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Operator Suit and Skinsuit Mk. II

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
Two very similar environmental suits for the Abwehran Armed Forces, the Operator Suit is used by small craft pilots and ground vehicle drivers and the Skinsuit Mk II is the primary suit for the Weltraumflotte.

I submitted these designs earlier with my Light Infantry Armor, but they were denied because they didn't have art. Upon closer inspection, they were probably denied because they had an armor value placed on them. These suits are not used as infantry armor however, so I have removed all mention of the armor values.

I believe they are now ready for submission without the need for art, but I would still like confirmation on that just to be sure.
Last edited by a moderator:
These submissions have been sitting around for a few days, any word?

Since everything I see is in order, I recommend this article for Approval!
No. He doesn't need Art for a simple skinsuit. It is not a weapon, nor is it a power armor, nor is it a starship or race.

Uso said:
please apply some common sense
and read the submission rules and guidelines.
This submission really does need artwork. It would be greatly improved by having art and it isn't something that isn't really affected by not having an image.

Players really need to see this to be able to use it.

But you cannot reject or hold up this submission due to it not having Artwork. I'm giving the "Probably" in the Submission Rules and Guidelines (especially) the benefit of the doubt, even.

Once he has fixed the DR Ratings, and there are no other issues, this article is ready to be approved.
Where, exactly?

I see that it is strongly [encouraged]. (I was there when Nashoba made that edit, remember? Ask him, if you'd like.) And if you scrolled down a bit further, and read the code, it says much the same thing.

So I don't see where you're getting this power from?
illustrations are strongly Art will probably be required only for PC races, starships, power armor, and guns

Is what it says exactly, and I am requiring it for this submission. This is essentially powered armor or at least a clothing item, both of which are good candidates for having graphics. These both really need to have pictures with them to have the level of quality for approval.

So yes, they will need artwork and a DR rating to be approved.
"Essentially" a power armor? I don't see how it is, or how it's even close.

This is not a Powered Armor, and clothing has never been required to have art on this site before, and your source says nothing about that having been changed.

I'm speaking now as Co-FM of the Abwehran Faction: These submissions have never, will never, and were never planned to be Powered Armor of any type, sort, size, or 'power'. They are simply suits used by the Pilots and Soldiers of the Abwehran Empire, and are no more powered armor than the suits worn by Apache Gunship Pilots today.
They are armor, they have a power source, they have built in jets, life support, ect....

There isn't much description here, and similar submissions do include artwork. So this should try and meet the standard set for the site.

In the end, you are not a tech mod, you don't get to make the rules.
In the end, you ARE a tech mod, and even you don't get to make the rules. It isn't powered armor, Uso, and you can't demand artwork for it.

If Abwehran wants to provide artwork, let him do it on his own time, but requiring these simple submissions to have them is asinine.

[EDIT: Our talk aside, you really should stop abusing the Report Post. I am talking about the submission's approval, and I have not insulted you in any way, shape or form.]
They are not armor. I see no armor materials with the express intent to protect the individual against small arms, or personal energy weapon fire let alone hostile intent. I see no damage ratings so protection from such things must be negligible. And the 'jet's are compressed air. I highly doubt that such things would be ideal in a combat situation and instead in the vein of the MMU's and SAFER used IRL on a much smaller scale so likely they may be less potent all together. They're even clearly marked environmental suit.

Artwork (illustrations are strongly Art will probably be required only for PC races, starships, power armor, and guns.

These do not meet any of the criteria listed above and do not fall under any of the categories.

This really needs pictures to be a quality submission and requires a DR rating at the minimum for approval. It should not have been approved by anyone as is.
Hello, admin here posting because of a moderator report on this topic.

- Artwork is strongly encouraged for any uniform, suit, or power armor. I would really like to see something for this, even if it's just MSpaint pixel art or a sketch.
- DR is a must for anything that offers any sort of protection against weapons. If this doesn't need a DR, put in the article that it offers no protection against weapons.

Let me know if futher clarification is needed.
Update: The following has been added to the submission rules:

If you want to grandfather this in without art, I'll allow it, but I would really love to see what it looks like.

The Grandfathering and art is up to Matt. I thought this article was already approved by Soresu? And anyway, I'm not sure if these are even uniforms, and Matt should be able to comment on that.

But if it's pending, why is it pending (prior to your post, Wes) for the Artwork that was already said not to be required, and the DR Rating you said it didn't need if it offered no protection?
It still needs a DR rating as it is listed on the wiki that this does provide protection.

Soresu also jumped the gun with the approval, so this submission is still pending.
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