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Approved Submission Orianna's Meteor Hammer (weapon)

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We like to have weapon or technologies that are created in current year onward. Perhaps consider making this the most recent iteration of the design? That leads me to ask, is there a way to "sci fi" this up? Maybe the concussion modification is such, but I don't see anything beyond one mention with no context. It can have a little power generator in there and be able to zoom really fast, for instance!

The article has very minimal links. Try scooting around the wiki and finding things it could backlink to besides your character. Things like calender, martial arts, and historical events jump out as easy backlinks.

Capitalize the first word of every sentence and only proper nouns. Appearance section especially needs this in mind when looked over.

No silk in the sector would be as strong as Yamataium imo
currently the base weapon is made out of Yamatium or equivalent materials (such as high strength silks that are about the same strength for the "stealth" version) all with Molecular wave to make them harder to cut.

The PA head is massive with Boosters and a concussion module installed, as noted in the section "Replaceable Parts and Components" (=w=)b

I have difficulty with English Grammar for several reasons, but I do try, so sorry if it was bad so far. If someone could help me do a check on the grammar that would be very handy! (OwO)b

to be fair I put it in quotes as I am fully unable to find any listing of metal weave fabrics or the like that would be as flexible, I also ran the Idea passed Rizzo who said it sounded okay however I fully understand that last say is with the usual staff that handles this and would ask if some alternatives could be suggested?
Okay, can you describe the boosters and concussion model outside of the replaceable parts sections? That way they're described elsewhere in the article and add to that future tech vibe!

Your grammar is really good and not noticeably bad, just the capitalization stuff!

I think Yarvex fits, but it's a restricted tech so what about the civ version, Chondrex?

Also, it'll need a damage rating.

Thank you for working with me on this!
no worries (=w=)b

and considering its material, the fact that it's a physics weapon to increase force and boosters as well as concussion enhancement what would be a fitting damage rating?

also I think she might be able to get Yarvex if she requested the new Meteor Hammer after she was assigned to SAINT then she could likely get it made.. however if I have to keep off the restricted tech, then yeah Chondrex would work... but can ether of them be disguised as say a fabric or silk? the "stealth" version is meant for her to wear as like part of her normal outfit hidden as like a long sash (for the chain or rope) and a bauble or jewelry (for the head) asking so I can add that info as welll o3o/

also I will work to fix the capitalizations after I get the other stuff worked out (=w=)b
I'm going to need to see the changes made in the article before I could make a call on the damage rating.

I think chondrex. The way it's descibed in the article, only major manufacturers can use yarvex. So, unless you want Ketsurui Fleetyards to be the one to make it and distribute it to anyone in the Star Army, keep it to chondrex. It could look like fabric, sure.
(sorry for additional post but I can't edit the old post)

Tried my best to fix the Capitalization
Added Date for the Current version of the weapon to have been built
Added Damage Rating but awaiting review on that
I made some edits, look them over. I want to gently express how articles need a bit more wiki linking and attention to detail. For instance, we settled on chondrex, but the article still said silk and yamataium in a few places. Also, you didn't link chondrex but just put it in unlinked. Things like that I want you to get in the habit of doing. You're very creative and have a lot more to share with us, but it will be easier to do so if your contributions are the best representations of themselves that they can be.

Now, nothing is telling me this should be tier 8. Stick to tier 5 or below imo.
that's the thing I was trying to figure out what damage tier a Concussion, Monomolecular, Massive head, with thrusters would do considering it would be used in PA only. is tier 5 only as high as the PA version can go?

asking so I can get an Idea for the Damage tier system a bit more for when I make more weapons (o3o)/
Yeah, tier 5 for the PA version! I linked damage rating earlier, take a look to get an idea!
not even tier 6? only asking again I have seen the table but concrete out of table examples help form the range in the mind you know? (=w=)b

changed damage to tier 5
hopefully changed any mention of silks to chondrex link

anything else I have missed o3o?
Tier 5 is still really pushing it for something that is for all intents and purposes a melee weapon. Tier 4,5, and 6 have things the aether beam saber rifle which uses aetherโ€”the most powerful energy conduit and weapon in our setting. I think this is going to sound very placating and possibly rude of me, but get to know the setting over time and see what could be added to make this weapon more powerful and come out with an even more updated version next year that can plausibly be a tier or two more!
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