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[OR] RFF-117c Vespera, Stealth Reconnaissance Strike Craft


Inactive Member
As my schedule seems to be opening up with, and having previously discussed the situation with Tomoe, I finally have more time to invest in making the Occhestans more viable race for PC's. The first in what is hopefully a new series of designs from me.

A small craft to start with, no spectacular fleet killing battleships; in regards to previous Occhestan tech it reuses a lot, the only major technological additions have been the development of a new light stealth armor, and the use of much less archaic sensors.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=rf ... rike_craft
Spacecraft will not be approved without art.

Let me know if you need help with that though.
Worked on Soresu's suggestions.
Set structural points at 18, and shielding points at 14.
Added the new system of weapon damages.

Of my own accord, I significantly reduced the number of energy beams possible from the HVFAL arrays. Added some minor text.

And for Wes,
I do have some 'art', primarily in the form of a lateral and dorsal cross-sections I used while trying to layout the ship size, along with some small pictures with generalizations of the shape. However I must warn you the 'art' is rather... umm... scribbly... :?

If anyone can make something prettier based on these it would be most appreciated.
I actually mentioned that all the way at the bottom in the OCC section of the description.

I thought about naming it something like Ghost or Wraith, but I decided that those were too cliche, and maybe I'd been playing too much starcraft. I also wanted something that was memorable enough but definately not an english or japanese word.
How come this thing's Phased Array Lasers do much more damage compared to Origin's. I was told that a Phased Array Laser should only do about ADR2 of damage, while this has Variable Yields.
How come this thing's Phased Array Lasers do much more damage compared to Origin's. I was told that a Phased Array Laser should only do about ADR2 of damage, while this has Variable Yields.

Hmm... well they do take up a space of nearly 2 square meters on the outside surface of craft, and they are purely military, and they actually do operate ADR2 or even less when firing as two beams. Then again also it makes me wonder why Origin also has a laser turret that does SDR 3.

The same reason Boeing makes the F-22 Raptor. We make military products.
That reminds me, an interesting note, I used the unloaded weight of an F-35 Lightening II as my mass reference.
Fivemarks, this thread is for the Vespera, not you groaning about why your submission isn't as super special awesome as you wanted it to be. Hence, back on topic, if you will.
Wes said:
Spacecraft will not be approved without art.

Let me know if you need help with that though.

Yeah help with that would be nice, something a bit more presentable than my 'art' >.>

Fred said:

I hope I wasn't the only one whom noticed this =P

And yet still nobody picked out (RF)F-117(c)

The actual Occhestan nomenclature being
(R-Recon/Stealth)(FF-Strike Craft/Fighter)(1-Size Class #1)(17-Seventeenth overall strike craft design)(c-'third model')
This art could be workable until you find someone to make something clearer... Hrm... :?
uses 25 separate casmir turbine array arrays (CTA),
The article for these needs to be linked. There are also a lot of other proper nouns and terms in the article that aren't linked but probably should be (Lor, Occhestians, etc).

The string manipulation also has a disruptive effect on quantum effects used by mass-energy sensors and entangelment/probability sensors such as the WARMS system, preventing them from seeing within (or near) the field.
Not sure I like this.

SDR 2 on a fighter? I'm a little iffy on this but I guess I'll let it slide since it's only once shields are down.

The artwork needs to be added to the article.

Ah sorry about that in trying to shorten the description for the weapon operation I cut out some of the sentences, guess it made it confusing in the Main Meson weapon entry it includes "string-control field then forces the plasma to condense into a bolt of extremely high-energy, high-mass mesons directed out of the barrel of the weapon."

I'll link it, and try to cut it down to the essentials of this application. Sorry for the confusion.

*Hmm... the CTA writeup doesn't seem to be on the wiki now, not sure where it went, it only appears in short form on the A279B2 armor at the moment it seems, looking for my copy, I think Vesper still has the long copy too so I'm trying to get it from him.

*In light of that, you might want to note all the limitations that the GNF presents its user, a ship using the GNF device cannot travel in FTL, the GNF effect prevents the activation of the Vespera's CDD, Hyperspace fold drive, and also the string-field component of the Meson Weapon(mostly deactivating it). It isn't a a very effective method of stealth inside atmospheres, nebulae, or areas of very high particle density, or inside particle effects.

* Achieving SDR 2, also requires precision shot placement to maximize damage on an opposing target.
Let me know when updates are made.
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