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Operator Suit and Skinsuit Mk. II

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
Two very similar environmental suits for the Abwehran Armed Forces, the Operator Suit is used by small craft pilots and ground vehicle drivers and the Skinsuit Mk II is the primary suit for the Weltraumflotte.

I submitted these designs earlier with my Light Infantry Armor, but they were denied because they didn't have art. Upon closer inspection, they were probably denied because they had an armor value placed on them. These suits are not used as infantry armor however, so I have removed all mention of the armor values.

I believe they are now ready for submission without the need for art, but I would still like confirmation on that just to be sure.
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Jumped the gun how? Isn't he an NTSE mod?

In any case, I'll wait until Matt comes in and makes any changes he would like.
Grandfather it.

I can't do art of the human body even in MSPaint, I've been trying for years. DoGA doesn't have the proper stuff for space suit material, so that is out. And I honestly don't feel I have to commission an artist every time I need something approved. Not only do I work a "barely-above-minimum-wage" job, but my hours have also been cut in half so I only for three days out of the week.

Another thing, how does this thing provide protection? I removed all accounts of armor from it. It's essentially a cross between a space suit and a G-suit, neither of which could stop anything. A knife can still penetrate, a bullet can still cut through it like butter, and a micro-meteor will certainly mess a user up.
This submission still needed artwork and DR rating when Soresu approved it. This can not be approved until those are addressed.

Both are required for approval, though Wes is allowing it to bypass the artwork rules this time if the submitter wants to.

If it provides no protection you need to state that specifically in the article and remove the 'provides light protection from radiation' bit.

And really... doga has human parts. There really is no excuse for not being able to make art for this.
Human parts, yes. Cloth for space suits, No. Might what to pay attention to how I word that man.

Next, how might one have DR versus radiation? Is Cosmic radiation a weapon? What type of DR would it have?
Lasers, heat rays, xasers, gasers, ect are all radiation weapons.

Cosmic Rays are likely not going to be stopped by a suit but generic background radiation (according to our DR scale) would probably be somewhere less than 1 PDR (but would add up over time).

This matters because anything that provides protection against radiation is going to provide some level of protection against radiation weapons.
So, you're saying that anything that can stand up against background radiation (like our astronauts today) are heavily armored war machines? I don't understand this. I can sit on an X-Ray table with a lead sheet protecting me from it, so I don't understand the difference.

You already said that the Background Radiation is less than 1 PDR, but for some reason we need more than that to protect ourselves from something that doesn't even hit the scale? How does that figure?
Wait a moment, when did we start caring about things under the DR scale? That's a guideline for protection against weaponry and last time I checked, background radiation is hardly a weapon.
This matters because anything that provides protection against radiation is going to provide some level of protection against radiation weapons.

And yes space suits tend to be well protected as they have to survive extremely hot and extremely cold temperatures (applicable to laser protection) must resist radiation for extended periods of time (applicable to protection against radiation weapons) and must provide a level of protection against derbies. Background radiation is going to add up over time and I can't imagine that this suit would provide much (if any) protection against radiation.

It would be nice for players to know how much radiation protection is there for when they get shot / are exposed to radiation / go outside the ship.

Odds are your survival time would be ~30 minutes if you are extremely lucky and happen to leave the ship in a safe area in some happy medium between death forces. Background radiation would likely leave you in a coma within 5 or 6 minutes, and you'd freeze / burn to death in about 1.

Either this is going to provide some level of protection, measurable in DR, or users wearing the suit are going to die within minutes of stepping out of their spaceship. Even thick coats on the site have DR ratings guys.
While that's nice to know, the Article states that it's protected against background radiation, so I still don't see any point in having Abwehran add a DR rating to something that's less than 1 PDR.

And how much is "some level of protection"? How do lasers even come into the situation when these aren't meant for combat? How do players not have enough information, again, when everything is already stated?

As I stated last night, you rip apart submissions but don't offer any sort of encouragement.
Some level of protection is determined by DR rating which all submissions are required to have if applicable. Naturally every 10 seconds or so that background radiation DR is going to add up and eventually overwhelm the suit's DR raiting (not an optimum way of figuring this out, but it is what we have).

And again, if this provides a level of protection against radiation that level needs to be listed.

Please stop spamming this thread.
He's not spamming this thread. SSharp is my Co-FM and he has the right to talk about Abwehran submissions just like I do.

Two, I've looked over my submissions again and noticed that I didn't give the Operator Suit any measure of radiation protection.

I will, on the other hand, add a measure of DR to the Skinsuit Mk II because it was meant to be out in space. The Operator Suit was just meant for pilots to survive long enough for pick-up.
This review is for: Operator and Skinsuits

The submitted article is/has…
[x] A general topic sentence under the title header
[grandfathered in] Artwork (illustrations are required for Starships, Vehicles, Hand weapons or Small Arms, Uniforms for military forces or large corporations and new alien species not from the race of the day CCG)
[x] Needed and/or useful to the setting
[ ] In the proper format/template
[x] Proofread for spelling and grammar
[x] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble)
[x] Wikified (terms that could be a link should be a link)
[x] No red and/or broken links
[x] Reasonably scientifically plausible
[x] Reasonably neutral point of view

The submitted article is/does not…
[ ] Overpowered (or cutting tech for a faction with little or no roleplay)
[ ] Obtusely redundant
[ ] Contain copy pasta descriptions of systems or interior compartments
[ ] Unauthorized by faction managers or player-controlled corporation
[ ] Contain references to IC events that have not occurred (SM must authorize retcons)
[ ] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[ ] Use bombastic language (“virtually immune,” “nearly indestructible,” “insanely powerful,” “horrible effects”)
[x] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[ ] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[x] Lacking Detail
[ ] Images hosted on sites other than stararmy.com (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc are not allowed)

The article has…
[ ] Speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
[x] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
[x] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[x] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.

Note here if any serious issues are present. These are the issues that will hold up approval.

** 'About the' section should have more than just one sentence.

Stats and history need to be separated.

A speed raiting is needed for the skinsuit MK2.

You really should beef up the appearance section as well, describe what the pack looks like and elaborate on the 'trim' coloring (what is outlined exactly?, What are the markings ect.) Especially in absence of an image.

Status: Pending

I intend to finish this review by:Monday
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Okay, First of all, I don't even see how this counts as Armor. And didn't Soresu approve this already?

Secondly, in order to get art for this, you would need to get character art drawn, and Matt doesnt have the money for this.

Also, It's a space suit. Uso, you're making this too complicated.
I am going to contest Wes' new ruling on this issue. By upholding it, we - as a community - shoot ourselves in the foot.

Artwork is a valuable enhancement of a person's mental image, but it shouldn't become mandatory when it's going to hinder the fleshing out of baseline equipment for races. If Yamatai can get away with the AMES suit, I don't see why the Abwehrans cannot - after all, the Star Army of Yamatai has survived on the AMES spacesuit for years adequately. It's a valid concern for a race to go and get equipment descriptions so that they are out there to be used with art a secondary issue.

Also, I've taken a long look at this thread and I don't appreciate how Soresu's approval of this submission was bullrushed aside. He is an appointed mod, he has decisional powers and after due consideration I do not find that he has 'jumped the gun' so much has simply been accommodating and reasonable.

Even if Uso disagreed, there are other ways - more polite ways - to show concerns on a submission process such as this one to give helpful pointers out to improve upon the submission after it has been approved. Post-approval improvements do happen after all.

With the above in consideration, I recommend approval for the Operator Suit and Skinsuit Mk. II... though I shouldn't even have to since this has already been approved - it deserves to be accepted into the setting and moved to the adequate forum.

Wes, Uso... perhaps this issue with Soresu strike you as harmless, but I see it as pretty shameful. I think respecting appointed mods (and fellow mods) and a modicum of politeness in light of this would be the least we could manage.
Right. Approved.