own, now without the risk of firing upon the friendlies who approached. One of the armored infantrymen, whose Daisy had a Ketsurui crimson stripe painted down its face — flung out a hand and all of the soldiers around her fired, sending plasma past Takeo and her makeshift squad.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning


The last thing Nitô Hei Baek SeonJi could remember as she regained consciousness was a flash and a thunderous rumble as the Type 31 Dropship that carried her century was hit by Mishhuvurthyar fire. Her eyes opened and blue engulfed her vision along with the whipping howl of atmospheric winds and a sudden, grave falling feeling. They must have been hit about 12 kilometers up, based on the orange warnings flashing on her HUD readout that bombarded her with vital mission information and danger signs.

Looking down her torso and back out to the sky above, the Neko soldier could see the burning shell of the dropship that carried her streak away while other soldiers and loose debris fell from its burning mass. If she looked toward HX-13's surface she'd see the beach below and the battle that raged on it and the thousands of NMX and Star Army warriors fighting like countless scattered bugs, still so far off.

SeonJi-hei's Type 35 Automatic Grenade Launcher was, thankfully, still mag-locked to her Daisy. It was good that she came to when she did and not closer to the ground, in time to regain control and avoid an impact at terminal velocity. She was still high up enough that the surface was getting bigger, but not very quickly.

Firing a quick burst from her fusion thrusters to slow her descent, SeonJi engaged her suit's Inertial Redirection System to turn herself upright. It struck her at how beautiful the lush green jungle looked from this height, even with the flashes of ground combat that peeked through the canopy near the forest's edge. With a brief check to see if the Daisy had suffered any damage, the red-eyed Neko broadcast to her commanding officer that she was still alive.

As the fight below drew closer, so too did its bloody details: war machines rising from the water and marching onto the beach, armor falling by the dozens, and sparse NMX air support crossing the sky between her and the war. No reply came from her commander, but an alert flashed on SeonJi's HUD that projected a trajectory for the nearest rally point — not that any of them weren't out of reach if she chose to go to them. Thrusting forward, she pointed herself where she was told, just as a wing of NMX battlepods crossed her path as they strafed helpless Star Army infantryman in the fight.

Releasing the lock on her firearm, SeonJi gripped it tightly as she turned towards the attacking NMX pods. "Engaging enemy forces," she reported as her finger pulled on the AGL's trigger, the targeting computer on the weapon interfacing with her suit's HUD as she directed the propelled grenades toward different targets at the front of the wing. At the same time, she increased her speed, aiming for one of the trailing battlepods and attempting to land right on top of the thing. It felt good for the Nekovalkyrja to be able to support those already on the ground, turning her previously bad luck around.

Her first salvo passed over the pod she was trying to mount and one grenade connected with its target further off ahead of it. Just as SeonJi landed on the battlepod as the one she'd hit exploded, her Daisy's boots engaging their magnetic locks with its hull. Shrapnel and flame and smoke engulfed her for a moment as the enemy wing kept its present course. It wouldn't be long before she was engaged — the pod she was now riding clearly knew she was there, given its sudden jarring maneuvers — and two of the formation's ships broke off to make a pass.

"Whoa there," SeonJi laughed as she felt the pod try and jerk her off. "I just wanted to catch a ride," she commented as she knelt down atop of it and ejected her Daisy's Impactor into her gauntleted hand. "Let's see what's inside." With a flick of her wrist, the baton extended and slammed into the hull battlepod. She knew these things could have a variety of pilots inside and silently she hoped it was a computer and not an enemy body.

Slamming its spiked end over and over into the armor proved effective, and after a few strikes the pod's outer layer gave way. From there, it was easy enough to fold the thin aerospace shielding back like the top of a fish can and reveal the NMX machine's innards. What SeonJi found inside was neither a computer nor fully a pilot. Rather, a glistening brainlike organ jostled and sloshed around in a glass and metal container within. Wires sprung from it every which way, connecting the brainslave to the battlepods controls and functions. The two other pods, now locked onto their ally that the Daisy infantrywoman was riding, looked ready to come about and finish her off. SeonJi would need to act quickly.

Gagging as she looked at the mess controlling the small craft, the red-eyed Neko slammed her Impactor down one more time to get the glider under control before turning her attentions back to the rest of its comrades. "I don't know if that's better or worse," she grumbled to herself, disgusted at the lengths the Mishhuvurthyar went through to control their weapons of war. Noticing that the other pods were making their way around, SeonJi stood her Daisy back up and began firing more concussion grenades at her opponents from her spot on the back of the pod, preparing to leap from the damaged wreck as they returned fire.

Its brainslave now mush, the battlepod evened out and stopped fidgeting around as its computerized autopilot took over. When SeonJi leveled her grenade launcher and began to fire so did the pods. Heavy anti-fighter cannon tracers lit up the air around her, grazing the now-inert machine she knelt atop. Soon, though, the Neko's explosive payload met their marks — it wasn't hard to hit a big chunk of metal and biomass coming straight at you — and sent the two assailants down in flaming blazes. One of them, though, kept its course and would imminently collide with the battlepod she'd de-brained.

Blasting up into the air off of the battlepod, the infantrywoman decided that she'd caused significant damage to the wing and didn't want to outstay her welcome — or tempt them into bringing something heavier. So with the nearby rally point centered on her HUD, SeonJi sped closer to the surface. It wasn't without effort, though, as a squad of Neo Mishhuvurthyar crabs on the ground took notice and began firing on the descending Nekovalkyrja.

Swooping down above them in her Daisy, SeonJi blasted at the Mishhu crabs with her AGL on fully automatic. Thwoomp thwoomp thwoomp it went as the compressed air bursts shelled the alien crustaceans with heavy anti-material ordinance. As the grenades detected they were near their targets, they exploded automatically and filled the air with concussive blasts that ripped into the enemies' heavy shells. The red-eyed Nekovalkyrja grinned in her suit as sloppy chunks of tentacle meat fell from the sky, splattering on the sand and rocks of the surrounding area.

"Sorry I can't stay," she remarked glibly as she passed as swiftly as possible past any survivors, hurrying toward the rally point. She would approach from the opposite side as Sakura, Aoi, and Kaede, coming up on the dropship with less fanfare and firefights. Of course, SeonJi had seen quite enough action in the air.

Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Sakura replied as she felt Takeo's hand impact on the back of her armor as she ran past. The young Neko picked up the pace, falling in quickly with Takeo. The spattering of enemy fire on her shield and withdrawing population of friendly forces outside of the rally point was enough incentive to hoof it.

Kicking up sand as she ran for it, Sakura kept up her suppressing fire, kicking in her DAISY's Inertial Redirection System to propel herself to the rally point as she continued pouring plasma fire into the hunkering down enemies.

Even though relative safety was a mere fifteen meters away it seemed to take ages to cross the short distance.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Ojou did not wait around to look at the Ketsurui-daisies. SO they were some kind of Ketsurui neko's or something. She could not care less, she herself had a sign of Tamahagane on her own armour. What she did care right now was getting herself and her comrade to safety. She rushed the last few meters and hopped into the cover provided by the dropship.

There she softly lay Aoi on the ground and started to check if she was okay. Her helmet looked dented and damage from the shot.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning


Now in the relative safety of their rally point's perimeter line, Aoi, Kaede, Sakura, and SeonJi could take a few moments to catch their breath. Of course, the adrenaline rush of battle didn't allow them any sense of calm as hell continued to rage around them. Takeo-heisho, the non-commissioned officer who'd led them here, huffed over to the Daisy who wore a red stripe down her helmet's face. She didn't really bow to the other — clearly a chui from her rank markings — so much as she jostled forward enough to pass for a salutation. They began to speak on a command channel while stray enemy shots whizzed through the air and felled no less than five soldiers along the firing line.

Seeing a mass of suits all converging on the rally point, SeonJi awaited patiently for the obviously higher ranked soldier to begin issuing orders, she offered a polite, "Hello," to the Daisy next to her on local chatter. Biting her lip, the Miyamae Neko worried about those she saw fall on the firing line. "Should we go help?" she asked the infantrywoman next to her, an itto hei from the look of things.

The infantrywoman in question had just removed her helmet in a desperate bid for real air. Without visuals inside, a little bit of claustrophobia had begun to set in. Aoi rubbed at her head and glanced around at the infantry along the firing line.

"You can, I guess..." Aoi said after a moment, realizing she was the one being referred to. "I have to get ahold of an officer somewhere so I can get permission to call in ordinance. Have you seen any, or..." Aoi didn't let the last words come to voice: 'are they dead?'

SeonJi pointed the helmetless Geshrin towards the chui near the perimeter line, "Over there," she directed, following along with Aoi as she didn't particularly want to head into the obviously dangerous situation alone — and clearly she was a bit lost, not too familiar with any of the other dropship crews.

"Ah," Aoi said, making a beeline for the chui, and bowing upon approach. "Suriyama-hei of the First reporting! I am an artillery spotter, ready to call in ordinance."

The crimson-striped officer craned her head to regard Aoi for a moment like a bored old shopkeeper momentarily distracted by a bug skittering up the wall and then turned back to Takeo-heisho to continue their conversation. She pointed a thumb in the spotter's direction while speaking the group's makeshift sergeant and Takeo nodded back, doubtlessly along with some sort of verbal affirmative on the channel they were talking on.

"Yamashiro-hei, Tamahagane-hei: front and center with Suriyama," the heisho shot, stepping back further away from the line with the chui next to her. Over outside the rally point's shelter, NMX return fire died down in the immediate vicinity even though fat, sickly tracers still streamed through the sky from firing points under the forest canopy. Sakura and Kaede did as they were told and stood next to Aoi. Once all were assembled, Takeo and the chui kneeled, clearly expecting the others to follow suit.

"Baek-hei, reporting as well," Seonji announced herself, standing next to Aoi and titling her armor forward toward the heisho. "I've been separated from my unit," she explained, quickly kneeling as well in turn with the others.

Takeo glanced up through her armor's 'eyes' at SeonJi, sort of quizzically eyeing the newcomer and her hefty weapon. "We've all been separated from our units, Baek-hei," she said with a wide gesture that offered all of the different squad markings on each soldier's shield. With a silent glance, she stared at the chui next to her who gave an easy 'affirmative' nod. "And you'll do fine with us — good thing you're packin' heat.

"Anyway, this is Sashiko-chui," Takeo-heisho continued. "She's in charge for now. At least around here — chain of command's gone to hell — so we'll be following her orders for a while. Any problems?"

"Wakarimasu," Aoi said with a small nod.

"Wakarimasu," Seonji repeated with Sakura and Kaede's as she tilted her head down.

"Good," Sashiko-chui chimed once the expected answer came. "Like I was telling your new heisho here before Legion I-san here came up and declared herself, I've got a job for your lot." Her voice was direct and brash and she used informal Yamataian words without exception, but she didn't seem rude in any particular way. From the long sounds she made, hanging on every word, this Nekovalkyrja chui was probably produce on some southeastern world far from the Yamataian core.

"Eikan-heisho already told me that spotter stuff so it got me to thinking," Sashiko rambled, filling them in on her thought process in a probably needless way. "Navy comms've been all about how they can't get anything else down. Guess the squids have portable anti-air in the forest there that SAINT didn't pick up on. The canopy's making it hard for the fleet to pinpoint the enemy emplacements and they can't really shoot the enemies on the beach with us so close. I'm going to order a push toward the treeline soon and so are some other officers who've gathered Star Army survivors."

She began drawing lines in the sand, which was strange because she could've just created a volumetric projection from her Daisy. But officers are sometimes mysterious — or just plain dumb — as they'd heard in basic training, so nobody would think to complain.

"We're gonna charge straight at their battlefront over there," she explained, drawing a straight arrow that ran straight into a scribble she'd marked earlier. "And so are the other chui and taii with their groups." More arrows shot in the sand. "Takeo-heisho and you bunch: you're not going to charge, not with us. What you're going to do is sort of hang back until we get into it with the NMX."

The chui then drew a half-circle-line from where she marked the first charge. "And then you're going to be really quiet and come around the side of our fight," she marked a big X behind where she assumed the battle would be happening in the very near future, "and Legion I-san is going to call down some serious shit on their artillery.

"Got it?" she asked while she stood. "Good. I'll leave the rest to your heisho here," the chui finished, turning back to the battle line just a few feet behind them as the newly-formed relief squad remained crouched in the sand.

"Does anyone know how to fix a visuals-impaired helmet? I got the crap knocked out of me on the way here, and now I'm running blind," Aoi said, looking to Takeo-heisho for help.

"I don't," Takeo said, turning her head back and forth in her Daisy. "You've still got a connection to fleet-side gunners, right? We'll have to have someone else fill in to gague distance for you; it shouldn't be hard to patch you into my AIES and have it feed you trajectory data via telepathy."

SeonJi checked her gun, making sure it was still in good working condition — that none of the branches or squidguts had gotten into places they really shouldn't be. She also noted how much ammo remained, she had a second drum on the backside of her shield attached by mag-lock just in case, but the red-eyed neko wanted to make sure she knew exactly how many shots she had left. Satisfied with her inspection, she nodded to the others in the squad and introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet you all, I'm Baek SeonJi. Hajimemashite."

"Gomen nasai, Takeo-heisho. I don't receive telepathy. I'm a Geshrin," Aoi said.

"No matter," the heisho said. "The information should be available on a volumetric projection from your suit's bracer. Your onboard ice should be able to give you that much. It won't be too stealthy in a pinch but it's better than nothing."

Then, to SeonJi, Aoi replied, "Nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well, Suriyama-san," the Miyamae neko replied in a lilting tone with her very best sparkling smile — the fact that it was hidden behind her helmet didn't dissuade SeonJi one bit. "I hope we can get along well together."

Aoi grinned instinctively, not knowing that the neko was smiling at all. "Awesome. I'll just eyeball it, heisho."

"Whatever gets it done, Suriyama-hei," Takeo said as a 'banzai' could be heard off in the distance, along with a sudden eruption of Yamataian weapons fire. Soldiers around them milled about, making their way toward this rally point's perimeter. Stray shots still marked the air around them, though it seemed the infantry here had learned to keep their heads down. "Looks like they're getting ready to go. Any questions?"

Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede silently listened as Chui explained the situation. It was clearly very important mission. Until those AA guns are down there won't be anymore reinforcements and also no medevac. As others talked about Aoi'S helmet, Ojou picked up said item and inspected it. There was a dent and looking inside showed that HUD was completely non-functional.

There was no power in the helmet either. The software seemed fried. Kaede gripped the edge of the visor with strong fingers of her Daisy and ripped it open. Now person could still see, even though the HUD was off.

Kaede then proceeded to take off her own helmet and hand it to Aoi. "Your survival is vital now." She said simply. "Take my helmet and use it. I will handle myself with this. I am also telepathic so I will have no trouble with communication." She stated simply and put on Aoi's helmet over her head to get at least some protection. Kaede was Tamahagane, she will handle herself in any situation.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

The nito hei was surprised at how Suriyama's colleague rebuffed her introduction. She wasn't sure at first if this was the Yamashiro or the Tamahagane that the heisho mentioned until she caught a clear view of the name — and clan — emblazoned on her armor. Perhaps she was just a more serious, focused person with no time for pleasantries. SeonJi had certainly heard that those from high-ranking families could sometimes be unconcerned with those they saw as beneath them.

I'll definitely have to work hard to make friends with her! she resolved.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Making sure the helmet on her head fit well, Kaede's eyes noticed the girl with large grenade launcher watching her. Oh that was right, she introduced herself before. Kaede was too busy at the time getting over the fact she had to run across the beach under enemy fire. Now was finally time.

"Baek-san," Kaede said and with polite smile and a nod. "My name is Tamahagane Kaede. It is pleasure to be working with you." Her eyes then went to Kanji saying 'Ojou' on her shoulders. "Oh do not mind that, it is just a nickname I got" Kaede added and frowned a little. She was no Ojou, she was never condescending or though she was better thant others. Well not often anyway.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

"It's nice to meet you too, Tamahagane-san!" came the excited reply as SeonJi bowed the top half of her armor forward. The nickname was a little odd, but so were half the people she seemed to meet in the military. That was what the nekovalkyrja liked about meeting new people: finding out their oddities and what made them unique personalities. With her sunny smile still unseen she also offered a cheery, "I hope we can be good friends," to the minkan.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

Kaede blink few times forgeting, her face was no longer hid by a helmet. "That," she started with reply, looking at the neko in front of her. "Would be nice..." Finishing the sentence she looked away. She did not really have many friends. Pretty much throughout her whole life. There were some on college, but other than that, there were almost none. She did not even get close with anyone in the basic training.
Re: Chapter 1: Heat Lightning

The nito hei was a little surprised at the Tamahagane's reaction, but it didn't translate through to her Dasiy. Instead she gave the woman a raised gauntlet with two fingers extended into a 'V" shape with a small bob of her head to the side.

"Of course, silly," SeonJi told her, "The bonds of friendship are one of the most important things in the universe!" She clutched her her fingers together into a fist and gave a little cheer, thrusting her arm up high, "So let's go give those squids what they've got coming to them!"
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