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SYNC [Origin/RyuK] License/Purchase Inquiry


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RP Date
YE 45.3
From: Luca He, Ryu Keiretsu Acquisitions Division
To: Origin Industries Licensing Department


The Ryu Keiretsu is interested in acquiring the full rights or licensing rights to produce a number of your older products and technologies. Origins has a long history of providing quality products to the Kikyo Sector and we are interested in servicing both customers with the old design and helping shore up some of our issues in research. We are interested in the following:
  • Jinkan
  • Onset
  • Kouken
  • Justicar
  • Mobile Assembly Platform
  • Courier 2C
  • Type 32 Airbike
  • Starbryte
  • Standard Energy Pistol
  • Variable Launch Tube
  • OI-Z1b Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (Refit)
  • Inline Aether to Plasma Drive
  • Point Defense Phased Array Laser
  • ODM 10mm Pistol
  • Gauss Sub Machine Gun
  • Anti-Ship Phased Array Laser
  • Gauss Sniper Rifle
  • Armor Service Gauss Rifle
  • Origin Phased Array Laser
  • Medium Positron Array
  • Ionic Pulse Cannon
I look forward to your response and a beginning of a fruitful relationship between Origin Industries and the Ryu Keiretsu.

Luca He
Acquisitions Specialist
Ryu Keiretsu

To: Luca He, Ryu Keiretsu Acquisitions Division
From: Skid Brickland, Origin Industries Contracting


Origin Industries is happy to work with you, and looking forward to doing business with Ryu Keiretsu. Some of the items you inquired about are able to be licensed or have the rights bought, however, many are not. Origin will be happy to offer sales to Ryu Keiretsu of any of these latter products. For convenience sake, I will break down the disposition and options available for each of the products you asked about, in the order they were listed.

  • Jinkan - The Original Jinkan may be licensed for production. The Jinkan II may be purchased.
  • Onset - The Onset shuttle is not longer produced by Origin industries. Licensing or production rights are available.
  • Kouken - The Kouken may be licensed or purchased.
  • Justicar - The Justicar may be Licensed or Purchased
  • Mobile Assembly Platform - The MAP may be purchased, no licensing options are currently available.
  • Courier 2C - The Courier 2C may be purchased, No licensing options are currently available.
  • Type 32 Airbike - The Type 32 Airbike may be licensed or purchased.
  • Starbryte - The Starbryte Shuttle may be purchased
  • Standard Energy Pistol - The SEP is no longer in production. Licensing or production rights are available.
  • Variable Launch Tube - the VLT may be Licensed or Purchased
  • OI-Z1b Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (Refit) - OI-Z1b missiles may be Licensed or Purchased
  • Inline Aether to Plasma Drive - IAPD's may be Licensed or Purchased
  • Point Defense Phased Array Laser - PDPAL's may be Licensed or Purchased
  • ODM 10mm Pistol - may be Licensed or Purchased
  • Gauss Sub Machine Gun - Available for Purchase only
  • Anti-Ship Phased Array Laser - may be Licensed or Purchased
  • Gauss Sniper Rifle - Available for Purchase only
  • Armor Service Gauss Rifle - Available for Purchase only
  • Origin Phased Array Laser - may be Licensed or Purchased
  • Medium Positron Array - Available for Purchase only
  • Ionic Pulse Cannon - may be Licensed or Purchased
As a note, standard Licensing contracts are 30% of the price per unit, for up to 1,000 units, and 20% per unit after that, up to 10,000 units, before the contract must be renewed. Purchases are retail price, unless in bulk (Bulk orders determined by product) in which we offer a 10% discount. For Production rights, they must be negotiated per product, and the amount will vary whether it is just full rights, or if the deal includes any extras, such as forming dies, production machinery, and whether or not the product includes other products which may or may not need licensing per unit.

Skid Brickland,
Contracting lead,
Origin Industries.
To: Skid Brickland, Contracting Lead
From: Kai Kenshin, Chief Business Officer

Thank you for your swift reply. Due to the scale of the bulk orders and negotiations needed to establish a licensing agreement that will make all sides happy, I wish to extend an invitation for a business meeting. Fujiko IV's new Shenhong City is beautiful this time of the year. However, my schedule is also open to a trip to Ake. I have heard the system is undergoing terraforming efforts I would love to see first hand.

Good health and Long Life,
Kai Kenshin
Chief Business Officer, Ryu Keiretsu
To: Kai Kenshin, Chief Business Officer
From: Skid Brickland, Contracting Lead

We are more than happy to receive you in Origin city on Ake. Once the business between our companies has been taken care of, we'll most certainly send a representative to visit Shenhong City, as well. Simply let us know when you are able to make the trip, and we will ensure you arrive safely, as I know the Ake system is quite a ways from the center of the sector.

Wishing you and yours well, and safe travels,

Skid Brickland,
Contracting lead,
Origin Industries.
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