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[Origin] Medium Positron Array


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Inactive Member
Medium Positron Array

Once again, a fairly generic main ship weapon, these are based off the "D-Gun" but are less powerful and don't do damage in an arc.

comment, criticise, try to help me, I probably don't know what i'm doing with this one.
I didn't write that part, it was taken from the D-gun writeup on the Yggdrasill, I believe. Let me go check and see if that's what it is, or if I just fail at technobabble.

Edit: Upon reviewing the Wiki, I will change that passage, as it really doesn't make sense, thenk you for bringing that to my attention, Wes.
The by product of a matter-antimatter reactor is not antimatter. Antimatter is one of the components/fuel.

Might want to word it:

"Utilizes the ship's onboard antimatter supply...." or something simular.

Requires modification.
LE BUMPETH! for great justice!

or such.

I have modified the wording, does it work now?

Next time, proofread your submission like the rules say. I fixed an obvious typo and where you confused "it's" (it is) with "its."
The Yggdrasill's D-Gun was taken in turn from the Vampire on which it was built from. Also, the ship submission requirements have changed since that time.

I believe that the way it REALLY works is that a set number of positrons are shunted away from the reactor to charge the D-Gun.
Toshiro said:
The Yggdrasill's D-Gun was taken in turn from the Vampire on which it was built from. Also, the ship submission requirements have changed since that time.

I believe that the way it REALLY works is that a set number of positrons are shunted away from the reactor to charge the D-Gun.
This is correct. The anti-matter used in the D-Gun is a byproduct of the ship's Quantum-Gravitic Generators (artificial black hole type).
Thanks for approving this. Do I need to change anything with this new knowledge of how the D-Gun gets its positrons?
Approved, but only usable with a source of positrons.