Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP [Operation La Prossima] Wastin' Away Again

Taharial walked into the area in nothing but a pastel red towel, her deep red hair, still wet from the shower she had before coming into the Onsen, hung around her face making her look more like a horror movie character as she looked at the group. She moved her hair out of her face with a smile and giggled a little "I was surprised to hear from you, uh I don't know what name to call you now." She fixed up her towel as her wings meant it was hard to to keep it around her body, her wings fluttered as she tried to keep some composure before joining the group as she bows "As my friend said, I am Taharial Chasan, medical professional, so I am here to keep you alive and healthy from the smallest boo boo, to missing a limb, I am here for you all. I wont interrupt your party for your job well done, but if you need any info I am a open book." With that she looked over the group, noting what everyone was as she knew she would have to keep tabs and make sure she knew what treatment was needed.

With this she lifted her body back up, holding the towel in place now as it was too loose. She moved to the Onsen as she had introduced herself, but moved a little away from the others, as the new member she didn't want to interrupt people's fun as she grabbed a drink and slid into the water to relax, leaving her towel on the side. With this listened to what people had to say and enjoy what was happening. Her eyes kept resting on Thorn though, the person interested her, on a medical stand point, in her eyes they were a work of art, but she didn't want to stare too much, so made sure to look away.
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Miko was already excited but hearing more crew would be joining just sent him over the moon. "Oh, snap even more people to hang with. This just keeps getting better and better." He said out loud as the came into view.

This was then dampened as Thorn shared her back story. He had a feeling that it might be dark, but this was taking it to another level. Granted how she looked was not the base for his comment, for to him everyone was beautiful in their own way. "And yet here you are, one with enough spice that I might just shake you over my cooking to season it." He called out towards her. "It's not your body that caught my attention, that was just me throwing around compliments. Knowing I can count on you in a pinch is what counts." He then took a sip of his drink. "So, if we are ever stuck behind enemy lines and need to hug naked to keep warm, I'd do it in a heartbeat." He then lifted his sip cup before taking another drink.

"Taharial was it, the world is you doing all the way over there. Come join the party, your one of us now." He said reaching an arm in the air to wave her over. "Plus, I need you to come put my heart back together, Thorn over here breaking it with that sob story. Damn, if any of those slavers is still alive, I am making a point to unalive them." He shouted out.

"Hey Orianna, it seems you know many different fighting styles. If your open to training someone I'd love to learn. That rope dart really does seem useful."
Oodori let the conversations continue behind her, as she focused on selecting her snacks. Grabbing a pair of chopsticks, the tall Neko began piling food onto her plate, carefully plotting the distribution to ensure no mess would be created. When another new arrival joined them as the employees departed, she looked over and nodded a greeting, still bare and dripping wet from the onsen. After a few more moments, Tsumenaga would return to the water, placing two plates full of food nearby. There was a brief pause as she checked everyone's locations and beverage situations before dragging a six pack over, separating one and cracking it open.
As Ryuko moved over Orianna gently and more out of reflex from what she tended to do to Odi, patted her head "Keep Odi company for me okay?" forgetting that Odi was used to the rather physical nature Orianna had while Ryuko might not be she paused for a moment before retracing her hand "Sorry Ryuko force of habit" she apologized before getting up, water cascading down her bare body the water and the light highlighting the light faded scarring on her body as she headed over to where Thorn was sitting, though she did wave to the new member to join the onsen.

"Glad to have a doc along for the ride... but the sound of things you may have to check Miko's head though... he seems to be suffering from delusions" she informed the good doctor as she finally got next to where Thorn was sitting, and the amazonian woman simply towered over her, and actually everyone there now that Orianna took a second to notice.

Setting down next to Thorn she nodded to her "not a choice huh? rough one, lemme take a look if you want and give me a list of what's bothering you, I can get or fabricate new parts but to fully replace something I would need the docs help on that, if it's just something like a filter replacement I can likely do that without issue, might be able to fix and issues wrong with your current stuff to if given the time. could also optimize it if you want" she informed the shorter girl.

She then looked to Miko though the look on her face changed as she clearly wasn't to pleased on the suggestion "The rope dart is a family style, we teach it to family only, and I don't see you joining any time soon... on top of that it takes commitment, focus, and pu..." she suddenly stopped before looking at all assembled then she stayed quiet and looking away from Miko "... Never mind... Anyway we only teach it to family" she muttered the last bit as she took a sip of her drink, nursing the same drink she had taken from the start.
Miko gave out a hardy laugh at Orianna comment. "I passed my brain scan prior to this assignment but very kind of you to be looking out for my wellbeing." Miko took notice of Oodori and the 6 pack she had brought over. He leaned over and snatched a beer from the holder. Miko then tipped his head to one side. "So, what I am hearing is that there is a chance just not right now." He said as he laughed. "I have the dedication, focus and to complete your word, purty. Will look like a ballerina as I dart dance." He then held his beer towards her. "In the meantime, we shall be part of the comrade family. Watch my back and I shall watch yours. Isn't that right Barone?"
Taharial raised an eyebrow at the brazen man that beckoned her over as she sighed and slid through the water towards the others "Oh no, a broken heart, I would have to prescribe a emergency removal of the broken organ." She smirked a little "and looking at how you act, I don't think I should add a new one, it will be broken the same day." She looked over to Barone "Okay Barone, I guess I should say you should call me Doctor Chasan, but to be honest, I hate that, Taharial is good." She turned to watch what was going on with Thorn and the others "Oh so I should remove the heart and brain from this man?" She chuckled as she took the sake from Barone "thank you, this sounds like a fun group." With this she downs the sake and stretched "as I said, like my body right now, anything you want to know will be out in the open."
"I'd say his brain's defective, but his reproductive organs are worse than mine," Thorn joked shaking her head as she looked through the collection of booze and snacks for something non alcoholic. "May have to remove that before he tries thinking with it... Er... Too late, I think. He clearly uses it more than his skull. If someone can unzip my back, Ori can pull one of my filter modules so she can take a look. Just make sure I'm no more than hips deep. Water in there would be bad."
Miko reached up and ran his fingers through his long hair. "I am flattered you believe I see you in that light Thorn. Though this is technically our first date so you could at least hand me a drink." He said with a wink towards Thorn. "Need me to beat box some music while you have your suit unzipped to set the mood correctly?" The biggest of grins crossed his face. "As for my heart, that was given ages ago to Star Army. It is not of my own but given freely to all my comrades."
Orianna looked over to Miko "Something given to everyone is special to no one" she pointed out as she moved behind Thorn and unzipped her, opening the back she made sure the shorter girl was in properly heighted water... sort of without thinking she lifted the lighter shorter woman up and moved her to a better spot then stopped and looked down at her "Sorry should have asked first.. just focused on the job" she apologized before she looked at the set up she was dealing with.

The things there were quite obviously not put in cleanly, the scars told her that much at least, even not being a doctor she could see that. Taking a moment to study other components via visual inspection Orianna finally found the filters in question and studied it a bit more, looking it over before finally saying "Okay going to pull the module, I am not sure if this will cause discomfort or not but letting you know before I do" with that said as she dried her hands on the towel on her head so she wouldn't get the filter wet before she started removing the filter.

Slipping it out she looked over "Yeah this is old stuff... gonna be hard to find a replacement... but I can make a replacement easy enough, with a better filter medium that would still work in this unit to, you would get a longer use out of them and the leakage issue should be solved with a little work on the casing overall, would need the Doc to help look into that part though since that is also the connection point to your body and I wouldn't want to fuck anything up there, so filter itself? yeah replacement and slight upgrade are possible, the module? gonna need docs help to upgrade that but it's do able if you want it" she finished as she slipped the filter back into Thorn "You want the suit zipped back up? or are you going to join us without anything?" she asked honestly as she got ready to zip her back up.
Tsumenaga's gaze flickered to the side for a moment as Miko grabbed for a beer, but she otherwise seemed content to continue enjoying her snacks. She'd brought along the booze for everyone to enjoy, after all. "Sounds like we need a second doc to make sure this one puts us back together after taking us apart. And maybe a shrink or two while we're at it." Oodori wasn't exactly grumbling, but she wasn't shouting her opinion to the room, either.

The hotel had prepared a variety of snacks, nothing too heavy, and also nothing too messy. Being Yamatai, freshly brewed tea had also appeared, along with mineral water from one of the nearby springs. A second disc-shaped former beer can joined the first in one of the bins attached to the food carts, as Oodori continued to make her way through the six pack.
As Ryuko moved over Orianna gently and more out of reflex from what she tended to do to Odi, patted her head "Keep Odi company for me okay?" forgetting that Odi was used to the rather physical nature Orianna had while Ryuko might not be she paused for a moment before retracing her hand "Sorry Ryuko force of habit" she apologized before getting up, water cascading down her bare body the water and the light highlighting the light faded scarring on her body as she headed over to where Thorn was sitting, though she did wave to the new member to join the onsen.

Ryuko blinked her eyes as Oriana had patted her on the head as she moved over. Ryuko nodded her head and smiled at the request. "Sure, Ryuko keep Odi company," Ryuko said in her typical third-person habit and moved closer towards Oodori.

"Hii, Oriana said Ryuko should keep you company," Ryuko said to the other. Ryuko hoped that this would give her a chance to make some friendship with Oodori. She looked around the pool party for a moment as she thought of other friendships she could make here. "Ryuko thinks it's nice to relax after missions like this." She said to Oodori or any who was listening.
Taharial turned her head to watch what was happening with the girls as she thought for a moment "yes Ryuko, was it, I have to agree with that relaxation is always nice, I don't think I have been able to do anything like this for a good few years." She watched a bit more as she thought for a moment on how to respond to the information that she may be needed for the woman with a zip. "I should be able to help, but I think I will have to have a look over and make sure what connects to what and other things, I will try and be as delicate as I can be, my hands have been said to be very soft." She turned back to male she made jokes about "Don't worry, I will only do that stuff if you start flirting with people I am trying to pull back from death's door." There was obviously a story here as she smiles "Mr Barone, may remember that account, I am not fully sure."
"Watch my back and I shall watch yours. Isn't that right Barone?"
"That is the way, Miko," he toasted back, leaning against the side of the pool.
Tsumenaga's gaze flickered to the side for a moment as Miko grabbed for a beer, but she otherwise seemed content to continue enjoying her snacks. She'd brought along the booze for everyone to enjoy, after all. "Sounds like we need a second doc to make sure this one puts us back together after taking us apart. And maybe a shrink or two while we're at it." Oodori wasn't exactly grumbling, but she wasn't shouting her opinion to the room, either.
Initzio sputtered slightly as he stifled laughter. She'd only said what Barone had been thinking when he began sending invites.
Taharial turned her head to watch what was happening with the girls as she thought for a moment "yes Ryuko, was it, I have to agree with that relaxation is always nice, I don't think I have been able to do anything like this for a good few years." She watched a bit more as she thought for a moment on how to respond to the information that she may be needed for the woman with a zip. "I should be able to help, but I think I will have to have a look over and make sure what connects to what and other things, I will try and be as delicate as I can be, my hands have been said to be very soft." She turned back to male she made jokes about "Don't worry, I will only do that stuff if you start flirting with people I am trying to pull back from death's door." There was obviously a story here as she smiles "Mr Barone, may remember that account, I am not fully sure."
"There has never been as fine a use for the containment field as containing the infamous Samuel Darkfire. Navigator of halls, Dodger of Duty Stations, and Lover of Gored Nekos," Barone joked, "ah, it almost makes me think I'm Candon again just thinking about that day." Realizing he'd said a bit more than he'd meant to he stood and refilled his sake. "I propose a toast to the La Prossima Task Force," he announced, raising his cup, "I couldn't have asked for a better crew. We are few but we are strong. The threats we will face will be insurmountable to others, but together I know we can handle anything that comes our way."
Taharial shudders at the mention of the name "I have had a lot of bodily fluids on my person, but I am glad I did what I did to that person, only person to ever do that, but I have also heard I have a nickname with some people where I work a lot, which seems to stem from that interaction, the bladed angel." She looks at the others "if you want the full story, I will be happy to share it."