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[Origin] Cut It, Chain Straight!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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Unless there are any objections, I intend to approve this submission on Saturday.
I have several comments regarding this

What is the power source for the blade? How long can it operate?

Why heated? Heating only makes the metal of the blade expand, it is not going to make it cut through armor better because it would have to be at a temp hot enough to burn through the armor like a cutting torch. Which would probably be far to hot for Durandium to survive. I would suggest removing the heated aspect.

Chainsaw - Chainsaws require constant pressure to get them to continue cutting and they are slow, not a good option for a sword unless you plan on having the enemy hold still while you cut into it with the chainsaw. The only real use for the chainsaw would be against unarmored personnel. Also chainsaws are prone to jamming, binding and require lubrication. There is nothing on this page that covers those aspects.

Vibroblade - Principle the blade cuts better because it is vibrating at a very high frequency. Good effect.

Because you want this to be used against enemy mecha the blade should be made of something tougher, like Endurium otherwise the blade will most likely shatter when hitting something made of medium or heavy armor.
Its a Heated Chainsaw Vibroblade for the simple reason that a Superhot, Vibroblade Chainsaw Katana is awesome.

And since when have we completely obeyed the laws of physics in SARP? The blade won't shatter for the simple reason that Its cool to cut Powered armors and Frames to pieces with a chainsaw katana.

tl;dr: I was talked out of making a heatsword or a chainsaw sword or a vibrosword before because it wasn't realistically feasible for a Giant Robot. I'm not letting anyone talk me out of it again.
The Full Metal Panic anime series has 'monomolecular cutters'... which are basically mecha-sized chainsaw knives. I'm not sure about the monomolecular part, but they do seem to cut through stuff rather well in the anime series.

Wes likes FMP. Therefore, FMP-style chainsaw mecha blades ought to be possible under the handwaving of 'this is sci-fi'. No good reason why this shouldn't be good enough to be part of SARP.

I kind of agree that applying the vibroblade/heatsword aspect over that is kinda pushing it, though. I'd suggest picking one of them, not combining all three.
Chainsaw Blades remind me too much of WH40K. Vibroblades are normally hot anyway, unless I miss my guess (too lazy to look it up) simply because of how fast the thing is moving.

Vibroblade/Heatsword I have no issues with. FMP also never had any Chainswords/knives. Simply monomolecular blades as stated before.
The closest equivalent to this in SARP uses Space Compression to cut.

I'm not going to take anything out of this, which would cut the Damage down from 5 to 3 or 4.
Well, no one suggested bringing down the damage before.

I said, more or less, to remove the Chainsaw part out. However, it would make sense anyway to lower the damage -- it shouldn't do the same thing as a NUCLEAR WEAPON anyway. It's a sword, not a bomb.

Armor Scale
DR Description Example Weapons
1 Very Light | Point defense turrets
2 Light | Mini-missiles
3 Moderate | Mecha forearm weapons, Small missiles
4 Heavy | Heavy mecha rifles, big missiles
5 Very Heavy | Tactical nukes, Mindy 1H Aether Cannons

Moving it from 5 to a 3 or a 4 still makes it a very deadly weapon capable of leveling another Mecha. I don't see an issue with it being lowered, really, and I see a few reasons why it should be lowered.

I suggest simply lowering it to Moderate (3) damage, removing the Chainsaw part of it because it has a lot of problems that you don't need the headache over (stated by someone in a previous post: It jams, it's slow, etc. and it already vibrates, performing the same job,) to explain.
If we're referring to Star Wars vibroblades as an example, then no, they're not heated, at least not based off of KOTOR. In fact, the temperature variance that helped was a super cooled blade, not a heated one. However, that was intended for AP use, not anti-armor use. I don't know if it makes as much sense in the context.
Because someone else has something, doesn't mean you should have it too. Five, I have no say in this, but you can't just disregard something because "someone else has it," or "because it's cool."

You can't possibly tell me that a thing that vibrates has the same damage as a nuclear warhead. A sword cannot level a city in one blow. It won't happen.

All I'm saying is lower it to 3 or 4. (Preferably 3.)

But that's the end of my opinion. Whoever reviews it will take it as they will.

I'm Keeping it at MDR 5. Its a Giant thing meant for powerful and quick slicing attacks. It's also hot as shit, a Chainsaw, and vibrates to help cut.

Is it redundant, and a bit silly? Yes. But I don't give a shit if it's silly. I like it, Its fun, and people letting realism get in the way of fun is a bad thing.

Wes already said that this was fine, and your problems with it are just nagging complaints, like Peg Bundy.

And the DR rating is just a level of comparative power, but that went right out the window when we started making ratings for Yamataian Kit, Or have you forgotten that the Kawarime's turbo aether guns do SDR1, which, according to you, should be able to level a city?
I have no problem with a weapon like this, though I do think a DR of 5 might be a little too much.

That being said, No, this is not going to level a city, If you think that a sword is going to level a city, no matter how awesome it may be, then you need to put your glasses on an look at a city compared to even a giant sword. Although this sword may do a lot of damage, it's in a localized area.

Also, Five. Calm down, watch your language. There's no reason to Cuss and 'yell' at people who are ultimately trying to help you. Also, all your evidence so far has been circumstantial at best, and really isn't valid.
I think dropping the DR from 5 to 4 or 3 should be done as well, DR5 is usually reserved for things like aether and nukes...this isn't either of those and I really don't see it being on an equal destructive scale as either of them. Other than that nifty submission, I'm not particularly fond of the chain-blade part but honestly arguing 'it's not practical' is pointless and in reality it could be practical but you'd just have to change the way you used the weapon normally (instead of slashes you'd have to hold it against whatever you want to cut).
You still have not addressed several very valid issues. Wes' post did gave it conditional approval barring objections. Several have been raised by the reviewers.

Wes said:
Unless there are any objections, I intend to approve this submission on Saturday.
The following reasons from the Submission guides are enough to say that this needs to be reworked.

Five said:
Is it redundant, and a bit silly? Yes
[-] Obtusely redundant, by your own admission this is redundant

[-] Lacking Detail
This is an energy device as written. You have failed to include where the weapon get's it power. Does it have an internal power source or draw it from the unit carrying it. If it is internal how long can the weapon operate on it.

You need to specify what powers this.

[-] Reasonably scientifically plausible
It is not reasonable to use an Aluminum Carbon composite and try to heat it to burn through other armor. The blade would melt.

[-] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
Damage is too high.

The Aether cannons of the Kawarime are not the subject of debate Five and are no more powerful than the original Aether cannon on the T4. And have only 1/4 of the range of the T4's cannon.
I'll cut the DR down to 4, and change it from being Durandium to Nerimium.

I'm not getting rid of the either the Chainsaw Part, or the Vibroblade Part, or the Heatsword part. That's for flavor, pure and simple. And i'm not changing anything else. All this feels like is a certain group of people ganging up on my submissions because they don't like what it contains, or because it's too fantastical for their interpretation of SARP. But that's just me ranting, with a slightly paranoid twinge combined with my stubbornness.

I'll change it, get rid of the chainsaw part, make it Nerimium, BUT, listening to Kai and Fred, keep it at MDR 5 to represent it being a highly specialised cutting device made to mission kill Yamataian PAs in one stroke, Nepleslian ones in 2, a light frame in 3, and a normal Frame in 4.
Nash, I think what five meant by redundancy was the three different systems working together to do the damage, Heat, Vibration, and chanswordness.

A sword will always be redundant in any setting because there's already swords.

That however should not stop people from making swords differently.