Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP [Origin Industries] OIF Reaper- Pre Recovery

"Good to see you, Corporal," Trey greeted Robin, giving him a friendly wave. "Were were just preparing our gear, since the ship's already taken off and we're heading to the site now. I'm not sure if you'll need that gun for much, it's a safe area, at least as far as enemies are concerned. the Asteroid field is the biggest threat where we're headed." Trey shook his head, trying not to get involved in the antics of the new crew members. They had to learn each other's limits and figure out how to help one another, and a little bit of headbutting was normal at this point. He just wasn't sure what Raffaele thought he might be able to do without making some serious modifications to the armor Trey had picked out for him.

"I surveyed the site myself a few weeks ago, the Asteroids are pretty active around the edges but closer to the center where we'll be working the big ones are pretty stable. Still, make sure to keep your head on a swivel. I almost got clocked by one the size of a basketball and while I doubt it would have killed me in a power armor it probably would have knocked me out."

Trey looked over at the three new people and winced a bit as the fighting got a little worse. "Hey, Weiss, you mind helping me out if they get out of hand?" he asked the security member in a hushed tone.
Robin took a step back from Raff with a shrug of his free shoulder, still smiling, and turned to face Trey and the Minkan. "Ventriss, got it. Can't say I remember the names I was told. Helps to be able to put a face to them first, y'know?" He patted the rifle's side, smirking a little wider at the sergeant. "So I've heard, but I prefer to be ready anyway. Trouble can happen anywhere. I know from experience. But, if you want me to leave this behind, you're the boss. You're right that we aren't likely to run into anything too bad out here. In any case, I'll be sure to keep my eyes open out there for rocks. You guys just focus on your work."

He moved to fall in close beside Trey, making the motion appear nonchalant and 'military,' and answered quietly while the others were busy with their respective gear. "Yeah, you got it, boss. Can't be as bad as babysitting marines was. They just need a couple smooth ops under their belts, n' they'll get along."
Cargo Bay

"You're right, the world isn't out to get me. Because if it was it would have caught up by now right?" Raff shot back, who did she think she was helping by playing with his hair like a kid. No offensive intentions or not he was pissed now, Raffaele took the elbow shove without a word and continued messing with the suit not giving the minkan another glance. The Nepleslian knew he was stubborn and had a quick temper, but she certainly wasn't helping herself, she was probably used to men falling to her words or something, had life served to her on a platter. Despite not having any idea of her background an angry person will always justify things to themselves.

And Raff really didn't think she knew what it was like trying to survive on your own, especially after the extra crap he had to deal with when he was younger. It's ironic really, that the only people who actually embraced his stature were criminals trying to use him, he chuckled to himself as he worked to modify the suit slightly for that same stature. They'd at least gotten him some size appropriate gear too, maybe he'd try finding them again after this job.
Cargo bay

Ventriss rested her janky-looking hybrid rifle against her suit's thigh before she gave the suit a more thorough look-over, leaning in to rub her hands against the inside of the suit's padded interior as she did a pre-flight check but the Minkan quickly realized that as far as she could tell her suit was lacking any kind of thruster modules for zero-g navigation.

The redhead ran a hand down the suit's padded spine and let out a small breath, she'd used Impulse armour before but even that first time had given her this strange sense of deja-vu - she really shouldn't dwell on it but Ventriss had at least tried to move on from the ruined Mindy a close friend of hers refused to sell, saying she'd regret it later down the line.

Ventriss gave her head a small shake as she let out a sigh and turned back towards the captain and corporal, smiling slightly as the knife-eared minkan spoke.

"So I have two good questions, one isn't as good but still," she began her bit, sauntering over to the two not-vertically-challenged Nepleslians with her hands pressed together. "Do you have any kind of thruster kits for the armour because well I'd rather not just float off into the void if I can help it, and do you have a pressure suit somewhere I can borrow?" the second question was more of a personal thing, sure it was probably a normal enough question but she found it difficult to clunk without the feeling of a suit on her skin - seeing as she was in a ship with a bunch of people she barely met she wasn't quite ready to go flying around in the buff with them just yet so something form-fitting and thin would work well enough or at least better than her thick armour or origin uniform.

Okay maybe one of them, but one cute fox-girl was different to a bunch of overly buff Nepleslians that she had partially ticked off.
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The Master Sergeant sighed, putting a hand on his forehead as Raffaele continued his angry tirade, deciding not to go help the little man as it seemed he was content to be angry and work on the armor by himself. however, his attention was soon turned to Ventriss as she began to ask multiple questions of the man.

"Ah, yes, you'll find the backpacks are over there," Trey answered to Ventriss' first question, pointing to a rack with boxy backpacks which appeared to have a single attachment point near their centers. They were just the standard backpack, a small reactor and simple thrusters along with a couple of attachment points for weapons and gear.

"As for the other request, we do have some of the Armored Pilot Suits available, I suppose you could remove the armor plating and just wear it like a Normal Suit, or if you just need to be comfortable, I typically wear my uniform slacks and T-shirt inside the armor. anything else is just another layer between you and the environmental system, and I wouldn't really recommend that."
Cargo Bay

One of the Minkan's hands moved under her chest while the other one balled up under her chin and she let out a thoughtful sigh of consideration - she felt like prying the armoured plates off, only to re-attach them later sounded a bit redundant to her but at least there were mobility packs tucked away for them.

"Hmmm, I wouldn't want to go breaking down your gear so... I guess I'll follow your style for now," the redhead said with a quick nod to the captain before she began moving over to the aforementioned backpacks, picking one up as she moved again to hide behind a tall pile of crates. A few moments passed along with some rustling sounds before the suit of Muur body armour was tossed across to hand on the same hook the backpack had been on, lacking a utility belt that had been worn alongside it previously, a sleeve of her assigned Origin uniform could be seen poking out from the armour's collar.

"I don't want to hear whistles or any of that shit - okay?" Ventriss called out from her hidden corner before she flew out at top-speed - a flash of bright red hair and porcelain skin broken up by her white tank top and black underwear as she put the mobility pack on the ground, twisting her body mid-air to grip onto her suit's knees and flip her agile body into the Impulse's soft interior.

Anybody quick enough might've caught a glimpse of her lean body but now she had begun sealing the suit up and fastening a utility belt to it's hips, feeling the padded surface press up against her exposed limbs.

She wasn't quite naked, but Ventriss sure as hell wasn't wearing a pressure suit underneath her Impulse as she started attaching the backpack awkwardly behind herself.
Robin chuckled, his small eyes widening just slightly after witnessing the acrobatic display. "Nice moves. Hopefully those skills will help you move around out there. You used to zero-g maneuvering? It's a lot different from flipping around in atmo, even for a trained performer."

Before waiting on an answer, the corporal set his rifle down on a nearby surface and removed his hat, then untied his ponytail to let his long hair flow free. He casually stripped out of his overshirts until he was only wearing a grey tanktop on his torso, revealing a figure unusual for a Nepleslian, more slender than muscular. He strode over to an armor of his own and donned it with trained speed and efficiency, the longest and least rote action being that of tucking his hair safely into the helmet before sealing it. Next, he took one of the backpack accessories and secured it to his suit with similar familiarity, before picking up his rifle again and holding it across his chest in one hand. His voice came forth again, modulated by the helmet. "Ready to roll when you all are."
Cargo Bay

Raff was glad that people were finally just listening to him and giving the shorter man some space, taking a breath he set to work manipulating several portions of the legs and torso until it was somewhat smaller than before although only my a tiny margin, he wasn't ripping it apart afterall so his options were limited. After the small changes had been completed he worked on implementing some internal stilt like setup which would help his feet to be held within the shin area rather than the boots, which in turn kept his torso mostly inline with the suit and meant he could for better or worse, actually wear the impulse.

With no concerns for his own privacy he simply changed down into boxers and stepped into his own, slighly modified impulse to test it and ensure it wouldn't fail immediately. "Ready to go on your order sir, this temporary fix should last at least until I can properly modify it." He said plainly.
Satisfied that everyone who was present had begun getting aboard the armors that they would be using, Trey decided to find one for his own use. While he could fit in one just fine and the automatic adjustments would account for his height, he did know he had a few preferences to the adjustments, and so swiftly set about with a couple of tools carrying out his task, quickly adjusting the exact placements of a few of the joints and allowing for the suit's AI to log the changes, the ex-marine then pulled off the top of his uniform, folding it neatly and placing it next to the armor rack, before climbing into the suit- boots, pants, t-shirt, even his belt remained on, before making himself comfortable inside the armor.

"I've probably told a hundred people this, but these industrial spec suits just don't have the same feel as a good 'ol military grade armor, like a Hostile or even just the higher-spec versions of the Impulse. These aren't much better than a standard hardsuit in this configuration, so don't go thinking you're in some invincible military armor; you really aren't." As the Master Sergeant (Not the Captain!) said all this, he finished closing himself off in the armor, finally placing the helmet on and letting it click shut, the suit coming to life and its systems starting their boot up procedure.

"If you need to get used to the armor, I'd suggest practicing in here, nothing expensive enough to worry about crashing into. Otherwise, we can get ready for the mission in the cargo bay."
Cargo Bay

Ventriss began testing her suit's limbs to make sure they weren't too restrictive as she got use to the Impulse's style of interior padding, the armoured red-head looked back over her shoulder to speak to the Nep with glorious, flowing hair, "I appreciate it but don't you worry that pretty little head of yours, I'll be alright so long as we don't get in over our heads."

Her words trailed off slightly towards the end as she got that same fragment of a memory stuck in her head again, darkness, plumes of orange and a golden blur before she lost her grip on it again with a shudder. The Minkan pushed it from her mind with a shake of her armoured head before she turned to speak to their big boss man.

"Ready and waiting sir, let's go save our damsel in distress," has all the confirmation Ventriss felt she needed to give as she picked up the janky-looking rifle and hugged it across her chest.