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Approved Character [operation La Prossima] Orianna Paddenmour

I’d rather the SLAM be saved for the ship locker. SLAM doesn’t work well with PA. The MG is fine.
so you mean remove it from her sheet for now? or you mean it will be added to the ships inventory rather then her own?
unsure what you want me to do there ^^;;
There is already one on the ship. Honestly, there are better weapons that will do what it does. There are better MG replacements as well.

Edit: oh, yeah, you can swap it on your sheet
and what are these better MG's? if they are slug throwers all the better >w>

I added these as they were the fastest ones to find honestly
but this is only usable by power armor?

the two weapons I picked are usable by a non-Pa adorned person it's why I picked them

when in PA she will be using her PA loadout, when not in it and required to take weapons these two are the likely candidates (other then something smaller like say the side arm they are all issued)

these items were specifically picked for the fact that they can be used out of power armor
Hmm.. interesting philosophy.
So can the Type 35 MG be wielded by a non PA shooter? Yes, but only with a tripod. Can she transport it without PA? No. And honestly, she will never be in a position where that’ll be a problem.

Here’s a gun that can do it. Type 41 Rifle is a T3 50-round automatic rifle. T3 is the heaviest damage a non PA can achieve without using a missile.
hmm seems this place has a massive lack of a Medium/light machinegun...

also the Type 35 is missing an entry for mass on it, BUT if it's anything like most Heavy World War 2 Machineguns it should be man portable (the short barreled version anyway, fired from the hip? hell no XD but able to move and set it up is very likely especially after all the training that Basic and SELECT put them through o3o/

but if this is a definite "No this won't work" then I will sadly have to get something else that is a heavy repeating slug thrower T3T
and that Type 41 isn't even a machine gun it's a service rifle with Full auto *shakes little fist of indignation* (c)>3<)"9"
True. Your character could submit designs to SARA with Barone. He’s done it in the past as Candon. Try the Type 33. It’s more SAW like and a drum mag isn’t out of the question.

Also, try to condense your posts on the website by adding to the post by edits. It makes things cleaner on the website.
Ok, I am taking over for the moment. I agree with Rizzo when it comes to posts. I don't want to come across as an a-hole when I say this, but could you please run your article through Grammarly or another free spell check software. There is a lot of spelling/grammar errors that will cause more distraction to a reader trying to get to know your character.

I'll approve this when it is done.
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