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Interest Check Operation La Prossima


Well-Known Member
Plot Thread:
IC Operation Page:
These WIPs will be updated with approval.

* Plot Concept:
Discover a solution to end the spread of ST Fragmentation.
* Plot Format:
Play by post, weekly posts minimum
* Recruiting Plan:
Got @Gles and @Sunny D ready to shread. ALSO @Hollander playing an NPC! Recruiting two more via Discord.
* Previous Experience:
Fall of Himiko. Not my best work, but my first.
* Normal Daily Schedule
I'm currently unemployed. Got all the time I need
* Other Items of Interest:
SAINT will be portrayed correctly, with the support of @raz and @Ametheliana to ensure accuracy.
We are using the WIP Optional Combat Ruleset and will use this plot to smash any bugs.

Looking to secure @Wes approval for usage of Yamataian assets and personnel.
Other FMs and relevant managers will be contacted privately as needed... we are planning for crossovers.
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